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APGOV Chapter 5 Vocabulary & Supreme Court Cases

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policies requiring special efforts on behalf of disadvantaged groups
requires employers and public facilities to provide "reasonable accommodations" and prohibits discrimination
policies that extend basic rights to groups historically subject to discrimination
denied federal money to segregated schools; made racial discrimination illegal in hotels, motels, restaurants, and other places of public accommodations; banned sex discrimination in employment
fact that traditional women's jobs often pay less than man's jobs that demand comparable skills; equal pay for equal work
allows us to stretch the laws. all people be protected by the law
originally proposed in 1920's; was revived and passed by congress in 1972 but fails by 3 states; stimulated more feminist activities
guaranteed African Americans the right to vote but full use not until another century
prohibits the states from denying "equal protection of the laws" to any person
women's rights to vote
small tax on the right to vote, often timed when blacks had the least amount of cash available
the right to vote
abolishes slavery
prohibits the revocation of voting rights due to the non-payment of poll taxes
prohibited any government from using voting procedures that denied a person the right to vote on the bases of race or color
political parties excluded blacks by saying that they were "private institutions"
marks the beginning of the civil rights movement. SC said that school segregation was inherently unconstitutional because it violated the 14th amendment's guarantee of equal protection
SC established the "medium scrutiny" standard
Chief Justice Taney declared that an African American man was "chattel" and had no rights under a white man's government, congress had no power to ban slavery in western territories (invalidate the Missouri Compromise)
SC provided constitutional justification of segregation was NOT unconstitutional as long as facilities were substantially equal
SC ruled that any "arbitrary" sex-based classification violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment
SC rejected UC Davis plan to set aside spaces in their med school for members of "disadvantaged groups"; SC said no to quotas for groups but can adopt policy that considers race/ethnic background as the element in selection process

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