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AP World: Unit One People Flashcards

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162512726King HammurabiKing of Babylon, expanded on idea of a code of laws0
162512727NebuchadnezzarChaldean king, rebuilt Babylon as a showplace of architecture and culture1
162512728King MenesUnited Nile river valley (Egypt), built capital at Memphis2
162512729Queen HatsheputFirst female ruler known in history, ruler of Egypt during New Kingdom3
162512730Wu WangEstablished Zhou Dynasty4
162512731Chandragupta MauryaUnified smaller Aryan kingdoms into a civilization, founding the Mauryan Empire5
162512732Ashoka MauryaGrandson of Chandragupta Maurya, converted to Buddhism after violent military campaigns6
162512733Chandra GuptaRevived India under the Gupta Empire7
162512734Qin ShihuangdiFirst emperor of Qin dynasty, centralized kingdoms from fall of Zhou dynasty8
162512735Wu TiThe "Warrior Emperor" of the Han dynasty, enlarged the Empire to central Asia; established university to educate government officials in 124 BC9
162512736Draco and SolonAristocrats who worked to create the democracy in athens and to ensure fair, equal, and open participation10
162512737PericlesLead Athens to be a cultural powerhouse, established a democracy for all adult males11
162512738SocratesGreek philosopher, teacher of Plato12
162512739PlatoGreek philosopher, pupil of Socrates, tutor of Aristotle13
162512740AristotleGreek philosopher, student of Plato, tutor of Alexander the Great14
162512741HomerWrote the Iliad and The Odyssey15
162512742Philip of MacedonInvaded and conquered Athens, but encouraged Greek culture to flourish16
162512743Alexander the GreatPhilip of Macedon's son, conquered Persia, created largest empire of the time17
162512744HannibalCarthaginian general who nearly kept Rome from winning the Punic Wars18
162512745Pompey, Crassus, Julius CaesarFirst triumvirate19
162512746Julius CaesarPushed Pompey and Crassus out of the picture, assassinated in 44 BC20
162512747Octavius, Marc Antony, LepidusSecond triumvirate21
162512748OctaviusTook the name Augustus Caesar after rising to power22
162512749DiocletianBecame emperor of Rome, enacted innovations but failed to prevent civil war towards end of Roman Empire23
162512750ConstantineOrdered the building of a city at the site of the Greek city of Byzantium24
162512751Attila the HunInvaded Germanic tribes who in turn pressed on the Roman Empire25
162512752Kung FuziAlso known as Confucius, wrote the Analects26
162512753Lao-tzuLegendary Chinese philosopher who founded Daoism27
162512754Siddartha GautamaAlso known as Buddha (Enlightened One), founded Buddhism as a young Hindu prince28

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