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AP World test retake 1 Flashcards

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67555885gunpowder empiresmuslim empires of the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals; utilized cannons, guns, gunpowder, etc. to expand their militaries and force and, therefore, to spread their cultures
67555886Father Miguel Hidalgopriest in Mexico; stood up for poor; assassinated; first started Independence Movement in Mexico
67555887Galileo Galileiopposed Catholic church's teachings by stating that the Earth revolves around the sun, not the other way around as previously stated; tried for heresy and forced into house arrest; escaped execution because of his ties to the pope; scientist that worked on other things (i.e., gravity, optics, physics)
67555888Thirty Years' Warwar between Protestants and Catholics in Europe; no clear winner; huge loss of life; left Germany divided into hundreds of small kingdoms
67555889Tokugawa Ieyasufirst Shogun in Japan (established idea of Shogun)
67555890Opium War of 1840fought between Britain and Qing dynasty over the rights to sell British opium in China; Chinese lost; British took over Hong Kong in Treaty of Nanjing; Result: Qing dynasty collapsed
67555891Tanzimat Reformsefforts to make the Ottoman empire into a modern state; tried to eliminate corruption
67555892the Bourgeoisienew class of merchants that emerged in the 19th century/ Industrial Revolution
67555893Congress of Viennaredrew Europe's borders and tried to guard against future French expansionism and revolution; group of European nations that met after the defeat of Napoleon; tried to keep the peace in Europe; conservative
67555894Declaration of the Rights of Manduring the French Revolution; first document produced by National Assembly; claimed that people had the right to liberty, equality, and fraternity
67555895Thomas Painewrote "Common Sense"
67555896Francis Baconphilosopher who founded the scientific method of experimentation and observation
67555897Kabuki Theaterrepresents the culture of urban artisans and merchants in Japan
67555898Akbarruler of Mughal empire; expanded Mughal empire further South; spread Buddhism
67555899Abbas Iruler of Safavid empire; tolerant of other religions/ groups; ruled during "Golden Age of the Safavids"
67555900Shogunmilitary ruler of Japan; most important noble; controlled Japan through military methods/ means
67555901Qing dynastyrespect for local customs and traditions; re-implemeted/ expanded civil service exam system; began trading with Europeans for silver
67555902Dutch East India CompanyDutch trading company; traded in Southeast Asia, spice islands; controlled most of European trade throughout 1600s-1700s
67555903Captain James Cookvoyages in the 18th century (explorer); numerous scientists accompanied his voyages in order to better understand the unexplored South Pacific; increased European curiosity about the South Pacific; paved the way for British colonization of Australia; discovered Hawaii and Australia for Europeans
67555904PeninsularsEuropean-born residents of Spanish and Portuguese American colonies; rulers of Latin America (highest class)
67555905Adam SmithScottish philosopher who described universal economic laws; came up with laissez-faire economics (free market; government should not interfere)
67555906Corn Lawstariffs on imported grain to Britain; implemented to protect British farmers; result: highter prices for grain in Britain and eventually Irish potato famine
67555907Maximillen Robespierrelawyer in France during French Revolution who initated the Reign of Terror; came to power and ordered th execution of more than 40,000 people because of thier supposed crimes of "treason" against the empire; later executed and Napoleon Bonaparte took over; in charge of Committee of Public Safety (caused Reign of Terror)

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