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AP World: Unit Five People Flashcards

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167370372Archduke Franz FerdinandHeir to the throne of Austria-Hungary before the first World War0
167370373Gavrilo PrincipSerbian nationalist who shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, 19141
167370374Czar NicholasAbdicated his throne in February of 1917 to end the Romanov Dynasty2
167370375Alexander KerenskyEstablished a provisional government after the Romanov Dynasty ended3
167370376Leon TrotskyCommanded the Red Army of the Bolsheviks, supported Lenin4
167370377AtaturkAlso known as Mustafa Kemal, abolished the caliphate and founded Turkey as a modern secular state5
167370378Joseph StalinTook control of the Russian communist party after Lenin died, imposed the Five Year Plans (collectivization)6
167370379Franklin RooseveltInstituted New Deal to counter the great depression and led country during World War II7
167370380Adolf HitlerGerman Nazi dictator during World War II8
167370381Francisco FrancoSpanish general whose armies took control of Spain in 1939, ruled as a dictator until his death9
167370382Neville ChamberlainPrime Minister of England, present at the Munich Conference of 193810
167370383Winston ChurchillReplaced Chamberlain as Britain's leader, refused a deal with Germany leading to the Battle of Britain in 194011
167370384Harry TrumanAuthorized use of atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki12
167370385Sun Yat-senLed Chinese Revolution of 1911 under the "Three Principles of the People," established Guomindang13
167370386Chiang Kai-shekSun yat-sen's successor, made Guomindang ruling party of China for a short time14
167370387Mao ZedongLeader of the Chinese communist party, established the People's Republic of China by 194915
167370388Deng XiaopingTook office in 1976 following Mao's death, changed education policy and restructured economic policies16
167370389General MacArthurAmerican military leader during World War II, liberated the Phillipines and made the Japanese surrender at Tokyo in 1945, drove back North Korean invaders during the Korean War17
167370390Ho Chi MinhLed (North) Vietnam communist party, used guerilla warfare to fight anti-comunist18
167370391Ngo Dinh DiemLed (South) Vietnam democratic party19
167370392Fidel CastroCuban socialist leader who overthrew Batista in 1959 and established a Marxist socialist state in Cuba20
167370393John KennedyUS president who authorized Bay of Pigs Invasion and made threats agains the USSR in the Cuban Missile Crisis21
167370394Lech WalesaLed Solidarity movement in Poland22
167370395Mikhail GorbachevBecame leader of USSR in 1985, instituted glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring economy)23
167370396Mohandas GandhiLeader and philosopher of India, favored India's independence from Great Britain, practiced passive resistance24
167370397Muhammad Ali JinnahIndian Muslim politician, founded the state of Pakistan, joined the All-India Muslim League in 1913, leader of the league from 1920s on25
167370398Gamal NasserGeneral in Egyptian army who overthrew the king of South Africa and established a republic26
167370399Nelson MandelaLeader of the African National Congress in the 1950s, first elected president in 1994 after being released form prison27
167370400Arthur BalfourBritish foreign secretary who supported Zionism (Jewish nationalism)28
167370401David Ben-GurionFirst prime minister of Israel, Zionist who organized resistance against the British after World War II29
167370402Prime Minister BeginIsraeli prime minister, signed Camp David Accords30
167370403President SadatEgyptian president, signed Camp David Accords31
167370404Ariel SharonPrime minister in Israel, violence escalated after he took office, established peace with Palestine32
167370405Reza Shah PahlaviRose to power in 1925 to westernize Iran, instituted land reform and education reform33
167927239Ayatollah KhomeiniLed Iranian Revolution to send Iran back to a theocracy, reversed westernization/modernization34
167927240Saddam HusseinIraqi leader who waged war against Iran, his invasion of Kuwait (1990) led to the Gulf War35
167927241Osama bin LadenLeader of Al Queda, declared war against the US in 199636

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