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AP World: Western Europe Flashcards

Regional outline for Western Eruope. Divided into five units and seven categories (political, economic, social, science, art, empire, and religion).

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159900035Political, 8000-600 CEDemocracy in Greece, republic in Rome0
159900036Economic, 8000-600 CETrade within regions, sometimes trade through silk road1
159900037Social, 8000-600 CEGermanic tribes; serfdom; women inferior2
159900038Science, 8000-600 CEPythagoras, created field of medicine3
159900039Art, 8000-600 CEDomed, ideal human form; literary works, such as Epic by Homer4
159900040Empire, 8000-600 CEGreece and Rome5
159900041Religion, 8000-600 CEPolytheism and animism6
159900042Political, 600-1450 CESmall feudal kingdoms; decentralization; Holy Roman Empire, Franks, English7
159900043Economic, 600-1450 CEManorialism; self-sufficient; some trade8
159900044Social, 600-1450 CEFeudalism/Chivalry; power by land owners; peasants tied to land9
159900045Science, 600-1450 CEGutenberg invents printing press10
159900046Art, 600-1450 CEGothic style; polyphonic music11
159900047Empire, 600-1450 CEHoly Roman Empire12
159900048Religion, 600-1450 CERoman-Catholic13
159900049Political, 1450-1750 CEMonarchies; emerging nationalism14
159900050Economic, 1450-1750 CEEuropean exploration: start of mercantilism; colonialism; columbian exchange15
159900051Social, 1450-1750 CEHierarchical system based on race and ethnocentrism; women devalued16
159900052Science, 1450-1750 CELateen sails; scientific revolution; navigation technology17
159900053Art, 1450-1750 CERenaissance; humanism18
159900054Empire, 1450-1750 CENation states emerge like England and Iberia19
159900055Religion, 1450-1750 CEProtestant reformation: Calvinism, Anglican Church20
159900056Political, 1750-1914 CEEmerging constitutional monarchies; strong rivalries between nations21
159900057Economic, 1750-1914 CEMercantilism takes off; mass production of goods; global trade22
159900058Social, 1750-1914 CEEnlightenment ideas give women rise; end of slave trade; still racism23
159900059Science, 1750-1914 CEIndustrial Revolution; assembly line, mass production, technology in general24
159900060Art, 1750-1914 CEBeginning of modern art with abstract, cubism, and impressionism25
159900061Empire, 1750-1914 CEImperialism; continuously expanding and colonizing26
159900062Religion, 1750-1914 CEProtestant religions27
159900063Political, 1914-nowExperiments with socialism and communism; swing between right/left wings28
159900064Economic, 1914-nowGlobally interconnected; capitalism; industrialized nation better29
159900065Social, 1914-nowFeminism; attempts to end racism; persecution of jews and minorities; meritocracy30
159900066Science, 1914-nowNuclear power; internet31
159900067Art, 1914-nowNew uses of concrete and glass; movies; cubism32
159900068Empire, 1914-nowEmpires break up; colonies become independent, self-determination33
159900069Religion, 1914-nowReligious tolerance34

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