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AP World Unit 1 Flashcards

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208846904LoessYellow- brown soil or silt at the bottom of the Yellow River in China, as well as other places in the world.
208846905MaizeWild, multicolored corn; widely cultivated in America in many varieties
208846906Mandate of Heavena political theory of ancient China in which those in power were given the right to rule from a divine source
208846907MatriarchalRelating to a social system in which the mother is head of the family or tribe.
208846908Mercenarya person hired to fight for another country than their own.
208846909Metallurgythe science and technology of metals
208846910MokshaHindu concept of the salvation of the soul.
208846911MonotheismThe belief that there is only one God.
208846912NeolithicNew Stone Age (10,000-4000 B.C.E.) which was marked by the discovery and mastery of agriculture.
208846913NomadA member of a people who have no permanent home but move about according to the seasons to find food.
208846914ObsidianShiny black volcanic rock, formed from rapid-cooling lava.
208846915Oracle BonesChinese Shang Dynasty (1766-1122 B.C.E.) means of foretelling the future.
208846916PaleolithicOld Stone Age, a long period of human development based on hunting and gathering, before discovery of agriculture.
208846917PastoralismA type of agricultural activity based on nomadic animal husbandry or the raising of livestock to provide food, clothing, and shelter.
208846918PatriarchalRelating to a society in which men hold the greatest legal and moral authority.
208846919PharaohsEgyptian kings that were considered to be gods on earth to their people.
208846920PictographsPictures that stand for words or ideas; picture writing.
208846921PolytheismBelief in multiple Gods.
208846922SamsaraHindu term for the concept of transmigration, that is, the soul passing into a new incarnation.
208846923SatiIndian practice of a widow throwing herself on the funeral pyre of her husband. Ouch.
208846924SavannahA tropical or subtropical grassland containing scattered trees and drought-resistant undergrowth.
208846925Self-SufficientAble to supply one's own needs.
208846926VarnaHindu word for caste (Hindu high social status)
208846927Vedas"Wisdom," early collections of prayers and hymns that provide info about the Indo-European Aryans who migrated to India around 1500 B.C.E.
208846928Venerationrespect or awe inspired by the dignity, wisdom, dedication, or talent of a person or god.
208846929ZoroastrianismPersian religion based on the teaching of the sixth-century-B.C.E. prophet Zarathustra; it's emphasis on the duality of good and evil and on the role of individuals in determining their own fate would influence later religions.

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