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APUS Supreme Court Cases

15 important supreme court cases

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24724287Marbury v Madison1803, Established the principle of Judicial Review, which is the power of the court to override the acts of an executive.
24724288McCulloch v Maryland1819, A state cannot tax a federal agency
24724289Gibbons v Ogden1824, A state cannot regulate interstate commerce
24724290Dred Scott v Sanford1857, African Americans are not citizens and the MO Compromise was unconstitutional
24724291United States v EC Knight1895, Any action against manufacturing monopolies would have to be taken by the state. Sherman Anti-Trust Act did not prevent these.
24724292Plessy v Ferguson1896, Established "Separate but Equal"
24724293Lochner v New York1905, The court cannot uphold a labor law unless it is an issue of public health
24724710Schenck v United States1919, Limited free speech if the U.S. is in "clear and present danger"
24724711Schechter Poultry Corp. v United States1935, Congress cannot delegate legislative power over industry codes to the President
24724712United States v Butler1936, AAA is an unconstitutional use of power to tax
24724713Korematsu v United States1944, Executive Order #9066 is constitutional because it was a time of war
24724714Brown v Board of Education1954, Separate is not equal, no more segregated schools
24724715Gideon v Wainwright1963, Due process obligates all states to apply the 6th Amendment
24724716Miranda v Arizona1966, Police cannot use statements as evidence unless the speaker had been given his rights. Created a card for police officers
24724717Roe v Wade1973, Abortion is legal in the 1st trimester, states can regulate it in the 2nd and states can forbid it in the 3rd

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