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AP World Unit 5 Flashcards

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8700218965Population revolutionhuge growth in population in western Europe beginning about 1730; prelude to industrialization. Connected to Agricultural Revolution0
8700218966Proto-industrializationpreliminary shift away from an agricultural economy; workers become full-or part-time producers who worked at home in a capitalist system in which materials, work, orders, and sales depended on urban merchants; prelude to the Industrial Revolution.1
8700218967French RevolutionOverthrow of the Bourbon monarchy through a revolution beginning in 1789; created a republic and eventually ended with Napoleon's French Empire; the source of many liberal movements and constitutions in Europe2
8700218968Louis XVIBourbon ruler of France who was executed during the radical phase (the Reign of Terror) of the French Revolution. Wife: Marie Antoinette, also executed. Versailles!3
8700218969Declaration of the Rights of Man and the CitizenAdopted during the French Revolution; proclaimed the equality of French citizens; became a source document for later liberal movements.4
8700218970Thomas PaineWrote both Common Sense and Rights of Man, thus participating in both the American and French Revolutions5
8700218971GuillotineIntroduced as a method of humane execution; utilized during the French Revolution against thousands of individuals, especially during the Reign of Terror.6
8700218972Maximilien RobespierreLeader of the radical phase of the French Revolution; presided over the Reign of Terror; arrested and executed by moderate revolutionaries.7
8700218973Napoleon BonaparteArmy officer who rose in rank during the wars of the French Revolution; ended the democratic phase of the revolution; became emperor; deposed and exiled in 1815.8
8700218974Congress of ViennaMet in 1815 after the defeat of Napoleonic France to restore the European balance of power.9
8700218975Holy AllianceAlliance between Russia, Prussia, and Austria in defense of the established order; formed by the most conservative monarchies of Europe during the Congress of Vienna10
8700218976LiberalismPolitical ideology that flourished in 19th-century western Europe; stressed limited state interference in private life, representation of the people in government; urged importance of constitutional rule and parliaments11
8700218977Radicalsfollowers of a 19th-century western European political emphasis: advocated broader voting rights than liberals; urged reforms favoring the lower classes.12
8700218978SocialismPolitical ideology in 19th-century Europe; attacked private property in the name of equality; wanted state control of the means of production and an end to the capitalistic exploitation of the working class.13
8700218979NationalismEuropean 19th-century viewpoint; often allied with other "isms"; urged the importance of national unity; valued a collective identity based on ethnic origins14
8700218980Greek RevolutionRebellion of the Greeks against the Ottoman Empire in 1820; a key step in the disintegration of the Turkish Balkan empire15
8700218981French Revolution of 1830second revolution against the Bourbon dynasty; a liberal movement that created a bourgeois government under a moderate monarchy16
8700218982Belgian Revolution of 1830produced Belgian independence from the Dutch; established a constitutional monarchy.17
8700218983Reform Bill of 1832British legislation that extended the vote to most male members of the middle class18
8700218984James Wattdevised a steam engine in the 1770's that could be used for production in many industries; a key step in the Industrial Revolution.19
8700218985Factory systemintensification of all of the processes of production at a single site during the Industrial Revolution; involved greater organization of labor and increased discipline20
8700218986Revolutions of 1848the nationalist and liberal movements within the Habsburg Empire (Italy, Germany, Austria, Hungary); after temporary success they were suppressed.21
8700218987Benjamin DisraeliBritish politician; granted the vote to working-class males in 1867; an example of conservative politicians keeping stability through reform.22
8700218988Camillo di Cavourarchitect of Italian unification in 1858; created a constitutional Italian monarchy under the King of Piedmont23
8700218989Otto von BismarckConservative prime minister of Prussia; architect of German unification under the Prussian king in 1871; utilized liberal reforms to maintain stability.24
8700218990Karl MarxGerman socialist who saw history as a class struggle between groups out of power and those controlling the means of production; preached the inevitability of social revolution and the creation of a proletarian dictatorship. Father of Communism. Wrote Communist Manifesto and Das Capital.25
8700218991Feminist movementssought legal and economic gains for women, among them equal access to professions and higher education; came to concentrate on the right to vote; won initial support from middle-class women.26
8700218992Mass leisure culturean aspect of the later Industrial Revolution; decreased time at work and offered opportunities for new forms of leisure time, such as vacation trips and team sports.27
8700218993Charles DarwinBiologist who developed the theory of evolution of the species; argued that all living forms evolved through the successful ability to adapt in a struggle for survival. Provided foundation for secularization of the West.28
8700218994Albert EinsteinFormulated mathematical theories to explain the behavior of planetary motion and the movement of electrical particles; about 1900 issued the theory of relativity29
8700218995Sigmund FreudViennese physician who developed theories of the workings of the human unconscious; argued that behavior is determined by impulses30
8700218996Friedrich NietzscheGerman philosopher of the late 19th century who challenged the foundations of Christianity and traditional morality. He was interested in the enhancement of individual and cultural health, and believed in life, creativity, power, and the realities of the world we live in, rather than those situated in a world beyond.. "Beyond Good and Evil," "God is Dead"31
8700218997Romanticism19th-century western European artistic and literary movement; held that emotion and impression, not reason, were the keys to the mysteries of human experience and nature; sought to portray passions, not calm reflection.32
8700218998American exceptionalismHistorical argument that the development of the United States was largely individualistic and that contact with Europe was incidental to American formation.33
8700218999Triple Alliancealliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy at the end of the 19th century; part of the European balance of power system before World War I34
8700219000Triple Ententeagreement between Britain, Russia, and France in 1907; part of the European balance of power system before World War I35
8700219001Balkan nationalismMovements to create independent states and reunite ethnic groups in the Balkans; provoked crises within the European alliance system that ended with the outbreak of World War I.36
8700219002SepoysIndian troops, trained in European style, serving the British East India Company.37
8700219003Rajthe British political establishment in India.38
8700219004Plassey (1757)battle between the troops of the British East India Company and the Indian ruler of Bengal; British victory gave them control of northeast India.39
8700219005Princely statesRuled by Indian princes allied with the Raj; agents of the East India Company were stationed at their courts to ensure loyalty.40
8700219006NabobsName given to British who went to India to make fortunes through graft and exploitation; returned to Britain to live richly41
8700219007Charles CornwallisBritish official who reformed East India Company corruption during the 1790s (yes, the same Charles Cornwallis who had earlier surrendered to Washington at Yorktown)42
8700219008Isandhlwana (1879)Zulu (Southern Africa) defeat of a British army; one of the few indigenous victories over 19th-century European armies.43
8700219009Tropical dependenciesWestern European possessions in Africa, Asia, and the South Pacific where small numbers of Europeans ruled large indigenous populations.44
8700219010Settler coloniescolonies—as South Africa, New Zealand, Algeria, Kenya, and Hawaii—where minority European populations lived among majority indigenous peoples45
8700219011White racial supremacybelief in the inherent superiority of whites over the rest of humanity; peaked in the period before World War I46
8700219012Great Trekmigration into the South African interior of thousands of Afrikaners seeking to escape British control.47
8700219013AfrikanersSouth Africans descended from Dutch and French settlers of the seventeenth century. Their Great Trek founded new settler colonies in the nineteenth century. Though a minority among South Africans, they held political power after 191048
8700219014Boer republicsIndependent states—the Orange Free State and Transvaal—established during the 1850s in the South African interior by Afrikaners.49
8700219015Cecil RhodesBritish entrepreneur in South Africa; manipulated the political situation to gain entry to the diamonds and gold discovered in the Boer republics50
8700219016Boer War (1899-1902)Fought between the British and Afrikaners; British victory and post-war policies left Africans under Afrikaner control.51
8700219017James Cookhis voyages to Hawaii from 1777 to 1779 opened the islands to the West52
8700219018Toussaint L'OvertureLeader of the slave rebellion on the French island of St. Domingue in 1791; led to the creation of the independent republic of Haiti in 1804.53
8700219019Miguel de HidalgoMexican priest who established an independence movement among Indians and mestizos in 1810; after early victories he was captured and executed.54
8700219020Augustín de IturbideConservative Creole officer in the Mexican army who joined the independence movement; made emperor in 1821.55
8700219021Simon BolívarCreole military officer in northern South America; won victories against the Spanish in Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador between 1817 and 1822 that led to the independent state of Gran Colombia. The Latin American version of George Washington56
8700219022Gran ColombiaExisted as an independent state until 1830 when Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador became separate independent nations.57
8700219023José de San MartínLeader of movements in Rio de la Plata that led to the independence of the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata by 1816; later led independence movements in Chile and Peru.58
8700219024Caudillosleaders in independent Latin America who dominated local areas by force in defiance of national policies; sometimes seized the national government.59
8700219025Monroe DoctrineUnited States declaration of 1823 that any attempt by a European country to colonize the Americas would be considered an unfriendly act.60
8700219026Guanobird droppings utilized as fertilizer; a major Peruvian export between 1850 and 1880.61
8700219027Positivisma philosophy based on the ideas of Auguste Comte; stressed observation and scientific approaches to the problems of society.62
8700219028Antonio López de Santa AnnaMexican general who seized power after the collapse of the Mexican republic in 1835.63
8700219029Manifest Destinybelief in the United States that it was destined to rule from the Atlantic to the Pacific64
8700219030Mexican-American War(1846-1848); American expansion leads to dispute over California and Texas.65
8700219031Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (1848)ratified by the United States; Mexico lost one-half of national its territory.66
8700219032Benito JuárezIndian lawyer and politician who led a liberal revolution (La Reforma) against Santa Anna; defeated by the French who made Maximilian emperor; returned to power from 1867 to 1872.67
8700219033Fazendascoffee estates that spread into the Brazilian interior between 1840 and 1860; caused intensification of slavery68
8700219034Dependency theorythe belief that development and underdevelopment were not stages but were part of the same process; that development and growth of areas like western Europe were achieved at the expense of underdevelopment of dependent regions like Latin America.69
8700219035Spanish-American WarFought between Spain and the United States beginning in 1898; resulted in annexation of Puerto Rico and the Philippines; permitted American intervention in the Caribbean.70
8700219036Panama CanalThe United States supported an independence movement in Panama, then part of Colombia, in return for the exclusive rights for a canal across the Panama isthmus. Took over construction of Canal from the French71
8700219037Tanzimat reformsWestern-style reforms within the Ottoman Empire between 1839 and 1876; included a European-influenced constitution in 187672
8700219038Ottoman Society for Union and ProgressYoung Turks; intellectuals and political agitators seeking the return of the 1876 constitution; gained power through a coup in 1908.73
8700219039MamluksRulers of Egypt under the Ottomans; defeated by Napoleon in 1798; revealed the vulnerability of the Muslim world.74
8700219040Muhammad Alicontrolled Egypt following the French withdrawal; began a modernization process based on Western models, but failed to greatly change Egypt; died in 1848.75
8700219041Khedivesdescendants of Muhammad Ali and rulers of Egypt until 1952.76
8700219042Suez Canalbuilt to link the Mediterranean and Red seas; opened in 1869; British later occupied Egypt to safeguard their financial and strategic interests.77
8700219043Lin Zexu19th-century Chinese official charged during the 1830s with ending the opium trade in southern China; set off the events leading to the Opium War.78
8700219044Opium Warfought between Britain and Qing China beginning in 1839 to protect the British trade in opium; British victory demonstrated Western superiority over China.79
8700219045Taiping Rebellionmassive rebellion in southern China in the 1850s and 1860s led by Hong Xinquan; sought to overthrow the Qing dynasty and Confucianism.80
8700219046Boxer Rebellionpopular outburst aimed at expelling foreigners from China; put down by intervention of the Western powers.81
8700219047Sun Yat-sen(1866-1925); Chinese revolutionary leader of the Chinese Revolution of 1911, of scholar-gentry background.82
8700219048Crimean War (1854-1856)began with a Russian attack on the Ottoman Empire; France and Britain joined on the Ottoman side; resulted in a Russian defeat because of Western industrial might; led to Russian reforms under Alexander II.83
8700219049Emancipation of the serfsAlexander II in 1861 ended serfdom in Russia; serfs did not obtain political rights and had to pay the aristocracy for lands gained.84
8700219050Trans-Siberian railroadconstructed during the 1870s and 1880s to connect European Russia with the Pacific; increased the Russian role in Asia.85
8700219051IntelligentsiaRussian term for articulate intellectuals as a class; desired radical change in the Russian political and economic system; wished to maintain a Russian culture distinct from the West.86
8700219052Anarchistspolitical groups that thought the abolition of formal government was a first step to creating a better society; became important in Russia and was the modern world's first large terrorist movement.87
8700219053Russo-Japanese War1904-05; Russian expansion into northern China leads to war; rapid Japanese victory followed.88
8700219054Russian Revolution of 1905Defeat by Japan marked by strikes by urban workers and insurrections among the peasantry; resulted in temporary reforms.89
8700219055DumaRussian national assembly created as one of the reforms following the Revolution of 1905; progressively stripped of power during the reign of Nicholas II.90
8700219056Matthew PerryAmerican naval officer; in 1853 insisted under threat of bombardment on the opening of ports to American trade91
8700219057Meiji Restorationpower of the emperor restored with Emperor Mutsuhito in 1868; took name of Meiji, the Enlightened One; ended shogunate and began a reform period.92
8700219058DietJapanese parliament established as part of the constitution of 1889; able to advise government but not control it.93
8700219059Zaibatsuhuge industrial business combinations created in Japan during the 1890s94
8700219060Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895)Fought in Korea between Japan and Qing China; Japanese victory demonstrated its arrival as new industrial power.95
8700219061Yellow perilWestern term for perceived threat from Japanese imperialism.96
8700219062Most important men of French RevolutionRobespierre, Danton, and Paine97
8700226809Jose martiCuban poet and journalist in exile in New York and launched a revolution in 189598

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