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AP World Studies Chs. 7-12 Chapter Review Flashcards

Mr. Traughber's class

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217922023CyrusFounder of the Achaemenid (Persian) Empire, launched a rebellion against the Median overlord of the land he grew up in and brought all of Iran under his control. Would have been much more successful, but died young.0
217922024CambysesSon of Cyrus, conquered Egypt.1
217922025DariusGreatest Achaemenid emperor, expanding the empire to the Indus river in the east, to the western coast of the black sea, to the first cataract of the Nile River in the south. Even more important as a great administrator than as conqueror. Divided realm into satrapies.2
217922026SatrapiesRulers over divisions of land in the Persian empire3
217922027Eyes and EarsAgents who spied on the Persian satrapies and kept their power in check4
217922028Seleucid EmpireGranted greatest amount of land from Alexander's death, strongest of the post-hellenistic period empires. Contained many small settlements.5
217922029Ahura MazdaZoroastrian supreme deity, creator of all good things,had a good side and a dark side known as Angra Mainyu6
217922030GathasZoroastrian hymns created by Zarathustra in honor of the various deities he recognized7
217922031Royal roadsPersian advanced system of highways8
217922033Sima QianGreat Chinese historian castrated by emperor because of opposing views. Created vast history of the Chinese empire, culture, and society9
217922034ConfuciusReal name was "Kong Fuzi", EXTREMELY influential Chinese philosopher.10
217922035AnalectsComposition of all of Confucius' teachings and sayings. Greatly influenced Chinese political and cultural traditions11
217922036Laozifounder of Daoism12
217922037Qin ShihuangdiFirst emperor of China, self-declared. Created the Qin Dynasty and unified China. Killed all scholars who had opposing views and burned all historical and philosophical books to increase power.13
217922038Liu BangDestroyed Qin dynasty and created the Han Dynasty, former commander.14
217922039Han WudiHan Emperor known as "Martial Emperor", focused on administrative centralization and imperial expansion15
217922040Wang MangHan emperor who tried to solve the problem of land distribution, angry landowners kill him.16
217922041lia sense of propriety, called for individuals to behave in conventional appropriate fashion, treat others with courtesy.17
217922042WuweiDaoist belief in disengagement from the competitive exertions and active involvement in affairs of the world. (basically to do absolutely nothing)18
217922043LegalismLess a religion, more of a belief in efficiency and gaining power. Founders expected to harness subjects' energy by means of strict laws, Very unpopular19
217922044Qin DynastyEnded the Warring States period founded by Qin Shihuangdi20
217922045Han DynastyFollowed Qin Dynasty, founded by Liu Bang21
217922046Yellow Turban UprisingLarge revolt throughout China during the Han dynasty led by desperate peasants wearing colored headwear. It weakened the Han state during the second and third centuries CE. Leads to fall of Han Dynasty22
217922047Chandraguptathe founder of the Maurya Empire. succeeded in bringing together most of India. is considered the first unifier of India and the first emperor of India.23
217922048KautalyaAdvisor of Chandragupta who wrote ancient political handbook known as the Arthashastra, a manual on the uses of power and the principles of government24
217922049AshokaMauryan emperor who began his reign as conqueror, but saw what he was doing, and converted to Buddhism and became a great administrator, integrated societies he had taken over granting economic and cultural prosperity to the land.25
217922050Chandra GuptaFounder of the Guptan Dynasty26
217922051Mahaviraan extreme aesthetic who founded the religion Jainism27
217922052Gautamafounder of Buddhism, became Buddha "the enlightened one"28
217922053Kingdom of Magadhathis Kingdom was more powerful than any other Indian Kingdom29
217922054Mauryan EmpireEmpire created by Chandragupta and later ruled by Ashoka30
217922055Mauryan EmpireEmpire created by Chandragupta and later ruled by Chandragupta II31
217922056White HunsInvaded and destroyed the Guptan Empire32
217922057Caste SystemSocial class order that arrived with the Aryans in India, divided into four castes: brahmin, kshatriyas, vaishyas, and shudras.33
217922058Ahimsanonviolence towards other living things or their souls, Extreme Jainism.34
217922059Four Noble TruthsBuddhist doctrine that teaches that, all life involves suffering, that desire is the cause of suffering, that elimination brings an end to suffering, and that a disciplined life conducted in accordance with the Noble Eightfold Path brings the elimination of desire.35
217922060Jainismled by Mahavira, ascetic lifestyle in which the followers go to extremes as to not harm any other living thing.36
217922061BuddhismLed by "the enlightened one" believed in the Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path37
217922062HinduismReligion of salvation, promoted by the Guptan emperors. Bhagavad Gita was a poetic work dedicated to them made of individuals and the promise of salvation.38
217922063Eightfold PathBuddhist belief that demands right belief, right resolve, right speech,right behavior, right occupation, right effort, right contemplation, and right meditation.39
220571671PericlesPopular aristocratic Athenian leader. Made Athens the most sophisticated and powerful of the poleis40
220571672King Philip of MacedonMacedonian King. Created a powerful military and started annexing poleis and eventually conquered Greeces. Died early before he could achieve much more41
220571673SocratesPivotal figure in the development of philosophy. Many were outraged by him and he was forced to drink a poison.42
220571674PolisThe name for a Greek city, most were not unified and Athens was the greatest of these.43
220571675Sparta vs. AthensOne side was strong, strictly military while the other side was sophistication and cultural wealth.44
220571676Persian WarsCampaign led by Darius to to conquer peninsular Greece and war between the Macedonians and the Persians, Macedonians were victorious.45
220571677Delian LeagueLeague founded between the Greek poleis for unification, lasted for a little while before Sparta attacks Athens.46
220571678PlatoPhilosophical successor of Socrates, recorded all of Socrates' work.47
220571679Minoan SocietyLavish society with citizens living in luxury. However, declined because of natural disasters.48
220571680Mycenaean SocietySociety whose Inhabitants lived in the Greek peninsula, built castles, and attracted immigrants who created small, agricultural communities.49
220571681Peloponnesian WarWar between Athens and Sparta, all Poleis sided with one power and the Spartans were victorious.50
220571682Hellenistic AgeAge following the rule of Alexander of Macedon (Alexander the Great), Age of cultural and economic prosperity.51
220571683Antigonid EmpireHellenistic Empire. Smallest of the Hellenistic Empires, but most successful, contained cities of Athens and Corinth which flourished52
220571684Ptolemaic EmpireHellenistic Empire. Wealthiest of the Hellenistic Empire53
221509073Julius CaesarDeclared himself dictator of Rome, Tried to take all power like a king, and therefore was assassinated by the Senate.54
221509074Augustus CaesarName given to Octavian, the first empreror of Rome, after he defeated Cleopatra and Mark Anthony. The adopted son of Julius Caesar, help Rome come into Pax Romana, or the Age of Roman Peace55
221509075JesusSavior of the Christian faith. A great Jewish teacher who had a reputation for performing miracles.56
221509076PaulGreatly helped the spread of Christianity.57
221509077Punic Warsthe three wars waged by Rome against Carthage, resulting in the destruction of Carthage and the annexation of its territory by Rome.58
221509078EtruscansPeople who ruled over Rome before the creation of the Republic, used kings to rule over Rome and the Romans hated them.59
221509079Twelve tablesthe earliest written collection of Roman laws, drawn up by patricians about 450B.C., that became the foundation of Roman law60
221509080Bread and CircusesA Roman bribery method of coping with class difference. Entertainment and food was offered to keep plebeians quiet without actually solving unemployment problems.61
221509081Patriciansthe wealthy class in Roman society; landowners62
221509082Plebsthe common people of Roman society63
221509083Latifundialarge farming estates in ancient Rome64
221509084Pax Romanarefers to the time of peace in Rome.65
221509085Zhang Qiansent by Wudi in 139 BC; general and explorer; 13 years later his troops went back nearly wiped out by barbarian attacks and were in captivity for 10 years... "father" of the silk road66
221509086Gregory the wonderworkera tireless missionary with a reputation for performing miracles, who popularized Christianity in central Anatolia during the mid third century C.E.67
221509087ManiProphet who founded Manichaeism68
221509088DiocletianRoman emperor who divided the empire in two and oversaw the eastern part.69
221509089TheodosiusEmperor of the Roman Empire who made Christianity the official religion of the empire.70
221509090AttilaLeader of the Huns who put pressure on the Roman Empire's borders during the 5th century71
221509091St. Augustineone of the most important figures in the development of Western Christianity72
221509092Silk Roadsthe most famous of the trading routes established by pastoral nomads connecting the European, Indian, and Chinese; transmitted goods and ideas among civilizations73
221509093Monsoon systemThe weather system that affected the sea trade routes in the Indian Ocean. Summer winds blew from the southwest. Winter winds blew from the northeast.74
221509094ManichaeismFormed with a combination of Christianity, Zoroastriaism, Buddhism, and Judism. Lived an ascetic lifestyle75
221509095Edict of Milana ruling by Constantine that allowed Christians to openly practice their faith in the Roman empire.76
221509096Council of NicaeaThe first gathering of Christian Bishops to try to find a clearly defined doctrine, set up by Emperor Constantine77
221509097ConstantineEmperor of Rome who adopted the Christian faith and stopped the persecution of Christians (280-337)78
221509098Roman Lawthis Roman contribution dealt mostly with the rights of Roman citizens; one belief was that it should be fair and equal to all people79
221509099CaligulaRoman emperor who only ruled for four years, mentally unstable. He had an affair with his sister and named them both as Gods. He also named his horse a consul.80

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