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APES: Aquatic Biomes Flashcards

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14819397330Factors Influencing BiodiversitySalinity (fresh has it low, but some will fall in due to weathering/irrigation), water temperature (cold holds more dissolved oxygen), amount of sunlight, availability of dissolved oxygen in water, nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates, turbidity (cloudiness of water)0
14819426287Division of OceansSaltwater is 71% of Earth's surface and freshwater is 2.2%, together covering 3/4 of the Earth's surface1
14819443778Aquatic Life Zones for Salt and Fresh WaterSalt(marine): oceans and estuaries, coastlands and shorelines, coral reefs, mangrove forests Fresh: lakes, rivers, streams, ponds2
14819458140Plankton: phyto, ultra, zooBasis for the food web and all aquatic production, act as plants, producing oxygen for the water life; primary producers for most aquatic food webs; tiny photosynthetic bacteria; secondary consumers, single celled to large invertebrates like jelly fish3
14819486379NektonStrong swimmers such as fish, turtles, and whales4
14819494713BenthosBottom dwellers such as oysters, sea stars, clams, lobsters, crabs, and sponges5
14819502146DecomposersMostly bacteria, break down dead animals6
14819511163Importance of Freshwater EcosystemsProvide major economic/ecosystem service, irreplaceable reservoirs of biodiversity natural capital7
14819565316Ecological Services of Freshwater Ecosystemsclimate moderation, nutrient cycling, waste treatment, flood control, groundwater recharge, habitats for many species, genetic resources and biodiversity, scientific information8
14819583653Economic Services of Freshwater EcosystemsFood, drinking water, irrigation water, hydroelectricity, transportation corridors, recreation, and employment9
14819595861Freshwater EcosystemsContain a low salinity, including lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and inland wetlands, lentic or loadic10
14819603896Lenticstanding water11
14819603897Loadicconstantly moving water12
14819607950Freshwater LakesForm in depressions made by glaciers or volcanic activity(Crater Lake) or movement of the Earth's plates13
14819617766The littoral zoneNear the shore and contains shallow, sunlit waters, along with high biological diversity due to the presence of photosynthetic plants and algae14
14819639012The limnetic ZoneSulit, but further from shore, most of photosynthesis in lakes occurs, produces most of food and oxygen15
14819644892Benthic ZoneNear bottom of a lake, inhabited mostly by decomposers feeding from detritus above16
14819658810Profundal ZoneDeep water too dark for photosynthesis with low oxygen levels17
14819668011Types of Freshwater LakesOften classified based on nutrient levels/biological productivity: oligotrophic, eutrophic18
14819682506OligotrophicLake low in nutrients with few number of plankton and algae (Glacier Lake)19
14819688177EutrophicLakes with greater concentrations of nutrients, removes growth limiting factor for algae/plankton20
14819703811Cultural Eutrophicationan increase in fertility in a body of water, the result of anthropogenic inputs of nutrients21
14819707138StreamsNarrow channels of water, often begin in mountainous areas where water (from melting snow/glaciers) moves rapidly across rocks and down waterfalls22
14819718824RiversFormed when streams combine with runoff water from surrounding land23
14819722829Source ZoneCold, rich in oxygen, low in nutrients, usually in the mountains24
14819736329Transition ZoneStreams widen, become deeper and warmed by the Sun25
14819743224WaterflowOxygen decreases, but nutrients increase26
14819751014EstuaryWhere rivers meet the sea (river mouths, inlets, bays, sounds, salt marshes, sea-grass beds, mangrove forests27
14819769901Coastal WetlandsCoastal land covered with water all or part of the year, seawater mixes with freshwater, a very productive ecosystem with high nutrient levels (coastal deltas, mangrove forests), provide natural protection against storms28
14819797310Dams and leveesartificial barriers made to help control flooding, reduce sediments in deltas29
14819801166inundateflood (coastal areas usually like New Orleans) by rising sea levels30
14819805723Inland Wetlandslands located away from coasts, covered with freshwater all or part of the time: marshes, swamps, prairie potholes, flood plains, and arctic tundra and provide free ecosystem/economic services31
14819825069Ecosystem/economic services of Freshwater inland areasfilter and degrade toxic wastes, help to replenish streams and recharge groundwater aquifers, recreation areas, reduce flooding and erosion, biodiversity, food and timber32
14819850440Human Activities Threatening Freshwater SystemsThreaten and disrupt ecosystem/economic services provided, dams and canals restrict the flows of rivers, cities and farms pollute water, many wetlands have been drained for human purposes33
14819870714Marine SystemsIrreplaceable biodiversity reservoirs that provide major services(12 trillion dollars a year), containing 3 life zones- coastal, open sea, and ocean bottom34
14819881979Coastal and Marine EnvironmentsWarm, nutrient rich, shallow, shore to edge of continental shelf, usually a high net primary productivity from ample sunlight and nutrients35
14819896748Marine Ecological ServicesOxygen supplied through photosynthesis, water purification, climate moderation, CO2 absorption, nutrient cycling, reduced storm impact, biodiversity with species and habitats36
14819911077Marine Economic ServicesFood, energy from waves and tides, pharmaceuticals, harbors and transportation routes, recreation and tourism, employment minerals37
14819929851Coral Reef ImportanceBiodiversity, form in clear and warm coastal waters in tropical areas, contain polyps-tiny animals, contain algae that have a mutual relationship with the polyps, polyps secrete calcium carbonate shells which become coral reefs, provide important ecological and economic services, but vulnerable to damage38
14819951268Coral bleachingA phenomenon in which algae inside corals die, causing the corals to turn white due to warmer ocean temperatures that kill the algae and polyps, increasing ocean acidity39
14819986267Thermoclinea steep temperature gradient in a body of water such as a lake, marked by a layer above and below which the water is at different temperatures. In the ocean, decreases from the euphotic to the abyssal zone40

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