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Ap world test chapter 5 and 8 Flashcards

Ap World History

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219797939Yellow River: its length, location, nickname, and importance it has on its people.It rises in the mountains of Tibet and spills into the Yellow Sea;2920 miles long. Altered its course many times and destroyed many towns, also called "Chinas Sorrow"0
219797940Early Chinese Dynasties in order.XIA, SHANG, ZHOU, Warring States Period, QIN, HAN1
219797941Know the dates of the rise and fall of all three dynasties.XIA: 2200 BCE to 1766? BCE Shang:1766 to 1122 BCE Zhou:1122 to 256 BCE2
219797942Who started the Xia Dynasty?The Dynasty was started by the Sage King Yu3
219797943What was the main focus of the Xia Dynasty and why do we only know a little about the Xia?The main focus was was flood projects of the Yellow River and organized large scale public works projects4
219797944Why did the Xia Dynasty fall?...5
219797945How did the Shang Dynasty monopolize bronze production?The controlled acess to copper and tin by employing cratfsmen to work only for them.6
219797946How were the Shang able to conquer the Yellow River Valley?...7
220979132Know the system of Shang Political OrganizationThey relied on many political allies they made agreements with over 1000 towns, as the shang would provide resources as ;long as the towns promised loyalty and cooperation.8
220979133The statistics of the Shang capital of Ao.Ciry walls were 33 feet high, 66 feet thick, and took 10000 workers 20,000 years to complete the city.9
220979134The statistics of the Shang capital of YinHuge complex of royal palaces,neighborhoods,archives,foundries,and workshops.10
220979135What items would typically be buried with the Shang Kings?Chariots,weapons, bronze goods,pottery, cowrie shells,and sacrificed victims (dogs,horses,and humans)11
221885957Why did the Shang dynasty collapse?The last king of the Shang was focused on greed,women,wine,and tyranny. This led many towns transferring their loyalty to the Zhou.12
221885958Know the concept of the "Mandate of Heaven".The government was based on the assumption that earthly events were closely related to heavenly affairs and that heaven granted the right to govern to a deserving individual known as the son of heaven13
221885959How was the Zhou government system setup?Let local rulers rule the area while receiving support from the national rulers while necessary. In return for their political rights, local rulers were expected to show loyalty and pay taxes which supported the millitary of the Zhou14
221885960What is the Warring States Period?(402-221 B.C.E.) The Zhou politcal system began to work against itself with the establishment of Strong local rulers and armies15
221885961Why did the Zhou dynasty collapse?The Zhou could not maintain control over the decentralized political system as subordinates gradually established their own laws and enforced them with their own forces. Could not control bronze and had invasions from outside forces.16
221885962Where was the Zhou capital?In Hao17
221885963Know the Social Order in Ancient China and what each group did.Royal and Noble families: living in patriarchal compounds on the agricultural surplus and taxes delivered by their subjects. Aristocrats were part of this, and worked in the administration or military of the dynasties Free Aristocrats and craftsmen(bronze smiths,jewelers,jade workers,embroiderers,silk manufacturers) :benefited from society b/c of their importance to the ruling elites Merchants and mariners: mariners supported fishing and trade with offshore islands between the Yellow Sea and Korea Peasants:owned no land but provided agricultural,military,and labor services for their lands in exchange for small plots to cultivate,security, and a portion of the harvest;men worked outside while women inside Slaves: mostly POWS who performed hard labor (buildings,roads,etc)18
221885964Understand the concept of Veneration of AncestorsExtended family played a big role because of this. They believed that spirits of their ancestors passed into another realm of existence from which they had the power to support and protect surviving families id the descendants displayed proper respect and ministered the spirits needs. Survivors buried tools with the dead. The patriarchal head performed religions19
221885965What status did women have in Ancient China?Women were in the Shadow of men, at most they only had the honor of being remembered in association to their husbands.20
221885966Was organized religion important in Ancient China? What were legends used for? Describe early religious beliefs, if any.It did not play an important role in Ancient China as it did in early societies. They used legend to explain the origins of the world but saw no need to gather it together.21
221885967Why was writing important in ancient China?Because it served as the foundations for cultural condition in ancient China22
221885968Who mainly used a writing system?The royal court and by fortune tellers for oracle bones.23
221885969What were oracle bones and entrails used for?were used to fortune tellers to predict eclipses,understand omens,and interpreted weather patterns.24
221885970What did fortune tellers use writing for?To write questions on oracle bones25
22188597127. What types of questions did the Shang royal court want answered?"will the seasons harvest be abundant?" "should the king attack his enemy?"26
221885972What was the earliest form of Chinese writing?Pictograph27
221885973How was the Zhou dynasty different from the Shang when it came to writing?The Shang only wrote for official business,the Zhou used it for literature as well.28
221885974Know all of the books discussed in class that were written by the Zhou dynastyBook of changes:written to instruct diviners in the art of foretelling the future Book of history:a collection of documents that justified the Zhou state and called in subjects to obey their overlords. Book of etiquette:taught Zhou aristocrats the art of manners Book of Songs:contained 311 poems that reflected the conditions of the early Zhou, Most popular book..29
221885975How did Chinese cultivators affect people living in north and western China?Agriculture began to spread from the north and west, and encountered hunting and gathering societies30
221885976What are hunter gathers? What are nomads?Ancient ancestors of Turks and Mongols who were herded cattle and did very little farming31
221885977How did nomads help bring about the collapse of the Zhou Dynasty?They relied on China for textiles and grain And warred with the Chinese (Zhou)32
221885978Know the effect the Shang and Zhou had on southern China?They spent money developing irrigation systems and spent more on agriculture33
221885979What was the main river in southern China?Yangzai River34
221885980The effect the Chu had on southern China....35
221885981Understand all of the principles of Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism....36
221885982The book that Confucius writings were put in, the three Confucian Values, and the importance of the junzi.Analects was a book with Confucious writings. REN:an attitude of kindness and a sense of humanity,individuals who express ren are courteuous,respectful,and loyal LI:a sense of propierty,individuals who express it treat others with respect and show deference XIAO:reflects the high significance of the family in Chinese Society,children respect their parents,look after their after welfare,support them at old age,and reemember them with other ancestors after their deaths.37
221885983Know the differences in beliefs between Mencius and Xunzi.Menicus(372-289 BCE) believed that human nature was good,and argued for policies that would benifit society as a whole. This meant that rulers would lighten taxes,avoid wars,support education,and encourage harmony Xunzi(298-238 BCE) believed that humas were selfish and pursued their own interests . He wanted strong discipline and to bring order to society.38
221885984Why were Daoists critical of Confucians?...39
221885985What book were the beliefs of Daoism written in?...40
221885986Know all beliefs of Daoists, Including the Dao and what it represents....41
221885987Understand the beliefs of Legalists and the impact of Shang Yang and his book. What happened to Shang Yang?...42
221885988How did Han Feizi impact legalism?...43
221885989How did legalist principles help China?...44
221885990How did the Qin dynasty come to power?...45
221885991Know all policies of Emperor Qin, how he came to power, how he stayed in power, and how his rule helped China....46
221885992How did Emperor Qin treat those who opposed him? What impact did he have on education?...47
221885993What public works projects did Qin start?...48
221885994What caused the fall of the Qin Dynasty?...49
221885995Who prevented China from falling back to the Warring States Period?...50
221885996What were the two main policies of Emperor Wudi?...51
221885997How did Wudi help Confucianism?...52
221885998What did Wudi do to keep educated scholars in his government?...53
221885999What areas did Wudi conquer?...54
221886001Know the details of the war with the Xiongnu....55
221886003Understand the Doctrine of Wuwei and everything that it states....56
221886005Know the social order of Han China....57
221886007When was paper invented, what population did Han China reach by 9 C.E.?...58
221886009Know all of the reasons that led to the collapse of Han China....59

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