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APRD 1000 Final Flashcards

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3272640623curiositya common trait found in all humans, the desire to learn or know0
3272652417creativitythe ability to produce original ideas of value or original ways of looking at existing ideas1
3272687295ken robinson's TED talkall children are born creative, intelligence has three characteristics; its diverse, its dynamic, and its distinct, the current education system allows many highly talented brilliant, creative people to think that they're not, believes that human creativity is essential and that our education system today fails to recognize that, children have extraordinary capacities for innovation and we should nurture and fulfill their interests, creativity is a very important factor to education2
3272701507preindustrial agebeginning of recorded history-1800s. town criers, signs, trademarks, printing press3
3272701508industrializing agemid 1700s - WW1. first ad agency (N.W. Ayer & Sons) in 1890. brought about by capitalism4
3272702122post industrial and information age1970s - now... moved from manufacturing to service5
3272702123industrial age1900s - 1970s. consumer packaged goods, USP, branding, positioning6
3272721907key players in advertising industryadvertisers, agencies, media, suppliers7
3272722380rory sutherland's TED talkall value is actually relative, all value is perceived value/subjective, persuasion is often better than compulsion, "spend more time appreciating what already exists, less time agonizing over what else we can do"8
3272822438steps in an AD campaignmarket research, planning and research, creative brief, choosing the right media, creative concepts and execution, evaluation9
3272823768new business manageris on the lookout for hot new trends, companies, entrepreneurial rockstars, and talent, needs good presentation skills, to be good at selling ideas, be organized, have a likable personality, not afraid to talk to anyone, and be okay with traveling on the road10
3272827429account executivecustomer service minded folks who can communicate an inward message outward, needs good presentation skills, to be good at selling ideas, have excellent communication skills, needs to be both right and left brained as they communicate the vision of the creative but speak the pragmatic language of a client with a budget, likable personality, and be okay with traveling on the road11
3272831901account planneralso known as a strategic planner, researches and provides insights, develops the creative brief, needs to have an inquisitive mind, loves research, asks the right questions, has qualitative and quantitative methods12
3272835495dan asiely's TED talkpeople who design forms determine the decisions that we are making not ourselves making our own decisions, we actually don't know our preferences that well, so we're susceptible to all these influences from external forces, irrational behavior: our intuition is really fooling us in a repeatable, predictable, consistent way13
3272838919seth godin's TED talkhow to get your ideas to spread, spread your ideas by being remarkable and making remarkable products, otaku (japanese word for people with obsessive interests) "riskiest thing you can do is to be safe", market to the early adopters/innovators, otto rohwedder invented sliced bread14
3272898352IQ intelligence quotientunderstand brand/market, define the problem, set the strategy15
3272898881EQ emotional quotientcreate powerful ideas that connect at a human level and change behavior16
3272900865TQ technical quotientskill to build and launch the work and curate it as it exists17
3272902163BQ bloody quicklaunch faster, fail faster, learn faster, fix faster, main factor of individual success, aim to do IQ, EQ, and TQ18
3272903863ideaa thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action, a concept or mental impression, an opinion or belief, your aim or purpose19
3272905362where big ideas come frommeans of production put into everyone's hands, removing the media barrier, the rise of the entrepreneur and the startup20
3272906988characteristics of great ideasa way of expressing a "truth" of a brand that turns on a little switch in people's brains, makes us notice, promotes understanding and sticks with us long beyond the time we spent engaging with the content, makes us laugh, cry empathize, an emotional response21
3272911100edward debonofather of lateral thinking22
3272911613lateral thinkingthe way of solving problems in indirect and creative ways, combines basic reasoning and creative methods to find an alternative solution to a problem, using unconventional and apparently irrational ideas and concepts23
3272914841immersiongetting inspired- inspiration, preparation, gathering reference24
3272914842incubationabsorb, let it soak in your brain- break/pause, reflection/absorption25
3272915997illuminationcoming up with the idea- idea generation, concepting, brainstorming`26
3272915998inspectionreview, edit, chopping block, filter, harvesting and verification27
3272955072media planningthe art and science of choosing the right place and the right time for the right duration and price, to reach the right target28
3272956803data miningexploring large amounts of data to discover meaningful pattern and insights, assume that future behavior will be similar to past behavior29
3272957937RFM analysispredicts recency, frequency, and monetary in customers, used to harvest existing customers30
3273002285different uses for data in marketing/advertisingsurveying, scanner data, customer profiling, ad analytics, site analytics, social media analytics, data visualization31
32770125953 areas of productionprint, broadcast, interactive producer/digital32
3277019655print producersomeone who produces billboards, pamphlets, brochures, photographs, and print ads, manages all the pre-post production activities, manages budgets and timelines, figures out what to design for33
3277027240CYMKrefers to the four inks used in some color printing, cyan, yellow, magenta, and key (black), used for media print34
3277030634broadcast producerworks with TV production companies35
3277032738digital/interactive producerbase around mobile works, provides insight, responsible for quality control36
3277356334two characteristics of millennialswe get things done, we care about the environment/social justice37
3277356335gamificationthe idea of bringing game dynamics and game mechanics into a non game context, to persuade people and change behavior38
3278051260four features that enhance gamificationachievement, recognition, valuables, and competition39
3278055854predictive analyticsthe branch of data mining/collection concerned with the prediction of future trends40
3278058619cloud computingaccess from many devices, people are putting more and more stuff on the cloud, subscription based models41
3278061990the internet of thingsthe idea that everything/every device could be given an IP address and put on the internet, use phone to communicate with devices42
3278068298experimental marketingadvertising/marketing that lets you experience the product, we don't show or tell, we immerse you in the product43
3278077013video news releasea pre packaged news story that is written, developed, and produced by the PR professionals for TV stations, bullshit news stories fabricated by third party entities with an agenda but disguised as hard news44
3278083008public relationsthe entire range of efforts by an individual, an agency, or any organization attempting to reach or persuade audiences45
3278088298advertisingpaid media, openly sponsored, more control46
3278089347public relationsfree media, mostly invisible, less control47
3278092845ivy leepennsylvania railroad, advocated for open dialogue between clients and press, rehabilitated rockefeller's image after the ludlow massacre of colorado miners48
3278102179edward bernay"father of PR", very influential, torches of freedom; made smoking fashionable among women, sign of their independence and celebration of suffrage, wrote PR's first field book, crystallizing public opinion49
3278113690PR firmsserve as the invisible catalyst that gets a company/idea/concept out into the public eye, have key relationships with media people of all types; bloggers, news anchors, radio hosts, event planners, etc, so that they can strategically place an idea in the right hands to spread to the right audiences50
3278122686event planningcreating and orchestrating the following with a specific goal or message to spread; festivals, expos, rallies, fairs, tribunes, tournaments, workshops, etc51
3278127886crisis communicationtraditional PR does anything they can to protect the brand in a crisis; take responsibility, fix the problem, make amends, pour energy into righting the wrong, good crisis communication is foreseeing problems before they become a recurity52
3278137074media relationsestablishing a rapport with free media journalists and outlets, become a well known figure in a particular community, know your resources to get the word out53
3278145924internal communicationcommunication designed to stay within an organization (CU emails)54
3278149967community relationscommunication designed to foster a relationship between an organization and the surrounding population (a factory discussing plans with people living in the area)55
3278156086lobbyingthe process of attempting to influence the voting of lawmakers to support an organization's best interests56
3278159236astroturf lobbyingphony grassroot campaigns engineered by PR firms, nonprofit PR57
3278162372flackderogatory term journalists call PR people who insert themselves between their clients and the press58
3278169589PRSA code of ethicsadvocacy, honesty, expertise, independence, loyalty, fairness59
3278244208brand archetypesbased on swiss psychologist Carl Jung's theory that humans have a basic tendency to use symbolism to understand concepts, the idea is that any brand can relate to one of these 12 iconic models that help define the brand and breathe life into it60
3278257859sage brandone of the 12 brand archetypes, the goal being to help the world gain wisdom and insight, traits being knowledgeable, trusting, and thoughtful61
3283584931homophilysociological theory that basically says people are friends with people like them62
3283598266food disparagement lawstipulates that anyone can be taken to court for criticizing food products63
3283607543vaughan emsleygenius means "revealing the world as no one has ever seen it", real human truth in an ad, how are IQ, EQ, TQ, and BQ related to an individual's success?64
3283620179kevin gammonwhat is an idea, characteristics of good ideas, what is the process in which big ideas are generated in adverting; immersion, incubation, illumination, inspection, lateral thinking, edward debono65
3283629635trina arnettdata in marketing and advertising, how to present it, how to use it, what client will use it for66
3283635338simon alexanderassociate print producer at Cactus, there are 3 ad mediums; digital, broadcast, print67
3283642857max lendermanwhat is experimental marketing, what are some examples68
3283645535rich kylbergwhat are brand archetypes, what are some examples, specifically what is the sage brand69
3559454636design thinkinggot it's origins in the 60s, an iterative process of creative problem solving that is solution focused, a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people. the possibilities of technology and the requirements for business success, made popular by Stanford D. School and Ideo,70
35594726525 stages of design thinkingempathize, define, ideate, prototype, test and learn71
3559476030common traits of design thinkingcuriosity, empathy, creativity, left and right brain thinking, teamwork, positive outlook72
3559480767wicked problemsclass of social system problems which are ill formulated, where the information is confusing, where there are many clients and decision makers with conflicting values, and where the ramifications in the whole system are throughly confusing73
3559488338four broad areas of designsymbolic/visual communication, material objects, activities and services, environments for living, working, playing, and learning74
3559498043ux (user experience)process of enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty by improving the usability, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the customer and the product75
3559506803ui (user interface)process of visually guiding the user through a products interface via interactive elements and across all sizes/platforms, is everything designed into an information device with which a human being may interact - including display screen, keyboard, mouse, etc76
3559524607tim brown's TED talkdesigners think big! design thinking can make a difference, help create new ideas and new innovations, take a more expansive view of design, less a domain of professional priesthood, focusing on the needs of humans and by using prototypes to move ideas along quickly by getting the process out of the hands of designers, active participation of the community, focusing on bigger systems77
3559539091david kelly's TED talkhow to build your creative confidence, sense you can change the world and attain what you set out to do, referenced psychologist, Albert Bandura, 80% of pediatric patients need to be sedated when getting an MRI, used design thinking to transform MRI experience by painting inside walls, percentage went down78
3559705728problem definitionan analytic sequence in which the designer determines all of the elements of the problem and specifies all of the requirements that a successful design solution must have79
3559711749problem solutiona synthetic sequence in which various requirements are combined and balanced against each other, yielding a final plan to be carried in production80
3572328878art directorthe person in charge of all non verbal aspects of an AD81
3572339479media plannerdetermines when, where, how often and at what cost of ad placements in an ad agency82
3572345233falseall public relations is inherently bad83
357234723550%percentage of news that is instigated by PR industry84
3572350852falsevideo news releases are always disclosed by local news85
3572354578trueaccording to guests david and laurie, professionals now need to shoot, edit and produce video apart from being really good writers86
3572360473Hill and KnowltonPR firm used by Kuwait in the first Gulf War87
3572366611seth godinsaid companies should market their products to the innovators and early adopters88
3572370736otakujapanese word, the desire of someone who is obsessed89
3572372329krispy kremecompany that is associated with otaku90
3572374147seth godinsaid that in today's world, the riskiest thing that marketers can do is to play it safe91
3572383979kevin gammon's process of generating ideasimmersion, incubation, illumination, and inspection92
3572399474characteristic of PRis is mostly invisible93
3572400983truePR experts would say that the best PR is invisible PR94
3572405683self efficacythe sense that you can change the world and that you can attain what you set out to do95
3572414490trueviral videos and facebook spread in exactly the same way that diseases spread through social networks96
3572436371truethe world's information is doubling every two years97
3572459639media buyerimplements/executes the plan, agency side, finds the ad space, interacts with the media reps98
3572463077media salesmanrepresents the media company/publisher, sells ad space (to media buyers), emphasis on relationship building99
3572467583media researchersimilar to planning/strategy but within the media realm, looks of where to look for media placements, offers insights throughout the process100
3572478494popup retailconvenient and has entered your everyday life101
3572690295truethe lines between advertising and PR are blurring everyday102
3572696986truewicked problems have no stopping rules103
3572698777truesolutions to wicked problems cannot be true or false, only good or bad104
3572704039truesolving a wicked problem is a one shot operation, with no room for trial and error105
35727085063 things about intelligencediverse, dynamic, distinct106
3572713728obama campaignswing state voters, micro targeting scores, scores for each voter on a scale of 1-100, undecided does not equal persuadable107
3572721871tools used in data analyticsgfk, omniture, google analytics, com score, ace metric, sysomos, simply measured108
3572730060tools used in social media managementradianB, hootsuite, socialbro109
3572733723skills needed in social media managementmultimedia skills, good understanding of SEO and content marketing strategies, engage audiences by providing value110
3572737354SEOsearch engine optimization111
3572746468advertising agencies compensationcommissions (15% of media buy) and markups, straight fees or retainers, fee commission combination, incentive system, emerging new revenue models112
3572753812PR firms compensationhourly rate, monthly fee for public relations counsel, fixed fee arrangements, collateral materials, results based113

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