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Ap World Terms Part 2 Flashcards

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125414440Christopher ColumbusItalian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China (1451-1506)0
125414441Treaty of TordesillasSet the Line of Demarcation which was a boundary established in 1493 to define Spanish and Portuguese possessions in the Americas.1
125414442Amerigo VespucciThe italian sailor who corrected Columbus's mistake, acknowledging the coasts of america as a new world. America is named after him2
125414443NW PassageA mythical water passage that would go through America to Asia..obviously never found3
125414444Mouscovy Company...4
125414445Spanish Armada(1588) In this battle Phillip II tried to attack England but his naval fleet was completely destroyed5
125414446Charles VThis was the Holy Roman Emperor that called for the Diet of Worms. He was a supporter of Catholicism and tried to crush the Reformation by use of the Counter-Reformation6
125414447Edict of Nantesdocument that granted religious freedom to the Huguenots7
125414448HuguenotsFrench Protestants8
125414449Bourban DynastyBranch of Capetian dynasty; ruled Navare and France in 10th Century. By 18th, held thrones in Spain, Naples and Sicily and Parma French Kings Henry IV9
125414450Louis XIVking of France from 1643 to 171510
125414451War of the Rosesstruggle for the English throne (1455-1485) between the house of York (white rose) and the house of Lancaster (red rose) ending with the accession of the Tudor monarch Henry VII11
125414452Henry VIIIEnglish king that left the catholic church and started the Church of England...had to do with the divorce of his wife12
125414453Elizabeth IThis queen of England chose a religion between the Puritans and Catholics and required her subjects to attend church or face a fine. She also required uniformity and conformity to the Church of England13
125414454shakespeareEnglish poet and dramatist considered one of the greatest English writers (1564-1616).14
125414455Scientific Revolutionan era between 16th and 18th centuries when scientists began doing research in a new way using the scientific method15
125414456Enlightenmenta movement in the 18th century that advocated the use of reason in the reappraisal of accepted ideas and social institutions16
125414457Humanismthe doctrine emphasizing a person's capacity for self-realization through reason17
125414458Mediciaristocratic Italian family of powerful merchants and bankers who ruled Florence in the 15th century18
125414459Johannes GutenburgHe invented the printing press around 1450 A.D.19
125414460Adam SmithScottish economist who wrote the Wealth of Nations and designed modern Capitalism20
125414461Martin Luther KingUnited States charismatic civil rights leader and Baptist minister who campaigned against the segregation of Blacks (1929-1968)21
125414462Indulgencethe remission by the pope of the temporal punishment in purgatory that is still due for sins even after absolution22
125414463Counter-Reformationcatholic church's attempt to stop the protestant movement and to Strengthen the Catholic Church23
125414464Galieoimproved the telescope and supported that the sun- centerwed theory- the church charged him with heroisy24
125414465Isaac NewtonEnglish mathematician and scientist who invented differential calculus and formulated the theory of universal gravitation, a theory about the nature of light, and three laws of motion. His treatise on gravitation, presented in Principia Mathematica (1687), was supposedly inspired by the sight of a falling apple.25
125414466CopernicusPolish astronomer who produced a workable model of the solar system with the sun in the center (1473-1543)26
125414467Scientific Methoda method of investigation involving observation and theory to test scientific hypotheses27
125414468Thomas HobbesEnglish materialist and political philosopher who advocated absolute sovereignty as the only kind of government that could resolve problems caused by the selfishness of human beings (1588-1679)28
125414469John LockeEnglish empiricist philosopher who believed that all knowledge is derived from sensory experience (1632-1704)29
125414470RousseauA French Writter that believed people in their natural state were basically good but that they were corrupted by the evils of society, especially the uneven distribution of property30
125414471VoltaireFrench, perhaps greatest Enlightenment thinker. Deist. Mixed glorification and reason with an appeal for better individuals and institutions. Wrote Candide. Believed enlightened despot best form of government.31
125414472Indigenous Peopledescendants of the people who first lived in a region32
125414473Plymouth RockThe spot in Massachusetts where the Mayflower landed in 1620. The boat waas carrying about 60 pilgrims.33
125414474Jamestownfirst permanent English settlement, located near the Chesapeake Bay34
125414475Henry HudsonEnglish navigator who discovered the Hudson River35
125414476New Amsterdama settlement established by the Dutch near the mouth of Hudson River and the southern end of Manhattan Island36
125414477CortezSpanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico (1485-1547);37
125414478PizarroSpanish explorer who conquered the Incas in what is now Peru and founded the city of Lima (1475-1541)38
125414479Conquistadorsspanish soldiers and explorers who led military expeditions in the Americas and captured land for Spain39
125414480PeninsularesSpanish-born, came to Latin America; ruled, highest social class40
125414481Encomendia System...41
125414482Aztec CollapseSpaniards arrived with the help of Tlaxcallans. Moctezuma was stoned by his people after he gave Cortes(Quetzacoatal) their gold42
125414483Inca Collapse...43
125414484AtahualpaLast ruling Inca emperor of Peru. He was executed by the Spanish. (p. 438)44
125414485Mayflower Compact1620 - The first agreement for self-government in America. It was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a government for the Plymouth colony.45
125414486MontezumaChief of the Aztec who could not resist Cortez46
125414487GunpowderThe formula, brought to China in the 400s or 500s, was first used to make fumigators to keep away insect pests and evil spirits. In later centuries it was used to make explosives and grenades and to propel cannonballs, shot, and bullets. (p. 289)47
125414488Nation StateA state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity that has been transformed into a nationality.48
125414489Colonizationsystem of settling new lands that remain under the government of their native land49
125414490Capitalisman economic system based on private ownership of capital50
125414491Mercantilisman economic system (Europe in 18th C) to increase a nation's wealth by government regulation of all of the nation's commercial interests51
125414492Bourgeoisiethe middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people52
125414493Silver TradeThe Silver Trade was a large driver of European colonization of the Americas. The principle objective of the Habsburg Empire, in particular, was to extract millions of dollars of silver from the land using Amerindian slave labor. This caused the Habsburg Empire to grow very wealthy very quickly, but also gave them resources to squander on wars with the Ottoman Empire and England. This silver trade also led to a disastrous rise in Chinese inflation due to how China was buying most of the American silver.53
125414494Slave TradeThe business of capturing, transporting, and selling people as slaves54
125414495Columbian ExchangeThe exchange of goods and ideas between Native Americans and Europeans55
125414496Small PoxDisease spread by Europeans in the Americas. Led to the deaths of millions of Native Americans in North and South America56
125414497Christian MissionariesPeople sent by the Christians to convert people to Christianity. They also spread the idea of Christianity through schools.57
125414498Plantation SystemsLarge farms with slave labor58
125414499Absolutisma form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)59
125414500Famous Pirates...60
125414501Ottoman Empirea Turkish sultanate of southwestern Asia and northeastern Africa and southeastern Europe61
125414502Safavid EmpireShi'ite Muslim dynasty that ruled Persia between 16th and 18th centuries62
125414503Suleiman IThe leader of the Ottoman Turk Empire during the high Renaissance.63
125414504Wazirscheif administrators to Caliphs64
125414505JanissariesChristian boys taken from families, converted to Islam, and then rigorously trained to serve the sultan65
125414506Vizierthe highest office in the Egyptian governmental hierarchy below the king. (a sort of prime minister.)66
125414507Siege of Vienna(1683) Ottoman Empire attemped to invade Vienna but they were stopped by Leopold I67
125414508Ivan IIIThe prince that made Moscow the new capital of Russia, and he overthrew the Mongols that were dominating Russia.68
125414509Cossacksfree groups and outlaw armies of peasants who fled the tzar and service nobility69
125414510Ivan the terriblefirst czar of Russia, known for cruelty and being constantly at war70
125414511Romanov FamilyRoyal family that ruled Russia for over 300 years that was overthrown and killed by Lenin71
125414512Peter the Greatczar of Russia who introduced ideas from western Europe to reform the government72
125414513Katherine the Great...73
125414514Serfdomfeudal system, the use of serfs to work the land in return for protection against barbarian invasions74
125414515Czara male monarch or emperor (especially of Russia prior to 1917)75

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