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AP World Must-Know Dates Flashcards

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162626732beginnings of agriculture8000 BCE1
162626733beginnings of Bronze Age3000 BCE2
162626734Iron Age1300 BCE3
162626735life of Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tsu500s BCE4
162626736Greek Golden Age400s BCE5
162626737Alexander the Great323 BCE6
162626738Qin unified China221 BCE7
162626739beginnings of Christianity32 CE8
162626740end of Pax Romana180 CE9
162626741end of Han Dynasty220 CE10
162626742Roman capital moved to Constantinople33311
162626743beginning of Trans-Saharan Trade Routes300s12
162626744fall of Rome47613
162626745Justinian rule of Byzantine Empire52714
162626746founding of Islam62215
162626747Battle of Tours (end of Muslim move into France)73216
162626748Great Schism105417
162626749Norman conquest of England106618
162626750Battle of Manzikert (Seljuks defeat Byzantine Empire)107119
1626267511st Crusade109520
162626752Mongols sack Baghdad125821
162626753Marco Polo travels1271-129522
162626754Mansa Musa's pilgrimage132423
162626755travels of Ibn Battuta1325-134924
162626756bubonic plague in Europe1347-134825
162626757end of Zheng He's voyages/Rise of the Ottomans143326
162626758Ottomans capture Constantinople145327
162626759Dias rounds Cape of Good Hope148828
162626760Columbus sailed/Reconquista of Spain149229
1626267611st slaves to Americas150230
162626762Martin Luther/95 Theses151731
162626763Cortez conquered the Aztecs152132
162626764Pizarro toppled the Inca153333
162626765Battle of Lepanto (naval defeat of Ottomans)157134
162626766defeat of Spanish Armada by the British158835
162626767Battle of Sekigahara/beginning of Tokugawa160036
162626768foundation of Jamestown160737
16262676930 Year's War1618-164838
162626770unsuccessful Ottoman siege of Vienna168339
162626771Glorious Revolution/English Bill of Rights168940
1626267727 Year's War/French and Indian War1756-176341
162626773American Revolution/Smith writes Wealth of Nations177642
162626774French Revolution178943
162626775Haitian independence180444
162626776Congress of Vienna181545
162626777independence in Latin America1820s46
162626778Opium War in China183947
162626779European revolutions/Marx and Engles write Communist Manifesto184848
162626780Commodore Perry opens Japan185349
162626781Sepoy Mutiny185750
162626782end of Russian serfdom/Italian unification186151
162626783Emancipation Proclamation in US186352
162626784German unification187153
162626785Berlin Conference/division of Africa188554
162626786Spanish-American War189855
162626787Boer War189956
162626788Russo-Japanese War190557
162626789Mexican Revolution1910-192058
162626790Chinese Revolution191159
162626791World War I1914-191860
162626792Russian Revolution191761
162626793Treaty of Versailles191962
162626794stock market crash192963
162626795Japanese invasion of Manchuria193164
162626796Italian invasion of Ethiopia193565
162626797German blitzkrieg in Poland193966
162626798Pearl Harbor194167
162626799end of World War II194568
162626800independence and partition of India194769
162626801birth of Israel194870
162626802Chinese Communist Revolution194971
162626803Korean War1950-195372
162626804Vietnamese defeat French at Dien Bien Phu195473
162626805de-Stalinization/nationalization of Suez Canal195674
162626806Cuban Revolution195975
162626807Cuban Missile Crisis196276
1626268086 Day War/Chinese Cultural Revolution196777
162626809Yom Kippur War197378
162626810Iranian Revolution197979
1626268111st Palestinian Intifada198780
162626812Tiananmen Square/fall of Berlin Wall198981
162626813fall of USSR/1st Gulf War199182
162626814genocide in Rwanda/all race election in S. Africa199483
1626268159/11 attacks200184

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