unit 3 terms
302845784 | Technology | the ways in which people apply knowledge, tools, and inventions to meet their needs | 0 | |
302845785 | Textiles | fabrics that are woven or knitted; material for clothing | 1 | |
302845786 | Schism | division of a group into opposing factions; catholic and orthodox church in 1054 | 2 | |
302845787 | Doctrinal Differences | The use of documents to compare and contrast two religions. | 3 | |
302845788 | Epidemic Disease | any infectious disease that develops and spreads rapidly to many people | 4 | |
302845789 | Guilds | Association of merchants or artisans who cooperated to protect their economic interests | 5 | |
302845790 | Tax-farming | A government's use of private collectors to collect taxes. Individuals or corporations contract with the government to collect a fixed amount for the government and are permitted to keep as profit everything they collect over that amount. | 6 | |
302845791 | City States | a city and its surrounding farmlands, with its own leaders and government | 7 | |
302845792 | Sovereignty | government free from external control | 8 | |
302845793 | Mercenaries | hired foreign soldiers | 9 | |
302845794 | Diasporas | the migration of religious or ethnic groups to foreign lands despite their continued affiliation with the land and customs of their origin | 10 | |
302845795 | Syncretism | a blending of two or more religious traditions | 11 | |
302845796 | Tribute System | A system in which defeated peoples were forced to pay a tax in the form of goods and labor. This forced transfer of food, cloth, and other goods subsidized the development of large cities. An important component of the Aztec and Inca economies | 12 | |
302845797 | Infidel | a person who does not acknowledge your God | 13 |