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Ap World summer vocab Flashcards

Tarvin Ap world history course vocabulary from summer homework

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196775657Aristocracya privileged class holding hereditary titles0
196775658Bureaucracynonelective government officials1
196775659ChiefdomForm of political organization with rule by a hereditary leader who held power over a collection of villages and towns. Less powerful than kingdoms and empires, chiefdoms were based on gift giving and commercial links. (p. 311)2
196775660City-Statea city with political and economic control over the surrounding countryside3
196775661Civilizationa society in an advanced state of social development (e.g., with complex legal and political and religious organizations)4
196775662Classicalof or characteristic of a form or system felt to be of first significance before modern times5
196775663Commercialconnected with or engaged in or sponsored by or used in commerce or commercial enterprises6
196775664Demographythe branch of sociology that studies the characteristics of human populations7
196775665Divinationa prediction uttered under divine inspiration8
196775666Dynastya sequence of powerful leaders in the same family9
196775667Empirea group of diverse companies under common ownership and run as a single organization10
196775668Epidemica widespread outbreak of an infectious disease11
196775669Foragerone who searches for food by hunting or gathering12
196775670Inter-regionalReferring to something going on within the region. ex- inter regional wars, inter regional trade13
196775671Medievalrelating to or belonging to the Middle Ages14
196775672Metallurgythe science or art of metals. It includes the study of their properties and structure, the separation and refining of metals from their ores, the production of alloys, and the shaping and treatment of metals by heat and rolling.15
196775673Merchanta businessperson engaged in retail trade16
196775674MonotheismThe belief in a single God17
196775677NomadOne who moves from place to place to where there is food to hunt or gather.20
196775678PapacyThe central administration of the Roman Catholic Church, of which the pope is the head. (pp. 258, 445)21

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