Chapters 13-16
242413711 | 5 Pillars | make a declaration of faith, pray five times daily, give to charity, fast from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan, pilgrimage to Mecca | 0 | |
242413712 | Abbasid | The dynasty that came after the Umayyads. Devoted their energy to trade, scholorship, and the arts. | 1 | |
242413713 | Abu Bakr | First Caliph after death of Muhammad | 2 | |
242413714 | Allah | Islamic God | 3 | |
242413715 | Alms | voluntary contributions to aid the poor | 4 | |
242413716 | Caliph | the civil and religious leader of a Muslim state considered to be a representative of Allah on earth | 5 | |
242413717 | Dar al Islam | an Arabic term that means the "house of Islam" and that refers to lands under Islamic rule | 6 | |
242413718 | Hajj | the fifth pillar of Islam, a pilgrimage to Mecca during the month of Dhu al-Qadah | 7 | |
242413719 | Jihad | a holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal OR a holy war between Muslims and infidels (non believers) | 8 | |
242413720 | Ka'ba | ("cube") a pre-islamic cubed building in mecca believed by muslims to have been built by Abraham. It is the center of the Muslim Pilgrimage | 9 |