We are done...finally...with an awesome run :D. Good luck on the AP test everyone. Mr. Martin will be proud.
715263363 | Adam Clayton Powell | Flamboyant Congressman from Harlem and chairman of the House and Labor Committee, he was elected to the House of Representatives in 1968, but removed from office for alleged misuse of funds. | |
715263364 | Angela Davis | Black Communist college professor affiliated with the Black Panthers, she was accused of having been involved in a murderous jail-break attempt by that organization. | |
715263365 | Black Muslims | Common name for the Nation of Islam, a religion that encouraged separatism from White society. They claimed the "White Devil" was the chief source of evil in the world. | |
715263366 | Black Panthers | Led by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, they believed that racism was an inherent part of the U.S. capitalist society and were militant, self-styled revolutionaries for Black Power. | |
715263367 | Black power | A slogan used to reflect solidarity and racial consciousness, used by Malcolm X. It meant that equality could not be given, but had to be seized by a powerful, organized Black community. | |
715263368 | Civil Rights Act of 1964, Public Accommodations Section | This portion of the Act stated that public accommodations could not be segregated and that nobody could be denied access to public accommodation on the basis of race. | |
715263369 | Civil Rights Act, 1968 | Attempted to provide Blacks with equal-opportunity housing. | |
715263370 | CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) | 1941-42 - Interracial until 1962, when it became predominately Black, after 1964, only Blacks were allowed to join. It concentrated on organizing votes for Black candidates and political causes, successful even in states like Mississippi and Alabama. | |
715263371 | De facto, de jure segregation | De Facto means "it is that way because it just is," and De Jure means that there are rules and laws behind it. In 1965, President Johnson said that getting rid of De Jure segregation was not enough. | |
715263372 | H. Rap Brown | A proponent of Black Power, he succeeded Stokely Carmichael as head of SNCC. He was indicted by inciting riot and for arson. | |
715263373 | "I have a dream" speech | Given August 1963 from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. | |
715263374 | Kerner Commission of Civil Disorders | In 1968, this commission, chaired by Otto Kerner, decided that the race riots were due to the formation of two different American cultures: inner-city Blacks and suburban Whites. | |
715263375 | Malcolm X | Malcolm X was an influential black leader who called for unity between blacks to combat oppressive forces in the United States. He was a part of the Nation of Islam, but broke with them to form a black nationalist group, the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU). He advocated Black Power. | |
715263376 | March of Washington, 1963 | August - 200,000 demonstrators converged on the Lincoln Memorial to hear Dr. King's speech and to celebrate Kennedy's support for the civil rights movement. | |
715263377 | Medgar Evers | Director of the NAACP in Mississippi and a lawyer who defended accused Blacks; he was murdered in his driveway by a member of the Ku Klux Klan. | |
715263378 | Montgomery bus boycott | December, 1955 - In Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat for a White man as required by city ordinance. It started the Civil Rights Movement and an almost nation-wide bus boycott lasting 11 months. | |
715263379 | NAACP | Founded in 1909 to improve living conditions for inner city Blacks, evolved into a national organization dedicated to establishing equal legal rights for Blacks. | |
715263380 | SCLC | Headed by Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., a coalition of churches and Christians organizations who met to discuss civil rights. | |
715263381 | SNCC | Organized in the fall of 1960 by Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. as a student civil rights movement inspired by sit-ins, it challenged the status quo and walked the back roads of Mississippi and Georgia to encourage Blacks to resist segregation and to register to vote. | |
715263382 | Sit-ins, freedom riders | Late 1950's, early 1960's, these were nonviolent demonstrations and marches that challenged segregation laws, often braving attacks by angry White mobs. | |
715263383 | Stokely Carmichael | In 1966, as chair of SNCC, he called to assert Black Power. Supporting the Black Panthers, he was against integration. | |
715263384 | Thurgood Marshall | In 1967, appointed the first Black Supreme Court Justice, he had led that NAACP's legal defense fund and had argued the Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas case before the Supreme Court. | |
715263385 | 24th Amendment | 1964 - It outlawed taxing voters, i.e. poll taxes, at presidential or congressional elections, as an effort to remove barriers to Black voters. | |
715263386 | Urban League | Helping Blacks to find jobs and homes, it was founded in 1966 and was a social service agency providing facts about discrimination. | |
715263387 | Voting Rights Act, 1965 | Passed by Congress in 1965, it allowed for supervisors to register Blacks to vote in places where they had not been allowed to vote before. | |
715263388 | Watts, Detroit race riots | Watts: August, 1965, the riot began due to the arrest of a Black by a White and resulted in 34 dead, 800 injured, 3500 arrested and $140,000,000 in damages. Detroit: July, 1967, the army was called in to restore order in race riots that resulted in 43 dead and $200,000,000 in damages. | |
715263389 | White backlash | Resistance to Black demands led by "law and order" advocates whose real purpose was to oppose integration. | |
715263390 | Bombing of Laos and Cambodia | March, 1969 - U.S. bombed North Vietnamese positions in Cambodia and Laos. Technically illegal because Cambodia and Laos were neutral, but done because North Vietnam was itself illegally moving its troops through those areas. Not learned by the American public until July, 1973. | |
715263391 | Daniel Ellsberg, Pentagon Papers | Papers were part of a top-secret government study on the Vietnam War and said that the U.S. government had lied to the citizens of the U.S. and the world about its intentions in Vietnam. | |
715263392 | Demilitarized zone | An area that both militaries are required to stay out in order to create a buffer between nations. In Vietnam, a five mile wide DMZ was established between the North and South along the 17th parallel. | |
715263393 | Domino theory | 1957 - It stated that if one country fell to Communism, it would undermine another and that one would fall, producing a domino effect. | |
715263394 | Geneva Conference, 1954 | French wanted out of Vietnam, the agreement signed by Ho Chi Minh France divided Vietnam on the 17th parallel, confining Minh's government to the North. In the South, an independent government was headed by Diem. | |
715263395 | Gulf of Tonkin Resolution | August, 1964 - After the U.S. Navy ship Maddux reportedly was fired on, the U.S. Congress passed this resolution which gave the president power to send troops to Vietnam to protect against further North Vietnamese aggression. | |
715263396 | Hanoi, Haiphong | The Declaration of Independence by the Vietnamese was proclaimed in Hanoi on September 2, 1945. Haiphong is Hanoi's harbor. | |
715263397 | Ho Chi Minh | North Vietnamese leader who had led the resistance against the Japanese during WW II and at the end of the war had led the uprising against the French Colonial government. He had traveled in Europe, was an ardent Communist, and became President of the North Vietnamese government established after the French withdrawal. Often called the George Washington of North Vietnam. | |
715263398 | Kent State and Jackson State incident | Kent State: May 4, 1970 - National Guardsmen opened fire on a group of students protesting the Vietnam War. Jackson State: Police opened fire in a dormitory. | |
715263399 | My Lai, Lt. Calley | March, 1968 - An American unit destroyed the village of My Lai, killing many women and children. The incident was not revealed to the public until 20 months later. Lt. Calley, who led the patrol, was convicted of murder and sentenced to 10 years for killing 20 people. | |
715263400 | National Liberation Front, NLF | Official title of the Viet Cong. Created in 1960, they lead an uprising against Diem's repressive regime in the South. | |
715263401 | Paris Accords | In 1973, after Lyndon Johnson died of a heart attack, Nixon declared that a peace had been reached in Vietnam. The Paris Accords ended the war between the North Vietnamese government and Thieu government of South Vietnam. It was also agreed that the future of North Vietnam would not be determined by war. | |
715263402 | Senator Fulbright | Anti-Vietnam War Senator from Arkansas, he was head of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. In 1966 and 1967, he held a series of hearings to air anti-war sentiments. | |
715263403 | Tet offensive | 1968, during Tet, the Vietnam lunar new year - Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army raiding forces attacked provincial capitals throughout Vietnam, even seizing the U.S. embassy for a time. U.S. opinion began turning against the war. | |
715263404 | Viet Cong | Name given to the guerilla fighters on the Communist side. The North Vietnamese Army (NVA) was regular troops. | |
715263405 | Vietnamization | The effort to build up South Vietnamese troops while withdrawing American troops; it was an attempt to turn the war over to the Vietnamese. | |
715263406 | Abolition of immigration quotas | 1965 - Amendments to Immigration and Nationality Act abolished national origin quotas and instead, based immigration on skills and need for political asylum. | |
715263407 | Alliance for Progress | 1961 - Formed by Kennedy to build up third-world nations to the point where they could manage themselves. | |
715263408 | Bay of Pigs | 1961 - 1400 American-trained Cuban expatriates left from Nicaragua to try to topple Castro's regime, landing at the Bay of Pigs in southern Cuba. They had expected a popular uprising to sweep them to victory, but the local populace refused to support them. When promised U.S. air cover also failed to materialize, the invaders were easily killed or captured by the Cuban forces. Many of the survivors were ransomed back to the U.S. for $64 million. President Kennedy had directed the operation. | |
715263409 | Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique | 1963 - Depicted how difficult a woman's life is because she doesn't think about herself, only her family. It said that middle-class society stifled women and didn't let them use their talents. Attacked the "cult of domesticity." | |
715263410 | Chicago, Democratic Party Convention riot | August, 1968 - With national media coverage, thousands of anti-war protestors, Blacks and Democratic supporters were clubbed by Major Daley's police. | |
715263411 | Cuban missile crisis | October 14-28, 1962 - After discovering that the Russians were building nuclear missile launch sites in Cuba, the U.S. announced a quarantine of Cuba, which was really a blockade, but couldn't be called that since blockades are a violation of international law. After 6 days of confrontation that led to the brink of nuclear war, Khrushchev backed down and agreed to dismantle the launch sites. | |
715263412 | Czechoslovakia invaded | 1968 - Liberalization of Czechoslovakia was crushed by the Soviet Union invasion | |
715263413 | Dominican Republic, 1965 | In 1905, the U.S. imposed financial restrictions upon this Caribbean nation. Part of making sure Latin America traded with the U.S. and not Europe. | |
715263414 | **Election of 1960: "missile gap, issues, candidates | ** Kennedy, the Democrat, won 303 electoral votes, Nixon, the Republican, won 219 electoral votes, Byrd, the Independent, won 15 electoral votes. Kennedy and Nixon split the popular vote almost 50/50, with Kennedy winning by 118,000. The issues were discussed in televised debates. The "Missile gap" referred to the U.S. military claim that the U.S.S.R. had more nuclear missiles that the U.S., creating a "gap" in U.S. defensive capabilities. | |
715263415 | **Election of 1964: LBJ, Goldwater | ** Goldwater alienated people and was believed to be too conservative. He was perceived as an extremist who advocated the use of nuclear weapons if needed to win the war in Vietnam. LBJ won by the largest margin ever. | |
715263416 | Election of 1968: candidates, issues | Richard M. Nixon, Republican, won by a 1% margin against Hubert Humphrey, Democrat. The issues were the war in Vietnam and urban crisis of law and order. | |
715263417 | "flexible response" | Kennedy abandoned Eisenhower's theory of massive nuclear war in favor of a military that could respond flexibly to any situation at any time, in different ways. | |
715263418 | "flower children" | Hippies who were unified by their rejection of traditional values and assumptions of Western society. | |
715263419 | Governor George Wallace of Alabama | 1968 - Ran as the American Independent Party candidate in the presidential election. A right- wing racist, he appealed to the people's fear of big government and made a good showing. | |
715263420 | Great Society | Platform for LBJ's campaign, it stressed the 5 P's: Peace, Prosperity, anti-Poverty, Prudence and Progress. | |
715263421 | HUD | Created by Congress in 1965, it was 11th in cabinet office. Afro-American economist Dr. Robert C. Weaver was named head, and the department regulated and monitored housing and suburban development. It also provided rent supplements for low-income families. (Department of Housing and Urban Development) | |
715263422 | John Birch Society | Right-wing group named for an American missionary to China who had been executed by Communist troops. They opposed the liberal tendencies of the Great Society programs, and attempted to impeach Earl Warren for his liberal, "Communist" actions. | |
715263423 | Lee Harvey Oswald, Warren Commission | November, 22, 1963 - Oswald shot Kennedy from a Dallas book depository building, and was later himself killed by Jack Ruby. Chief Justice Earl Warren ruled that they both acted alone. | |
715263424 | Medicare | Enacted in 1965 - provided, under Social Security, for federal subsidies to pay for the hospitalization of sick people age 65 and over. | |
715263425 | Moon race, Neil Armstrong | July 20, 1969 - Armstrong becomes the first man to walk on the moon, beating the Communists in the moon race and fulfilling Kennedy's goal. Cost $24 billion. | |
715263426 | National Women's Political Caucus | Established by Betty Friedan, encouraged women to seek help or run for political office. | |
715263427 | New Frontier | The "new" liberal and civil rights ideas advocated by Kennedy, in contrast to Eisenhower's conservative view. | |
715263428 | New Left | Coalition of younger members of the Democratic party and radical student groups. Believed in participatory democracy, free speech, civil rights and racial brotherhood, and opposed the war in Vietnam. | |
715263429 | Nixon's "Southern strategy" | His political strategy of "courting" the South and bad-mouthing those Northerners who bad- mouthed the South. He chose Spiro Agnew, the Governor of Maryland, as his running mate to get the Southern vote. | |
715263430 | NOW | Inspired by Betty Frieden, a reform organization that battled for equal rights with men by lobbying and testing laws in court. NOW wanted equal employment opportunities, equal pay, ERA, divorce law changes, and legalized abortion. (National Organization for Women) | |
715263431 | Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 1963 | Reacting to Soviet nuclear tests, this treaty was signed on August 5, 1963 and prohibited nuclear testing undersea, in air and in space. Only underground testing was permitted. It was signed by all major powers except France and China. | |
715263432 | Office of Economic Opportunity | 1965 - Part of the war on poverty, it was headed by R. Sargent Shiver, and was ineffective due to the complexity of the problem. It provided Job Corps, loans, training, VISTA, and educational programs. | |
715263433 | Panama Canal treaties | 1978 - Passed by President Carter, these called for the gradual return of the Panama Canal to the people and government of Panama. They provided for the transfer of canal ownership to Panama in 1999 and guaranteed its neutrality. | |
715263434 | Peace Corps, VISTA | Established by Congress in September, 1961 under Kennedy, dedicated Americans volunteered to go to about 50 third-world countries and show the impoverished people how to improve their lives. | |
715263435 | Berlin Wall | 1961 - The Soviet Union, under Nikita Khrushchev, erected a wall between East and West Berlin to keep people from fleeing from the East, after Kennedy asked for an increase in defense funds to counter Soviet aggression. | |
715263436 | Ralph Nader, Unsafe at Any Speed | 1965 - Nader said that poor design and construction of automobiles were the major causes of highway deaths. He upset Congress by asking for legislation regulating car design and creation of national auto safety board, NATSA. | |
715263437 | Robert Kennedy | Attorney General under his brother, JFK, he was assassinated in June 1968 while campaigning for the Democratic party nomination. | |
715263438 | SDS (Students for Democratic Society) | Formed in 1962 in Port Huron, Michigan, SDS condemned anti-Democratic tendencies of large corporations, racism and poverty, and called for a participatory Democracy. | |
715263439 | Sunbelt versus Frostbelt | A trend wherein people moved from the northern and eastern states to the south and southwest region from Virginia to California. | |
715263440 | Trade Expansion Act | October, 1962 - The Act gave the President the power to reduce tariffs in order to promote trade. Kennedy could lower some tariffs by as much as 50%, and, in some cases, he could eliminate them. | |
715263441 | UN in the Congo (1960) | A Black uprising against the Belgian colonial government in the Congo became increasingly violent with White settlers being raped and butchered. The U.N. sent in troops to try to prevent civil war. | |
715263442 | War on Poverty (1965) | 1965 - Johnson figured that since the Gross National Profit had risen, the country had lots of extra money "just lying around," so he'd use it to fight poverty. It started many small programs, Medicare, Head Start, and reorganized immigration to eliminate national origin quotas. It was put on hold during the Vietnam War. | |
715263443 | Alaska pipeline | Built in 1975 along the pipeline to Valdez, it was an above-ground pipe 4 feet in diameter used to pump oil from the vast oil fields of northern Alaska to the tanker station in Valdez Bay where the oil was put aboard ships for transport to refineries in the continental U.S. | |
715263444 | American Indian Movement, Wounded Knee | Formed in 1968 by urban Indians who seized the village of Wounded Knee in February, 1973 to bring attention to Indian rights. This 71-day confrontation with federal marshals ended in a government agreement to reexamine treaty rights of the Ogalala Sioux. | |
715263445 | Vietnam Amnesty | A general pardon by which the government absolves offenders, President Carter offered amnesty of Americans who had fled to other countries to avoid the draft for the Vietnam War. | |
715263446 | Arab oil embargo | October 6, 1973 - Egypt and Syria attacked Israel. Moscow backed Egypt and both U.S. and U.S.S.R. put their armed forced on alert. In an attempt to pressure America into a pro-Arab stance, OPEC imposed an embargo on all oil to the U.S. | |
715263447 | Camp David Accords | Peace talks between Egypt and Israel mediated by President Carter. | |
715263448 | Cesar Chavez | Non-violent leader of the United Farm Workers from 1963-1970. Organized laborers in California and in the Southwest to strike against fruit and vegetable growers. Unionized Mexican-American farm workers. | |
715263449 | Chicanos | Name given to Mexican-Americans, who in 1970, were the majority of migrant farm labor in the U.S. | |
715263450 | China visit | February 21 - Nixon visited for a week to meet with Chairman Mao Tse-Tung for improved relations with China, Called "ping-pong diplomacy" because Nixon played ping pong with Mao during his visit. Nixon agreed to support China's admission to the United Nations. | |
715263451 | CREEP | Established in 1971 to help Nixon get reelected. Involved in illegal activities such as the Watergate break-in. | |
715263452 | Department of Energy | 1977 - Carter added it to the Cabinet to acknowledge the importance of energy conservation | |
715263453 | Détente | A lessening of tensions between U.S. and Soviet Union. Besides disarming missiles to insure a lasting peace between superpowers, Nixon pressed for trade relations and a limited military budget. The public did not approve. | |
715263454 | Election of 1972: candidates, issues | People feared that George S. McGovern, the Democratic candidate, was an isolationist because he promised cuts in defense spending. Richard M. Nixon, the Republican, promised an end to the Vietnam War and won by 60.7% of the popular vote. | |
715263455 | Election of 1976: candidates issues | Jimmy Carter, Democrat defeated Gerald Ford, Republican. The issues were energy, transportation, and conservation. Carter had no Washington ties. Ford appealed to the upper- middle class, but Carter won by 1.7 million votes. | |
715263456 | Gerald Ford | Nixon's vice president after Agnew resigned; he became the only president never to be elected. Taking office after Nixon resigned, he pardoned Nixon for all federal crimes that he "committed or may have committed." | |
715263457 | H.R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, John Dean, John Mitchell | All were involved in the Watergate scandal. Dean refused to cover up Nixon's involvement in Watergate. Nixon fired Dean and Haldeman and Ehrlichman who headed the White House Staff resigned. All three and former Attorney General Mitchell were indicted on March 1974. | |
715263458 | Henry Kissinger, "shuttle diplomacy" | Policy of this Secretary of State to travel around the world to various nations to discuss and encourage the policy of detente. | |
715263459 | Impeachment proceedings | Special committee led by Ervin began impeachment talks about Nixon. Impeachment hearing was opened May 9, 1974 against Nixon by the House Judiciary Committee. The Committee recommended 3 articles of impeachment against Nixon: taking part in a criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice, "repeatedly" failing to carry out his constitutional oath, and unconstitutional defiance of committee subpoenas. Nixon resigned on August 9. | |
715263460 | Iranian crisis, the Shah, Ayatollah Khomeini | 1978 - A popular uprising forced the Shah to flee Iran and a Muslim and national leader, the Ayatollah Khomeini, established an Islamic Republic based on the Koran. President Carter allowed the Shah to come to the U.S. for medical reasons. Young Iranian militants broke into the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and kept the staff hostage for 444 days, releasing them January, 1981. | |
715263461 | Jimmy Carter | Elected to the Senate in 1962 and 1964, in 1974 he became the 39th President, with Vice President Walter Mondale. He secured energy programs, set the framework for Egypt-Israel treaty, and sought to base foreign policy on human rights. | |
715263462 | Multinational corporations | Most were American business firms whose sales, work force, production facilities or other operations were worldwide in scope. They represented the latest development in the continuing growth of corporate organization. | |
715263463 | Nixon pardon | On Aug. 9, 1974, Ford became the first vice president to inherit leadership of the nation after the president resigned. To put the nation forward, General Ford granted pardon for ex-President Nixon. As a result, many people were angry that the government could easily forgive corruption and dishonesty. | |
715263464 | Nixon, "New Federalism" | Slogan which meant returning power to the states, reversing the flow of power and resources from states and communities to Washington, and start power and resources flowing back to people all over America. Involved a 5-year plan to distribute $30 billion of federal revenues to states. | |
715263465 | OPEC | An international oil cartel dominated by an Arab majority, joined together to protect themselves. | |
715263466 | Panama Canal Treaty | 1978 - Passed by President Carter, these called for the gradual return of the Panama Canal to the people and government of Panama. They provided for the transfer of canal ownership to Panama in 1999 and guaranteed its neutrality. | |
715263467 | Recognition of China | Nixon established a trade policy and recognized the People's Republic of China, which surprised many because China had been an enemy during the Korean and Vietnam Wars. | |
715263468 | "Revenue sharing" | 1972 - A Nixon program that returned federal funds to the states to use as they saw fit. | |
715263469 | SALT I Agreement | Strategic Arms Limitations Talks by Nixon and Brezhnev in Moscow in May, 1972. Limited Anti-Ballistic Missiles to two major departments and 200 missiles. | |
715263470 | SALT II | Second Strategic Arms Limitations Talks. A second treaty was signed on June 18, 1977 to cut back the weaponry of the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. because it was getting too competitive. Set limits on the numbers of weapons produced. Not passed by the Senate as retaliation for U.S.S.R.'s invasion of Afghanistan, and later superseded by the START treaty. | |
715263471 | Senator George McGovern | Democratic nominee for the 1972 election, from South Dakota. Somewhat of a radical, many voters thought he was a hippie and too supportive of women and militant Blacks. Ran an unsuccessful campaign, hampered by lack of funds. | |
715263472 | Spiro T. Agnew, his resignation | October, 1973 - Nixon's vice-president resigned and pleaded "no contest" to charges of tax evasion on payments made to him when he was governor of Maryland. He was replaced by Gerald R. Ford. | |
715263473 | "Stagflation" | During the 60's and 70's, the U.S. was suffering from 5.3% inflation and 6% unemployment. Refers to the unusual economic situation in which an economy is suffering both from inflation and from stagnation of its industrial growth. | |
715263474 | 25th Amendment | Made the replacement of a vice president the same as for a Supreme Court justice, i.e., the president nominates someone and Congress decides. | |
715263475 | 26th Amendment | Lowered voting age to 18. | |
715263476 | Wage and price controls | 1971 - To curb inflation, President Nixon froze prices, wages, and revenues for 90 days. | |
715263477 | War Powers Act | Gave any president the power to go to war under certain circumstances, but required that he could only do so for 90 days before being required to officially bring the matter before Congress. | |
715263478 | Watergate | June 17, 1972 - five men arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Committee's executive quarters in the Watergate Hotel. Two White House aides were indicted; they quit, Senate hearing began in May, 1973, Nixon admitted to complicity in the burglary. In July, 1974, Nixon's impeachment began, so he resigned with disbarment. | |
715263479 | Watergate tapes | Tapes which proved Nixon was involved in the Watergate scandal. Although he withheld them at first, the Supreme Court made Nixon turn over these recordings of the plans for the cover-up of the scandal. | |
715263480 | White House "plumbers" | Name given to the special investigations committee established along with CREEP in 1971. Its job was to stop the leaking of confidential information to the public and press. | |
715263481 | Warren Burger appointed | A conservative appointed by Nixon, he filled Earl Warren's liberal spot. | |
715263482 | Afghanistan | The Soviet Union sent troops into neighboring Afghanistan to support its Communist government against guerilla attacks by fundamentalist Muslims. | |
715263483 | Agent Orange | Agent Orange was a chemical sprayed by U.S. planes on the jungles of Vietnam during the war which caused the defoliation of trees and shrubs and made enemy positions more visible. In the 1970s it was found that Agent Orange was harmful to humans. In 1984, manufacturers agreed to pay veterans injured by the chemical. | |
715263484 | AIDS | First diagnosed in 1981, 97,000 cases were reported in 1989. Originally concentrated among homosexual men, needle-sharing drug users, and sex partners of high risk groups, the disease soon spread. AIDS prompted a change from the "free love" attitude of the 1970s, to a "safe sex" attitude of the 1990s. | |
715263485 | Arias Peace Plan in Central America | Oscar Arias Sánchez, the president of Costa Rica, was very influential in pushing for peace in Central America which was stalled because of civil wars in the region and the tensions between Nicaragua's Sandinista government and the U.S. In 1986, the warring nations signed a peace agreement. | |
715263486 | Berlin Wall opens | The dismantling of the Berlin Wall began in 1989. Germany, having been divided into East and West Germany since World War II, unified in October 1990. The wall which separated the two countries fell, and citizens were once again permitted to travel between East and West Germany. | |
715263487 | Betty Friedan, The Second Stage | In her novel The Second Stage, Friedan stresses the need to add family matters to the cause of women's rights. She reasons no person should ignore such a significant issue while focusing on female independence and advancement in society. | |
715263488 | Challenger disaster | 1986: The space shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds into flight, killing all aboard. The explosion was caused by a faulty seal in the fuel tank. The shuttle program was halted while investigators and officials drew up new safety regulations, but was resumed in 1988 with the flight of the Discovery. | |
715263489 | Col. (Oliver) North | Oliver North was tried in 1988 in relation to his activities while at the National Security Council. He was indicted on sixteen felony counts and convicted of three: accepting an illegal gratuity, aiding and abetting in the obstruction of a congressional inquiry, and destruction of documents. He was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Gerhard A. Gesell on July 5, 1989, to a three-year suspended prison term, two years probation, $150,000 in fines and 1,200 hours community service. | |
715263490 | El Salvador | Three U.S. nuns found shot in El Salvador in December, 1980. President Carter had stopped aid to El Salvador's right-wing dictator, but President Reagan started it again. | |
715263491 | Election of 1980: candidates, issues | Ronald Wilson Reagan, Republican defeated Jimmy Carter, Democrat and John B. Anderson, Independent. The issues were government spending and traditional values. | |
715263492 | Election of 1984: candidates, issues | Former Vice President Walter Mondale got the Democratic nomination over Jesse Jackson, backed by minority groups, and Gary Hart, who appealed to the young. Reagan's campaign revolved around the optimistic slogan "It's Morning in America" and he rode the tide of prosperity to a decisive victory. | |
715263493 | Election of 1988: candidates, issues | Bush got the Republican nomination while Michael Dukakis won the Democratic nomination over Jesse Jackson. Bush chose Quayle as his running mate for his good looks. Taxes, crime, and personal appearance were the main issues in 1988. Bush won fairly decisively on a negative campaign. | |
715263494 | EPA, Environmental Protection Agency | It was created in 1969 by President Nixon to enforce government standards for water and the air quality for work safety. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was also created to enforce the hygiene. | |
715263495 | George Bush | Bush was Vice President under Reagan, and was president from 1989 to 1993. As president, Bush was successful in areas of foreign relations. He eased relations with Russia, resisted the Russian military's attempted coup in 1991, and fought Saddam Hussein in the Persian gulf. He was not as successful in domestic affairs as the economy dwindled and the deficit rose; the effects of the era of Reaganomics. Bush was defeated by Bill Clinton and Al Gore in the 1992 election. | |
715263496 | Geraldine Ferraro | The first woman ever to be on the ticket of a major party, Ferraro was chosen by Walter Mondale to be his Vice-Presidential candidate in 1984. However, her presence failed to win Mondale the election, as a higher percentage of women voted republican in 1984 than in 1980. | |
715263497 | Gorbachev, glasnost, perestroika | Mikhail Gorbachev welded influence in transforming the Soviet Union into a less rigidly communist regime. His program of economic and political reform was called perestroika or restructuring. Gorbachev's call for more openness in government was given the name glasnost. Relations between the United States and the Soviet Union continued to improve which furthered the thaw in the Cold War. | |
715263498 | Grenada, 1983 | On October 23, 1983, 2,000 U.S. Marine soldiers invaded the island of Grenada, and overthrew the disruptive radical government, and put in a U.S.-friendly regime. The new government that the United States had just installed was collaborating well with the local Grenadians. | |
715263499 | Holes in the "Iron Curtain" | Due to Gorbachev's more liberalized policies, Moscow began losing direct control over Eastern Europe. The USSR reduced its military force in its eastern satellites and allowed more freedom of expression. Non-Communist political movements soon developed in Poland, Hungary, East Germany, and Czechoslovakia. | |
715263500 | INF Treaty, 1987 | (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty): The treaty was a 1987 agreement between Reagan and Gorbachev which banned INF's but did little to end the nuclear threat as 95% of the world's nuclear arsenal remained. It is an example of the warming Soviet-American relations and renewed the arms control process. | |
715263501 | Iran-Contra affair, Irangate | Caught selling arms to the anti-American government of Iran, Reagan admitted it and stated his aim had been to encourage "moderate elements" in Tehran and gain the release of American hostages. Key players included Oliver North, who sent millions of dollars from these sales to contras in Nicaragua when Congress had forbidden such aid, and John Poindexter, who hid the affair from the president. Criminal charges were filed against only North. | |
715263502 | Iran-Iraq War | The war began in 1980 over territorial disputes. Fighting spread throughout the gulf region and the U.S. was dragged into the conflict several times, either being attacked or attacking hostile targets. The war ended in 1988, as Iraq began preparing to invade Kuwait. The area remained a volatile region. | |
715263503 | Love Canal, Niagara Falls, NY | In the 1970s and early 1980s, chemical wastes that had leaked from a former disposal site threatened the health of residents in that area. Both the New York state government and the federal government provided financial aid to help move families from the Love Canal to other areas. | |
715263504 | "Moral Majority" | The Moral Majority was Jerry Falwell's pro-Reagan followers who embraced the new evangelical revival of the late seventies. The Moral Majority was politically active in targeting such issues as abortion, homosexuality, pornography, and school prayer. They were strongly conservative, anticommunist, and influential. The Moral Majority was started in 1979 as a secular political group, and was finished as a political force by the late 1980s. | |
715263505 | "New Federalism" proposals, 1982 | New Federalism proposed to reverse the flow of power and resources from the states and communities to the state capital. The president proposed a revenue sharing bill that transferred some federal revenues to the states and prominent cities. | |
715263506 | Nuclear freeze movement | The movement was a popular reaction to the military and nuclear buildup under Reagan. Protests, rallies, and resolutions against nukes were passed. It was the first popular challenge to Reaganism. Responding to pressure, the U.S. began talks on strategic-arms reductions with the Soviets. | |
715263507 | Moscow Olympic boycott, 1980 | When Carter and Brezhnev could not agree on the rules and regulations of the SALT II agreement, the United States picked up an anti-Soviet relationship towards everything that had to do with Russia, which unfortunately included the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. | |
715263508 | Reaganomics | Also known as voodoo economics, George Bush named this new economic strategy Reaganomics in the 1980 primary campaign. President Reagan believed that the government should leave the economy alone. He hoped that it would run by itself. It was a return to the laissez faire theory of Adam Smith, yet Reagan expanded his theory by advocating supply-side economics as a method to solve the economic hardships. | |
715263509 | Rev. Jerry Falwell | An engineering student before turning to religion, he founded Thomas Road Baptist Church in 1956 and later Liberty Baptist College. His Old-Time Gospel Hour television show serves as outreach for his church. In 1979 he organized the Moral Majority to encourage his followers to become involved in politics; he withdrew from its leadership in 1990 to return to preaching. A fundamentalist interpreter of the Bible, he is known for his sometimes extreme conservatism. | |
715263510 | Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rainbow Coalition | Jackson, once an associate of King, tried to build a "rainbow coalition" of blacks, Hispanics, displaced workers, and other political outsiders to try to gain nomination and election in 1984. Jackson ran several times for the presidency, but was not moderate enough to gain popular approval. | |
715263511 | Sandra Day O'Connor | She was a feminist who generally deplored Reagan's programs. However, she was delighted when he nominated her as the first woman justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. Many people supported Reagan's decisions in favor of women's rights. | |
715263512 | SDI, Star Wars, Strategic Defense Initiative | SDI was a proposed system of space based lasers and other high-tech defenses against nuclear attack, popularly dubbed "Star Wars." It was proposed by Reagan in 1983 in an effort to ward off the perceived threat of a Soviet strike as U.S.-Soviet relations worsened. Many argued it would escalate the conflict. The system carried a huge price tag, and was fiercely debated until the end of the Reagan administration. The system was never used. | |
715263513 | Supply side economics | In contrast to Adam Smith's belief in supply-and-demand, Reagan assumed that if the economy provided the products and services, the public would purchase them. Consequently, Reagan lowered income taxes to stimulate the economy by expanding the money supply. | |
715263514 | Three Mile Island | In 1979, a near catastrophe occurred at Three Mile Island when there was an accident involving a nuclear power plant. Safety measures were taken so that a future incident would not occur. The plants were placed far away to reduce the hazards of near fatal accidents. | |
715263515 | Baker v. Carr, Wesberry v. Sanders, Reynolds v. Sims | - Declared that the principle of "one person, one vote" must prevail at both state and national levels. Decision required that districts be redrawn as that each representative represented the same number of people. - Supreme Court required states to draw their congressional districts so that each represented the same number of people. "As nearly as practical, one man's vote . . . is to be worth as much as another's". - Supreme Court created the one person, one vote grounded in the Equal Protection Clause. | |
715263516 | Bakke v. Board of Regents | Barred colleges from admitting students solely on the basis of race, but allowed them to include race along with other considerations when deciding which students to admit. | |
715263517 | Diamond v. Chakrabarty | Ruled that a man-made life form (genetic engineering) could be patented. | |
715263518 | Roe v. Wade | 1973 Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional most state statutes restricting abortion. It ruled that a state may not prevent a woman from having an abortion during the first 3 months of pregnancy, and could regulate, but not prohibit abortion during the second trimester. Decision in effect overturned anti-abortion laws in 46 states. | |
715263519 | Engel v. Vitale | Local and state laws requiring prayer in public schools were banned on the grounds that such laws violated the First Amendment. | |
715263520 | Escobedo v. Illinois | Court ruled that there was a right to counsel at the police station. This was needed to deter forced confessions given without the benefit of counsel. | |
715263521 | Gideon v. Wainwright | The Supreme Court held that all defendants in serious criminal cases are entitled to legal counsel, so the state must appoint a free attorney to represent defendants who are too poor to afford one. | |
715263522 | Miranda v. Arizona | Court declared that police officers must inform persons they arrest of their rights: the right to remain silent and the right to counsel during interrogation. | |
715263523 | Reed v. Reed | 1971. Equal protection: the Supreme Court engaged in independent judicial review of a statute which discriminated between persons on the basis of sex, making it clear that the Supreme Court would no longer treat sex-based classifications with judicial deference. | |
715263524 | Swan v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education | 1971. A unanimous decision that the busing of students may be ordered to achieve racial desegregation. |