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AP World Unit 2 Flash Cards Flashcards

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206020977Mahayana Buddhism"Great Vehicle" branch of Buddhism followed in China, Japan, and Central Asia. The focus is on reverence for Buddha and fro bodhisattvas, enlightened persons who have postponed nirvana to help others attain enlightenment0
206020978Theravada Buddhism"Way of the Elders" branch Followed in Sri Lanka Remains close to the original principles set fortrh by Buddha Downplays importance of gods and emphasizes austertiy and the individual's search for enlightenment1
206020979Jainism-Established by Mahavira (Jina) -Practiced NonViolence -Emphasized the holiness fo the life force that animates all living creatures -Wore masks as not to inhale insects -Starved to death -Extream NONVIOLENCE2
206020980BuddahCreated "Four Noble Truths" 1. Life is suffering 2. Suffering arises from desire 3. The solution to suffering lies in curbing desire 4. Desire can be curbed if a person follows the Eightfold path (ususally repped by the Dharma Wheel)3
206020981SatiSuicide: Wives commit sometimes when husband dies4
206020982UpanishadsCliff notes of betas- average human rules for Hinduism Ulitmate goal: Moksha Karma determines if you reach the goal5
206020983Atmonindividual soul6
206020984BrahmahUniversal soul7
206020986KarmaSum of good and bad actions9
206020987DharmaCaste "duty"10
206020988Mokshaends cycle w/brahman11
206020989AshokaMost famous leader in classical age of India Wanted land so he could spread religion During conquest of Kalinga Converted to Buddism and preached nonviolence and morality after many died12
206020990ArthashastraPolitical guide made by Chandragupta Maurya-- led by Kautilya, a crafty elder who wanted power. It prescribes the use of spies, and the science of worldly wealth13
206020991Confucianism(Philosophies) Respect, Filial piety, education, integrity, gou't administration -Came from small states14
206020992Ren, Li, JunziRen Li Si: Used legalism, Junzi15
206710278Filial PietyRespect for Family Piety: Religious16
206710279DaoismOriginator: Laozi Detach from life and follow nature and the path Dao= Immaterial17
206710280Mandate of HeavenChinese politcal and religious ideology Created by the Zhou Power to Ruler of China is given and taken away by the preogative of Heaven18
206710281Doctrine of WuWeiDaoism Disengagment from world affairs19
206710282Oracle BonesKing Wu Ding in the Shang Dynasty-Written on turtle shells20
206710283Dynastic CyclesPriest Warriorssssssss Merchants, artisansssss laborrrreeeerrrrrssssssssssss ---------------------------------------------- Untouchables21
206710284Qin Shi HuangdiCreated first Chiese empier Strong legalism22
206710285SilkTraded with Rome Big secret Tried to control by sending out campaings Silk Road23
206710286Yellow Turban UprisingCaused by rebellions24
206710287Sanskrit ScripturesSound like our language because of indo-europeans25
206710288Vedic religious idealsBorn into four classes Your next birth was determined by Karma Foundation of Hinduism26
206710289Hinduism-very complex -diverse -oranized -evolved over years -doesnt't seek convercts -named by outsiders -Brahman=Universal spirit who revealed himself in several different ways27
206710290Two greatet indian epicsRaymayaria Mahabharata28

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