13745774159 | life-cycle analysis | A systems tool that looks at materials used up and released throughout the manufacturing, use, and disposal of the product (aka cradle-to-grave analysis) | 0 | |
13745774160 | integrated waste management | an approach to waste disposal that employs several waste reduction, management, and disposal strategies in order to reduce the environmental impact of MSW | 1 | |
13745774161 | Life-cycle analysis | examines the materials and energy associated with an object from extraction of materials to disposal. | 2 | |
13745774162 | Integrated waste management | suggests that communities should have multiple options for waste disposal. | 3 | |
13745774163 | Which is NOT part of the cradle to cradle concept proposed by William McDonough? | upcycling waste materials | 4 | |
13745774164 | cultural eutrophication | runoff into streams/rivers/lakes from fertilizer increases nitrogen and phosphate levels, causes overgrowth of algae/increased fertility (algal boom), algae die and are decomposed using oxygen, leads plants and fish to die | 5 | |
13745774165 | Rachel Carson | Wrote the book Silent Spring to raise awareness about the harmful effects of DDT | 6 | |
13745774166 | radon | A radioactive gas that occurs naturally from the decay of uranium, exists in granitic and some other rocks and soils in many parts of the world | 7 | |
13745774167 | baghouse filter | air pollution control device which removes particulate matter through a series of filter bags that physically filter out the particles | 8 | |
13745774168 | electrostatic precipitator | A device used for removing particulates from smokestack emissions. The charged particles are attracted to an oppositely charged metal plate, where they are precipitated out of the air. | 9 | |
13745774169 | catalytic converter | converts hydrocarbons to CO2 and H2O (found on cars) | ![]() | 10 |
13745774170 | dioxin | toxic compound produced during combustion processes like incineration, forest fires, and backyard trash burning | 11 | |
13745774171 | leachate | liquid containing elevated levels of pollutants as a result of having passed through MSW or contaminated soil | 12 | |
13745774172 | how biomagnification of DDT affected eagle population | farmers spray DDT to kill insects --> poisoned insects are eaten by fish/waterfowl --> eagles eat poisoned waterfowl --> DDT becomes magnified up food chain | 13 | |
13745774173 | pH | the # that indicates the relative strength of acids and bases in a substance | 14 | |
13745774174 | turbidity | the cloudiness or haziness of a fluid caused by sediments | 15 | |
13745774175 | water hardness | The amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in the water | 16 | |
13745774176 | biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) | the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic biologic organisms like bacteria in a body of water to break down organic material | 17 | |
13745774177 | organic waste | organic matter such as food, garden, lawn clippings and animal/plant based material like paper | 18 | |
13745774178 | cholera | A bacterial disease causing severe diarrhea and dehydration, usually spread by fecal matter in water (poor sanitation) | 19 | |
13745774179 | Schistosomiasis | a chronic endemic disease to South America and Africa, caused by flood infestation of schistosomes released by snails- attacks urinary tract/intestines | 20 | |
13745774180 | giardia | intestinal infection caused by giardiasis, found in areas with poor sanitation and unsafe drinking water- causes extreme diarrhea and weight loss | 21 | |
13745774260 | sewage treatment plant process | ![]() | 22 | |
13745774181 | environmental concerns associated with human and animal wastewater | because wastewater contains organic matter, decomposition causes declines in oxygen in water, producing dead zones...or waste adds so many nutrients to a water body causing eutrophication...can also be a source of many harmful pathogens and diseases | 23 | |
13745774182 | persistent organic pollutants (POPs) | organic compounds that are resistant to environmental degradation... they biomagnify (ex. pesticides) | 24 | |
13745774183 | 4 hazardous waste characteristics | poisonous, chemically reactive, corrosive, flammable | 25 | |
13745774184 | wet scrubber | a device that removes pollutants from a gas stream (like furnace fumes)... gas stream brought in contact with scrubbing liquid, capturing them in liquid droplets, liquid is then treated and released | ![]() | 26 |
13745774185 | Not in My Backyard (NIMBY) | opposition by residents to a proposal for a new development because it is close to them (landfills, power plants, wind farms, etc.) | 27 | |
13745774186 | Formaldehyde | significant indoor air pollutant, found in buildings and insulating materials | 28 | |
13745774187 | radon | a radioactive, colorless, odorless gas, originates from rocks and soils, can vent upwards into homes from basements | 29 | |
13745774188 | mercury | found in many rocks including coal... coal burning power plants are the largest anthropogenic source | 30 | |
13745774189 | carbon monoxide | motor vehicle exhaust is the main source, also fossil fuel burning | 31 | |
13745774190 | nitrogen oxides | automobile engines and coal burning power plants are the main sources, including furnances, etc. | 32 | |
13745774191 | sulfur dioxide | A colorless, corrosive gas directly damaging to both plants and animals. | 33 | |
13745774192 | 3 health effects lead can have on humans | learning disabilities, ADD and behavioral issues, nervous system damage | 34 | |
13745774193 | 3 disinfectants used in water treatment process | chlorine, ozone, UV radiation | 35 | |
13745774194 | environmental concerns with landfills | leachate, methane and organic gases generated from organic material, contamination of waterways, etc. | 36 | |
13745774195 | 4 practices associated with integrated waste management | recycling, upcycling, composting, source reduction, waste reduction | 37 | |
13745774196 | Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) | organic compounds that become vapors at typical atmospheric temperatures | 38 | |
13745774197 | Eutrophication | A process by which nutrients, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen, become highly concentrated in a body of water, leading to increased growth of organisms such as algae or cyanobacteria. | 39 | |
13745774198 | Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) | Amount of oxygen required by aquatic bacteria to decompose given load of organic waste; a measure of water pollution. | 40 | |
13745774199 | thermal pollution | a temperature increase in a body of water that is caused by human activity and that has a harmful effect on water quality and on the ability of that body of water to support life | 41 | |
13745774200 | Maximum contaminant level (MCL) | The standard for safe drinking water established by the EPA under the Safe Drinking Water Act | 42 | |
13745774201 | particulate matter | Source: burning fossil fuels and diesel exhaust Effect: reduces visibility & respiratory irritation Reduction: filtering, electrostatic precipitators, alternative energy) | 43 | |
13745774202 | photochemical smog | An atmospheric condition formed through a combination of weather conditions and pollution, especially from motor vehicle emissions. | 44 | |
13745774203 | Photochemical Smog Formation | NO2 turns to NO + O transfers to O + O2 to form ozone. NO transfers to NO + VOCs to form Photochemical oxidants. Photochemical oxidants + Ozone = Photochemical smog. | ![]() | 45 |
13745774204 | primary pollutants | pollutants that are put directly into the air by human or natural activity. | 46 | |
13745774205 | secondary pollutants | pollutants that are formed by the combination of primary pollutants in the atmosphere. | 47 | |
13745774206 | thermal inversion | A situation in which a relatively warm layer of air at mid-altitude covers a layer of cold, dense air below, can lead to increased pollution | 48 | |
13745774207 | heavy metals | metallic elements with a high density that are toxic to organisms at low concentrations | 49 | |
13745774208 | Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) | Situation in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building but no specific illness or cause can be identified. | 50 | |
13745774209 | municipal solid waste (MSW) | refuse collected by municipalities from households, small businesses, and institutions | 51 | |
13745774210 | e waste | discarded electronic equipment such as computers, cell phones, television sets, etc. | 52 | |
13745774211 | closed loop recycling | when materials, such as plastic or aluminum, are used to rebuild the same product. An example of this is the use of the aluminum from aluminum cans to produce more aluminum cans. | 53 | |
13745774212 | open loop recycling | recycling one product into a different product | 54 | |
13745774213 | Landfill disadvantages | organic waste produces methane, requires space | 55 | |
13745774214 | Incineration disadvantages | toxic emissions (polyvinyl chloride, dioxins), scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators needed, ash disposal (contains heavy metals) | 56 | |
13745774215 | brownfield | a property which has the presence or potential to be a hazardous waste, pollutant or contaminant. | 57 | |
13745774216 | Bioaccumulation | The accumulation of a substance, such as a toxic chemical, in various tissues of a living organism. | 58 | |
13745774217 | Biomagnification | The increase in chemical concentration in animal tissues as the chemical moves up the food chain | 59 | |
13745774218 | stockholm convention | A 2001 agreement among 127 nations concerning 12 chemicals to be banned, phased out, or reduced. | 60 | |
13745774219 | epidemic | A widespread outbreak of an infectious disease. | 61 | |
13745774220 | pandemic | worldwide epidemic | 62 | |
13745774221 | hazardous waste | liquid, solid, gaseous, or sludge waste material that is harmful to humans or ecosystems | 63 | |
13745774222 | Superfund Act | imposes a tax on the chemical and petroleum industries, funds the cleanup of abandoned/nonoperating hazardous waste sites, and authorizes the government to respond directly to the release of substances that may pose a threat to humans/environment. | 64 | |
13745774223 | Brownfields | contaminated industrial or commercial sites that may require environmental cleanup before they can be redeveloped or expanded | 65 | |
13745774224 | Hazardous waste | includes many household items such as certain paints and oil. | 66 | |
13745774225 | Which legislation calls for listing hazardous waste to use in cradle-to-grave tracking? | Resource Conservation and Recovery Act | 67 | |
13745774226 | The Brownfields Program | is managed primarily by state and local governments. | 68 | |
13745774227 | Why might hazardous waste disposal in the United States be an international issue? | The lower costs of disposal elsewhere means industries sometimes export waste. | 69 | |
13745774228 | leachate | Liquid that contains elevated levels of pollutants as a result of having passed through municipal solid waste (MSW) or contaminated soil | 70 | |
13745774229 | sanitary landfill | An engineered ground facility designed to hold municipal solid waste (MSW) with as little contamination of the surrounding environment as possible. | 71 | |
13745774230 | tipping fee | a fee charged for disposing of material in a landfill or incinerator | 72 | |
13745774231 | siting | The designation of a landfill location, typically through a regulatory process involving studies, written reports, and public hearings. | 73 | |
13745774232 | incineration | The process of burning waste materials to reduce volume and mass, sometimes to generate electricity or heat | 74 | |
13745774233 | ash | The residual nonorganic material that does not combust during incineration | 75 | |
13745774234 | bottom ash | Residue collected at the bottom of the combustion chamber in a furnace. | 76 | |
13745774235 | fly ash | The residue collected from the chimney or exhaust pipe of a furnace. | 77 | |
13745774236 | waste-to-energy | A system in which heat generated by incineration is used as an energy source rather than released into the atmosphere | 78 | |
13745774237 | Which material, when placed in a landfill, is most likely to cause problems as a result of leaching? | aluminum | 79 | |
13745774238 | Incineration of waste is primarily used | to reduce waste volume and mass | 80 | |
13745774239 | NIMBY describes | an attitude about the placement of landfills | 81 | |
13745774240 | Which is NOT a detriment of waste incineration compared with landfills? | Increased space taken up by solid waste | 82 | |
13745774241 | Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (three Rs) | A popular phrase promoting the idea of diverting materials from the waste stream | 83 | |
13745774242 | source reduction | An approach to waste management that seeks to cut waste by reducing the use of potential waste materials in the early stages of design and manufacture. | 84 | |
13745774243 | reuse | using a product or material that was intended to be discarded | 85 | |
13745774244 | recycling | The process by which materials destined to become municipal solid waste (MSW) are collected and converted into raw material that is then used to produce new objects. | 86 | |
13745774245 | closed-loop recycling | recycling a product into the same product | 87 | |
13745774246 | open-loop recycling | recycling one product into a different product | 88 | |
13745774247 | composting | Creation of organic matter (humus) by decomposition under controlled conditions to produce an organic-rich material that enhances soil structure, cation exchange capacity, and fertility. | 89 | |
13745774248 | The correct order of the three Rs is | reduce, reuse, recycle | 90 | |
13745774249 | Which material usually uses closed-loop recycling? | Aluminum | 91 | |
13745774250 | Organic matter in landfills is a problem primarily because | it produces methane gas | 92 | |
13745774251 | For composting to work effectively, the compost | must be mixed | 93 | |
13745774252 | waste | Material outputs from a system that are not useful or consumed | 94 | |
13745774253 | municipal solid waste (MSW) | refuse collected by municipalities from households, small businesses, and institutions | 95 | |
13745774254 | waste stream | the flow of solid waste that is recycled, incinerated, placed in a solid waste landfill, or disposed of in another way | 96 | |
13745774255 | What played an important role in the development of the "throw-away" society? | Objects made of many materials | 97 | |
13745774256 | On average, how much municipal solid waste is generated per day in the United States? | 2 kg | 98 | |
13745774257 | The material that makes up the highest proportion of MSW is | paper and paperboard. | 99 | |
13745774258 | Electronic waste | is more expensive to recycle than to put in a landfill | 100 | |
13745774259 | Approximately how much MSW is recovered before it enters a landfill or incinerator? | 35% | 101 |
APES Pollution Flashcards
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