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APUS Chapter 5-7 Flashcards Flashcards

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450449644Germansgroup of people that came to America to escape religious persecutions, economic problems, and war; made up 6% of american population
450449645Scots-Irishmade up 7% of American population; left Pennsylvania and moved to the western frontier of the missle and southern colonies
450449646Molasses Actattempt by British authorities to stop colonial trade with the French West Indies
450449647Agricultureleading industry of this time
450449648Christian Ministrymost honored profession
450449649Physicianswere very poorly trained
450449650Lawyersknown as troublemakers
450449651Scots-Irishled the armed march of the Paxton Boys and the regulator movement in North Carolina; made beer
450449652Anglican Churchchurch of England members; tax supported. Became official faith in GA, NC, SC, VA, MD, and part of NY
450449653Congregational Churchgrew out of the Puritan Church; was established in New England colonies except Rhode Island
450449654The Great Awakeningemotional religious revival of the 1730's and 1740's after a period of religious decline
450449655Johnathan Edwardspastor in Massachusetts; instigated the Great Awakening; "sinners in the hand of an angry God"
450449656George WhitfieldBritish evangelist who spread the Great Awakening throughout the colonies
450449657Collegesinstitutions that were founded as a result of the Great Awakening
450449658Benjamin Franklin"first civilized American"; author, scientist, created the printer
450449659John Peter Zengercolonial printer who's case helped begin freedom of press
450449660Paxton BoysThey were a group of Scots-Irish men living in the Appalachian hills that wanted protection from Indian attacks. They made an armed march on Philadelphia in 1764. They protested the lenient way that the Quakers treated the Indians.
450449661Regulator Movementgroup of frontier's men that protested the colonial government
450449662French and Indian WarWas a war fought by French and English on American soil over control of the Ohio River Valley-- English defeated French in1763.
450449663William PittEnglish statesman who brought the Seven Years' War to an end (1708-1778)
450449664George WashingtonVirginian, patriot, general, and president. Lived at Mount Vernon. Led the Revolutionary Army in the fight for independence. First President of the United States.
450449665James Wolfethe British general whose success in the Battle of Quebec won Canada for the British Empire.
450449666New FranceName of French colony in Canada
450449667Coureurs de BoisFrench colonists who lived and worked in the woods; fur trapper
450449668King William's WarOne of the four wars fought between France, Spain, England and France's indian allies for control of North America.
450449669Queen Anne's WarThe second of the four wars known generally as the French and Indian Wars, it arose out of issues left unresolved by King Williams' War (1689-1697)
450449670War of Jenkin's Warconflicts between Spanish and English. France joined Spain and they got beat by English... again
450449671Ohio River ValleyThe point of contention that sparked the French and Indian War. Both the French and British claimed it. They wanted the area because the rivers allowed for transportation.
450449672General BraddockCommanded forces sent by Great Britain to support American colonists; defeated and killed by French and Indian troops
450449673Buckskina soft yellowish suede leather originally from deerskin but now usually from sheepskin
450449674Republica political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them
450449675Paul RevereAmerican silversmith who became a hero after his famous ride to warn of the British advance on Lexington and Concord. "THE RITISH ARE COMING, THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!"
450449676Quartering Actan act that allowed British troops to live in the homes of the colonists
450449677George GrenvilleBritish prime minister who enforce navigation laws and sugar act was passed
450449678Stamp ActA tax that the British Pariliament placed on newspapers and official documents sold in the American Colonies
450449679No Taxation without Representationclaimed taxes were unjust, insisted only they or their elected reps had the right to pass taxes, parliament had no right ot tax them since they didnt elect reps, and they were willing to pay taxes only if their colonial legislatures passed them.
450449680Stamp Act Congressgroup of colonists who protested the Stamp Act, saying that Parliament couldn't tax without colonist' consent
450449681Sons and Daughters of LibertySecret society who intimidated tax agents; tarred and feathered some tax collectors
450449682Virtual RepresentationBritish's response to no taxation without representation
450449683Townsend Actswhen taxes were placed on paper, paint, white lead and tea
450449684Boston MassacreThe first bloodshed of the Amercan Revolution, as British guards at the Boston Customs House opened fire on a crowd killing five americans
450449685King George 3the king of england who taxed the colonies and refused the olive branch petition
450449686Samuel AdamsFounder of the Sons of Liberty and one of the most vocal patriots for independence; signed the Declaration of Independence
450449687Abigail AdamsWife of John Adams. During the Revolutionary War, she wrote letters to her husband describing life on the homefront. She urged her husband to remember America's women in the new government he was helping to create.
450449688Boston Tea Partyprotest against increased tea prices in which colonists dumped british tea into boston harbor
450449689Intolerable ActsA series of laws set up by Parliament to punish Massachusetts for its protests against the British
450449690First Continental CongressDelagates from all colonies except georgia met to discuss problems with britain and to promote independence
450449691Second Continental CongressIt met in 1776 and drafted and signed the Declaration of Independence, which justified the Revolutionary War and declared that the colonies should be independent of Britain.
450449692Comitees of CorrespondenceGot in touch with other with other towns and colonies. Its members shared ideas and info about the new British laws and ways to challenge them.
450449693Lexington and Concordthe first battle of the American Revolution; British were well trained and had proffesional troops
450449694Lafeyetteleader of french, saved american revolution
450449695John AdamsSecretary of State, He served as sixth president under Monroe. In 1819, he drew up the Adams-Onis Treaty in which Spain gave the United States Florida in exchange for the United States dropping its claims to Texas. The Monroe Doctrine was mostly his work.
450449696Charles Townsend"Champagne Charly" created the Townsend Acts
450449697RedcoatsBritish soldiers during the American Revolution.
450449698Whigsparty that favored a national bank, protective tariffs and eventually the abolition of slavery
450449699Toriesa person who supported the British cause in the American Revolution; a loyalist
450449700Adam SmithScottish economist who advocated private enterprise and free trade
450449701Navigation Lawslaws that restricted American trade with other countries; (would be shipped to the British before it was shipped back to them)
450449702John HancockPatriot leader and president of the Second Continental Congress; first person to sign the Declaration of Independence.
450449703Ben FranklinA delegate from Pennsylvania and proposed the "Albany Plan of the Union" as a way to strengthen colonies.
450449704Sugar Actlaw passed by the British Parliament setting taxes on molasses and sugar imported by the colonies
450449705Nonimportation Agreementspromising not to buy or import British goods
450449706Crispus Attucksafrican american killed by british soldiers in the boston massacre
450449707Quebec Actlaw that set up a government for canada and protected the rights of french catholics
450449708Boston Port Actclosed the Port of Boston until damages had been paid for the Boston Tea Party
450449709MinutemenMember of a militia during the American Revolution who could be ready to fight in sixty seconds.
450449710HessiansGerman hired Brithish mercinaries
450449711Lord NorthBritish Prime Minister during revolution. He had passed the Coercive Acts and supported the king greatly to the extent that Britain was ruled only by the king.
453977110Thomas Jeffersonoffered the Decleration of Independence
453977111Patrick Henrysaid "give me liberty or give me death" ?
453977112Thomas Paynesaid "These are the times that try men's souls." (Common Sense)
4539771139how many wars there were since 1688
4539771141688-1783years of the first 4 wars
453977115the Britishwho won King William's and Queen Anne's War?
453977116French Arcadiawhat the British were rewarded after the first two wars
453977117War of Austrian Successionalso known as King George's War
453977118George Grenvilleenforced navigation laws (and Sugar/Stamp Act)
453977119Sugar Actwas passed to raise revenue for Britain's military
453977120French and Indian Warcaused the rise of mercantilism
45397712116average age of people during this time
453977122Albany Congresscommon defense against the British, first sign of unity
453977123Pontiacottowa chief that rebelled against the british
453977124First Continental Congresshad 55 delgates; all but GA attended
453977125Quebec Actdone after the Boston Tea Party; set a press for jury trials
453977126Republicgovernment ruled by the people
453977127the Associationboycott of British goods
453977128the KingSugar Act raised money for...?

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