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AP World Review Flashcards

Some flash cards to help study for the AP World test. Includes terms from Barron review book and the Spodec text book.

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23258919Han DynastyA Chinese dynasty that ruled from 206 BCE - 220 CE. It was first founded by Liu Bang, had Confucian ideals, gave the state larger control, etc. It did not fall until the Yellow Turban Revolt.0
23258920WudiThe Emperor who ruled in China from 141-86 BCE. He increased Confucianism in China, saw the population grow, and ruled over a generally peaceful and prosperous time.1
23258921Sui DynastyThe Dynasty that reunified China in 581 following the Han. They lasted until 618 CE, having increased centralization and built the Grand Canal.2
23258922Tang DynastyRuled China following the Sui Dynasty, from 618-907 CE. They centralized the government and made art and technological advances.3
23258923AnnamVietnam province of China for around 1,000 years.4
23258924ShintoJapanese religion of nature worship.5
23258925Indo-AryanAn ethno-linguistic term referring to an offset of the Indo-European language family.6
23258926Chanda Gupta IThe person who founded the Gupta Empire.7
23258927GuildsRules created by independent business men/producers that established work rules, prices, and standards.8
23258928KautilyaThe man who adviser to Chandragupta Maurya. He also created the Arthra-sastra9
23258929Arthra-sastraA legal code that told how a king should rule that was created by Kautilya. This book had realpolitik policies.10
23258930AsokaThis man ruled the Mauryan Empire at its largest. He brought about the union of the government and Buddhism. He himself converted to Buddhism after having had years of violent rule.11
23258931Mauryan EmpireIndian Empire that fell in 184 BCE. It encompassed nearly all of India (excluding the southern tip). During this time, the hereditary government was replaced with state structures.12
23258932JanapadasMajor kingdoms/areas that existed in India in 6th century BCE were called this.13
23258933MagadhaThe dominant state of the Mauryan Empire.14
23258934VedasLarge texts that tell history (of India) in sanskrit. It is the longest epic poem ever wrote (about 10 times the length of the Bible).15
23258935HinduismThe most well-known polytheistic religion. Followers belieive that all gods are part of Brahma. Characterized by caste system, reincarnation, meditation, Dharma, Karma, etc.16
23258936RigvedaA collection of sacred ancient Indian Vedic Sanskirt hymns. Part of the Vedas.17
23258937AtmanWhat a soul is called in Hinduism. Followers believe that it will eventually join with Brahma.18
23258938JainismThis is an ancient religion from India. Followers believe that every soul is divine and has the potential to achieve God.19
23258939BuddhaAnother name for Sidddhartha Guatama, the founder of Buddhism.20
23258940Four Noble TruthsThe 4 main beliefs of Buddhism: the sorrow is birth, age, disease, separation, death, etc. Sorrow comes from thirsts/passions. To end thirst, you need passion. Eight fold path (right views, resolve, speech, conduct, livelihood, effort, recollection, meditation).21
23258941MahaynaThe larger of the two main sects of Buddhism.22
23258942UpanishadsHindu scriptures that constitute the core teachings of Vedanta.23
23258943StupaA sacred Buddhist monument; a sign of enlightenment.24
23258944ArianismThe teachings of Arius (a Christian priest), who was called a heretic. He didn't believe that Jesus was divine.25
23258945EucharistHoly Communion26
23258946ClovisFirst King of Franks to unite all of the tribes. He eventually converted to Roman Catholicism.27
2325894710 Lost Tribes of IsraelAncient tribes of Israel that disappeared from the Biblical account after they were enslaved/exiled by Assyrians.28
23258948DiasporaThe population of Jews exiled from Israel by the Babylonians and Romans.29
23258949Dead Sea ScrollsA collection of about 800 documents, including texts from the Hebrew Bible. It holds great religious and historical significance.30
23258950AbrahamSeen to be the oldest believer of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.31
23258951TaNaKhJewish religious works including the Torah, Nevi'in, and Ketuvim32
23258952Benedict of NursiaA Saint in Italy who was the founder of Western Christian monastic communities.33
23258953Carolingian RenaissanceA period of intellectual and cultural revival in the late 8th and 9th century. Saw an increase in arts, architecture, literature, etc.34
23258954MuhammadThe founder of Islam; followers believe that the word of God was spoken to him during meditation.35
23258955Qur'anHoly writings of Islam. It was recounted by Muhammad.36
23258956MeccaA Holy Islamic city. One of the 5 pillars of Islam is to visit this city.37
23258957jihadA religious duty of Muslims; "the struggle"38
23258958SunniIslamic branch that don't believe that Imams should only be descendants of Ali.39
23258959Shi'aSect of Islam that believes that only descendants of Ali should be Imams.40
23258960CaliphLeader of the Islamic community; head of state in Islamic caliphate41
23258961Umayyad2nd of the 4 caliphates following the death of Muhammad.42
23258962Abu BakrThis person was Muhammad's closest adviser and the first convert to Islam. He accompanied Muhammad on his journey to Medina.43
23258963hijraThe name for Muhammad's flight from Mecca to Medina.44
23258964Code of HammurabiA post-Sumeria legal code that was created by Babylonian King Hammurabi in 1750. Had eye-for-an-eye, tooth-for-a-tooth mentality.45
23258965pictogramPicture representations/simple drawings to represent objects; type of written language.46
23258966cuneiformType of written language made with wedge-shaped stylus. Used to represent sounds and words.47
23258967ideogramsA character/figure representing the idea of something (opposed to its name). (For example, the written language of China).48
23258968Bronze AgePrehistoric period from 3000-1000 BCE. When bronze first became widely used.49
23258969Akkadian EmpireBegan in 2350 BCE when Sargon - King of Akkad - began conquering Sumerian cities. The empire was the first to unite city-states under a single ruler and ruled for 200 years.50
23258970City-stateAn independent, self-governing city that incorporates surrounding territory (including small villages/towns).51
23258971SumerArea that was first settled around 3300 BCE in Mesopotamia (around modern day Iraq).52
23258972NeolithicThe "new stone age." Occurred about 10,000 BCE.53
23258973Caste SystemAryan system that ranked people at birth according to family occupation, color, ritual purity, etc. Used until fairly recently in India.54
23258974HarrapaFirst city found in the Indus Valley. Few artifacts were found and little could be deciphered about the culture that lived there. This name is also given to represent the entire Indus Valley Civilization.55
23258975Indus Valley CivilizationBelieved to be around 2500 BCE. An ancient Indian civilization whose script is still not deciphered. It developed independently of Mesopotamia.56
23258976HyksosPeople who came from north east of the Sinai desert; brought about the end of the Middle Kingdom in Egypt. Name means "princes of foreign lands."57
23258977Book of the DeadCommon name for the Egyptian funeral texts. Is placed with the dead to let them pass through the underworld to the Field of Reeds safely.58
23258978Old KingdomEgyptian kingdom that ruled around 2700-2200 BCE. Ended with central authority weakened, nomarchs became corrupt, famine became large. Brought about first time of disunity.59
23258979Middle KingdomEgyptian kingdom that ruled from about 2050-1750 BCE when King Mentuhotpe of Thebes reunited Egypt. Fine arts flourished, the state developed more organization and power, and it was finally ended by the arrival of the Hyksos.60
23258980New KingdomEgyptian kingdom from 1550-1000 BCE. During this time they asserted their power over parts of Nubia and Palestine; Akhenaten one of the most famous rulers of this kingdom.61
23258981ma'atAncient Egyptian concept of truth and order; partially codified law.62
23258982MenesBelieved to be the person to have unified Egypt. Also called Narmer.63
23258983cataractA large waterfall (often used in context to Ancient Egypt); a violent rush of water over a precipice that sometimes limited expansion in Ancient Egypt64
23258984MayaAn pre-Columbian American civilization in Mesoamerica. They had fully developed writing, advanced art, architecture, math, and astronomy. They fell due to overpopulation, invasion, peasant revolt, collapse of the trade routes, and climate change.65
23258985YangshaoAncient people in China who were large until 2700 BCE. Their main farming consisted of millet, wheat, along with the domestication of pigs, dogs, etc.66
23258986LongshanAncient Chinese people who were more advanced than the Yangshao. They domesticated sheep and cattle along with using pottery wheels.67
23258987AnyangThe last capital of the Shang Dynasty. It was the most powerful, stretching over 200 miles. it was eventually burned to the ground and robbed.68
23258988"sage kings"What the collective group of 3 kings (Yao, Shun, and Yu) in Ancient China were called. They ruled with perfect wisdom, clarity, and virtue. This is often believed to be the most virtuous period in Chinese history.69
23258989Xia DynastyAncient Chinese civilization that are believed to have ruled from about 2205-1766 BCE. Not much is known about this civilization, so some believe that it is merely myth.70
23258990Zhou DynastyAncient Chinese civilization that rose to power around 1122 BCE and survived for over 600 years. They began recording political thoughts, was the first time that the "Mandate of Heaven" was used, wrote the "Book of Songs," developed cavalry, and expanded greatly.71
23258991TeotihuacaOne of the great ancient cities in the Americas, peaking around 550 CE. Contained the Pyramid of the Sun and had a powerful imperial force. 650 the city was deliberately burned.72
23258992Nok CultureAn African culture that existed around 500 BCE in Northern Nigeria. They lived along the Niger river and produced terra cotta sculptures.73
23258993Jenne-jenoFirst indigenous city in Sub-Saharan Africa that began around 250 BCE, reacching its peak around 900 CE. Believed that urbanism existed here without a strong centralized government.74
23258994Sargon of AkkadMan who led an immigrant group of Semitic people into Sumer (also called Akkad). He led them to many victories.75
23258995Battle of QadeshA fight that occurred between Egyptians and Hittites over control of Syria in 1274 BCE. Each side had around 20,000 men, and it eventually ended with a draw.76
23258996BabyloniansA semitic group who are also called Amorites. There most famous ruler is probably Hammurabi.77
23259052Abbasid CaliphateDescendants of the Prophet Muhammad's uncle, al-Abbas, the Abbasids overthrew the Umayyad Caliphate and ruled an Islamic empire from their capital in Baghdad (founded 762) from 750 to 1258. (p. 234)78
23259053absolutionThe theory popular in France and other early modern European monarchies that royal power should be free of constitutional checks. (p. 452)79
23259062African national Congressan organization dedicated to obtaining equal voting and civil rights for the black inhabitants of South Africa.80
23259063AfrikanersSouth Africans descended from Dutch and French settlers of the seventeenth century. Their Great Trek founded new settler colonies in the nineteenth century. Though a minority among South Africans, they held political power after 1910, imposing a system of racial segregation called apartheid after 194981
23259064Akhenatenearly ruler of Egypt who rejected the old gods and replaced them with sun worship (died in 1358 BC)82

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