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13836001805El Nino Southern Oscillationa systematic shift in atmospheric pressure, sea-surface temperature, and ocean circulation in the tropical Pacific Ocean; climate gets warmer0
13836012571La NinaA cooling of the ocean surface off the western coast of South America, occurring periodically every 4 to 12 years and affecting Pacific and other weather patterns.1
13836016034CAFECorporate Average Fuel Economy - intended to reduce both fuel consumption and emissions2
13836052710EutrophicationA process by which nutrients, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen, become highly concentrated in a body of water, leading to increased growth of organisms such as algae or cyanobacteria.3
13836060049denitrificationprocess in which fixed nitrogen compounds are converted back into nitrogen gas and returned to the atmosphere4
13836062377nitrogen fixationProcess of converting nitrogen gas into ammonia5
13836082883primary pollutionpollutant put directly into the air by human activity, such as soot from smoke6
13836082901secondary pollutionpollution formed by the reaction of primary pollutants and natural air components7
13836084793Clean Water Act(CWA, 1972) set maximum permissible amounts of water pollutants that can be discharged into waterways; aims to make surface waters swimmable and fishable8
13836094750cost-benefit analysisa study that compares the costs and benefits to society of providing a public good9
13836136513acute effectscaused by a single exposure and results in an immediate health problem10
13836139527chronic effectsLong-lasting results of exposure to a toxin; can be a permanent change caused by one-time exposure.11
13836168187dose-response relationshipsrelationship between the size of an administered dose and the intensity of the response produced12
13836276569particulate mattermost likely cause of respiratory disease13
13836276570adultsleast susceptible to the effects of air pollution14
13836295269dissolved oxygenoxygen dissolved in water, dissolved oxygen is important for fish and other aquatic animals15
13836303402indicator speciesA species that indicates whether or not disease-causing pathogens are likely to be present16
13836305322pathogenAn organism that causes disease17
13836457299bioremediationThe use of living organisms to detoxify and restore polluted and degraded ecosystems18
13836573995option valuethe value people place on having the option to enjoy something in the future19
13836616762marginal benefitsAdditional benefits received when one more unit of a product is produced.20
13836623905marginal coststhe cost of producing one more unit of a good21
13836653549threshold dose response modela threshold dosage must be reached before any detectable harmful effects occur22
13837073568external costan uncompensated cost that an individual or firm imposes on others23
13837073569internal costA cost--such as for raw materials, manufacturing costs, labor, taxes, utilities, insurance, or rent--that is accounted for when a product or service is evaluated for pricing.24
13837083432Price Anderson Nuclear Indemnity Actindemnifies the nuclear industry against all liability claims arising from nuclear accidents while ensuring compensation coverage for the general public through no-fault insurance25
13837104531LD50lethal dose, 50%; the amount of a substance that would cause half of the population to die26
13837121065RhizofiltrationForm of phytoremediation that involves filtering water through a mass of roots to remove toxic substances or excess nutrients.27
13837124057PhytoremediationA method employed to clean up a hazardous waste site that uses plants to absorb and accumulate toxic materials28
13837366686Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)potentially toxic gases emitted by certain organic solids and liquids organic compounds that can evaporate readily from solid or liquid form29
13837371671Peroxyacyl Nitrates (PANs)- products of a reaction between peroxyacyl radicals and nitrogen dioxide that uses UV light as a catalyst - secondary air pollution for which can injure plant tissue, irritate eyes, and aggravate respiratory illnesses in humans30
13837526015net energythe amount of high-quality energy that is available to be used from a resource after subtracting the energy needed to make it usable31
13837604175hydroelectric facilitygenerates electricity from water and wind32
13837620453solar photovoltaicCapture energy from the sun as light, not heat, and convert directly into electricity33
13837637115steam turbineProvides mechanical energy to the generator.34
13837638850fuel cellAn electrical-chemical device that converts fuel, such as hydrogen, into an electrical current.35
13837640718fluorescent lightLight bulb that glows when an electric current causes ultraviolet rays to strike a coating inside a tube36
13837642616incandescent lightlight produced by heating a piece of metal, usually tungsten, until it glows37
13837643944internal-combustion enginean engine that burns fuel inside cylinders within the engine38
13837657156nuclear fusion2 isotopes of light elements (H) forced together at high temperatures till they fuse to form a heavier nucleus. Expensive, break even point not reached yet39
13837657157nuclear fissiona nuclear reaction in which a heavy nucleus splits spontaneously or on impact with another particle, with the release of energy.40
13837675169first law of thermodynamicsEnergy can be transferred and transformed, but it cannot be created or destroyed.41
13837677232second law of thermodynamicswhen energy is changed from one form to another, some useful energy is always degraded into lower quality energy (usually heat)42
13837692965law of conservation of energythe law that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be changed from one form to another43
13837695539first law of efficiencyThe ratio of the actual amount of energy delivered where it is needed to the amount of energy supplied in order to meet that need; expressed as a percentage.44
13837712203law of supply and demandEconomic principle which states that the supply of a good or service will increase when demand is great and decrease when demand is low45
13837737225Low throughput societyMatter and energy efficient society accomplished by - reusing and recycling nonrenewable matter resources - using potentially renewable resources no faster than they are replenished - using matter and energy resources efficiently - reducing unnecessary consumption - emphasizing pollution prevention and waste reduction, and - controlling population growth46
13837750148high-throughput societysocieties that attempt to sustain ever-increasing economic growth by increasing the throughput of matter and energy in their economic society. eventually the capacity of the environment to sustain this cycling is exceeded and becomes unsustainable. also known as high-waste society47
13837755154matter-recycling societyconverts an unsustainable high-throughput society, the goal is to allow economic growth to continue without depleting matter resources or producing excessive pollution and environmental48
13837759386free-market economyan economic system in which decisions on the three key economic questions are based on voluntary exchange in markets49
13837761291global market economyA collection of all the different participating markets in the world interacting simultaneously.50
13837780686reformingA process in which straight-chain hydrocarbons are heated under pressure with a catalyst, when they form branched-chain hydrocarbons.51
13837780706thermolysisHeat effect; used for permanent hair removal52
13837787308coal gasificationConversion of solid coal to synthetic natural gas (SNG).53
13837801804negative feedback loopA feedback loop that causes a system to change in the opposite direction from which it is moving54
13837803519positive feedback loopa feedback loop in which change in a system is amplified55
13837950634malnutritionfaulty or inadequate diet; lack of protein in diet56
13837960769Leibig's law of the minimumlaw stating that a population increases until the supply of the most limiting resource prevents it from increasing further57
13837971260Gaia HypothesisStates that the environment on a global level has been changed for the better by life over the history of life on earth.58
13837979461aeoliananything pertaining to wind; god who was Keeper of Wind59
13845417476density-dependent factorfactor that limits a population more as population density increases60
13845423397density-independent factorlimiting factor that affects all populations in similar ways, regardless of population size61
13845435112doubling timeThe number of years needed to double a population, assuming a constant rate of natural increase .62
13845744384biotic potentialThe maximum rate at which a population could increase under ideal conditions63
13845802901ecological footprintthe impact of a person or community on the environment, expressed as the amount of land required to sustain their use of natural resources.64
13862292210population momentumcontinued population growth that does not slow in response to growth reduction measures65
13862292211positive population growthCBR is growing faster than CDR or CDR is declining faster than CBR66
13862292212pre-industrial stageHarsh living conditions, birth and death rates are high, little increase in population67
13862292213Transitional stageLiving conditions improve, death rate drops, birth rate remains high68
13862292214Industrial stagedecline in birth rate, population growth slows69
13862292215post-industrial stageZero population growth, birth rate falls below the death rate70
13862466098Cyanidechemical asphyxiant that blocks the intracellular use of oxygen; signs are similar to carbon monoxide posioning71
13862466099amalgrama combination of diverse elements; a mixture72
13862466100Haber-Bosch processan industrial process for producing ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen, using an iron catalyst at high temperature and pressure.73
13863946668anaerobic respirationRespiration that does not require oxygen74
13863946669aerobic respirationRespiration that requires oxygen75
13863946670organic decaythe decay of dead plants and animals can produce acids that will weather rocks76
13863946671Photosynthesisprocess by which plants and some other organisms use light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and high-energy carbohydrates such as sugars and starches77
13863946672Biospherepart of Earth in which life exists including land, water, and air or atmosphere78
13863946673Troposphere0-17 km above Earth's surface, site of weather, organisms, contains most atmospheric water vapor. (temperature decreases with increasing altitude, pressure decreases)79
13863946674MesosphereThe strong, lower part of the mantle between the asthenosphere and the outer core80
13863946675LithosphereA rigid layer made up of the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust.81
13863946676ThermosphereThe uppermost layer of the atmosphere, in which temperature increases as altitude increases82
13863946677Stratosphere2nd layer of atmosphere; extends from 10 to 30 miles up; location of ozone layer; absorbs 95% of Ultraviolet radiation; temperature increases with altitude increase.83
13863946678AsthenosphereThe soft layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floats.84
13863946679slash and burn farminga farming method in which people clear fields by cutting and burning trees and grasses, the ashes of which serve to fertilize the soil85
13863946680cellular respirationProcess that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen86
13863946681MacronutrientsThe six key elements that organisms need in relatively large amounts: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.87
13863946682Micronutirentsnutrients that organisms need in only minor or trace amounts88
13863946683Nitrobacterconverts nitrite to nitrate89
13863946684InfiltrationFlow of water from the land surface into the subsurface.90
13870542328municipalitya city or town that has corporate status and local government.91
13871005523specialized nichenarrow range of food requirements or live in a specific habitat92
13871005524Generalized nicheorganisms eat a wide range of food sources; live in wider range of habitats93
13871005525net primary productivitythe rate at which biomass accumulates in an ecosystem94
13871005526boreal forestDense forest of evergreens located in the upper regions of the Northern Hemisphere.95

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