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ap world questons Flashcards

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95770995What do the words lex talianos relate too?Eye for an eye0
95770996The epic of Gilgamesh deals with several subjects, what are they?3 out of 4 Meaning of life and death, Human Friendship, Relationship between gods and humans1
95770997Egypt was united in 3100B.C.E by what conqueror?Menes2
95770998What pharaoh tried unsuccessfully to make Egypt monotheistic?Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV)3
95770999ll archeological evidence from early Indian history suggests what two places had central authority?Harrapa and Mohenjo-Daro4
95771000What group may have been the first people to domesticate horses and hitch animals to wagons, had original homeland in Ukraine, and spread variations of their language from India to Europe?Indo-Eupopeans5
95771001What is the Varna hierarchy?The Hindu caste system (Brahmin Kshatraya Vaishva Shudra)6
95771002By 5 thousand B.C.E Mesoamericans had discovered potential of what crop?Maize7
95771003Who destroyed the ceremonial centers of San Lorenzo and La Venta?Internal uprising8
95771004What was the first society of Mesoamerica that founded traditions that will be followed by all following civilizations?Olmec9
95771005Why were many of literary works of the Chinese destroyed?New Dynasties didn't agree with past Dynasties10
95771006What group collapsed due to internal dissension and civil war, failure of water control and spread of epidemic diseases in the Americas like yellow fever?Mayans11
95771007What American culture had a system of writing, concept of zero and most elaborate calendar?Mayan12
95771008What cult produced deities with the features of humans and wild animals in Americas?Chavin13
95771009When did the Chinese begin an extensive use of writing?Shang Dynasty14
95771010Whose policies are closely resemble these: strong centralized rule, huge public project, disarming regional military?Shi Huangdi15
95771011What is the philosophy which criticized social activism and instead proposed a life in reflection and introspection in china?Daoism16
95771012Name the person whose most important contribution to china was establishing a president for central imperial rule?Han Whodi17
95771013In 124B.C.E. Han Wudi transformed china by doing what?He proposed Confucianism to government in Universities18
95771014The first ruler to unify India was?Chandragupta Maurya19
95771015The high point of Maryan success would come during the reign of whom?Ashoka20
95771016What is the collection of Confucian sayings and teachings called?Analects21
95771017What two great Indian epics commonly portrayed women as weak willed and emotional creatures?Mahabharata and the Ramayana22
95771018What religions were popular during the roman empire?Christianity, Mithraism, Judaism23
95771019Jesus of Nazareth's followers called him the Christ which mean what?The anointed24
95771020In Rome, whose political philosophy favored liberal policies and social reform?Julius Caesar25
95771021What were the latifundia?Roman estates similar to manors26
95771022In the early period of Roman expansion the eastern half of the Mediterranean was dominated by the Antigonids, the salusids and the talamayids while the western half was controlled by whom?Carthaginans27
95771023The turning point in roman history was their struggle in the punic wars against who?Carthage28
95771024In an effort to alleviate social tensions, what group was allowed to elect 2 and then 10 tribunes?Pelbians29
95771025Which of the Hellenistic philosophies viewed pleasure as the greatest good?eupicurians30
95771026Who wrote the Bacchae?Euripides31
95771027In a disaster which the Byzantine empire never really recovered Constantinople was sacked in 1204 by whom?The 4th crusade (Norman Knights)32
95771028Direct to the Byzantine emperor arose in the year 800 when the pope gave an imperial crown the what Frankish king?Charlemagne33
95771029Emperor Leo the III inaugurated the divisive ecclesiastical policy called what?Iconoclasm34
95771030In 1054 the pope and the patriarch in Constantinople did what?The Great Schism; the two churches seperated35
95771031Justinian issued what and won recognition as definitive codification of Roman law: Corpus Iruris ciuilis Constantinople fell in 1453 to whom?Ottoman Turks36
95771032What is the name system historians use when the emperor has political and religious authority?Caesaropapism37
95771033In 325C.E. what decided that Jesus possessed both human and divine natures?Council of Nicea38
95771034The Tang planned to avoid the concentration of land of the wealthy and the resulting unrest was called what?Equal Field System39
95771035What Islamic thinker studied Aristotle and thought in turn influenced rise of European scholasticism?Ibn Rushd40
95771036What Sui construction would have important economic implications well into 20th century?Great Canal41
95771037In 1185 the Minimoto clan defeated their rival the Tyra clan and created what?Kamakura Shogunate42
95771038When was the Chinese influence on Japan most profound?Heian period43
95771039What is the most popular school of thought of Buddhism in China?Chan Buddhism44
95771040What is the most important virtue of Boshido?Loyalty45
95771041What was brought to an end by an invasion of the white Huns in 451 C.E?Gupta Dynasty46
95771042In 711 the northern Indian area of Sind fell to what group?Umayyad Dynasty47
95771043What Islamic leader lead 17 different raiding expeditions into India during 11th century?Mahmud of Ghazni48
95771044Who was the most important figure in providing the roman church with the sense of direction during the early middle ages by reasserting papal primacy?Pope Gregory 149

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