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APUSH Chapter 15 Vocabulary

barberree ch 15

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after the Peace at Ghent, British manufacturers unloaded surpluses at low prices, prompting this mildly effective U.S. tariff.
the other name of the Millerites of the 1840s.
the mother of seven of the 1840s who insisted on leaving "obey" out of her marriage ceremony. She shocked fellow feminists by going so far as to advocate suffrage for women.
the famous Rhode Island painter of the early 1800s who was noted for his idealized portraits of George Washington.
the 19th century New England teacher and authoress who traveled for eight years and 60,000 miles to assemble her damning report on the treatment of the insane.
the Quaker-reared woman's rights movement leader who, in 1872, was arrested, found guilty, and fined for voting.
this "Father of American History" helped found the Naval Academy. From 1834-1876, he published a ten-volume history of the U.S.
the first female graduate of a medical college who in the mid-1800s was a pioneer in a profession previously forbidden to women.
the founder of the Mormon Church received golden plates from an angel whish were deciphered and put into this book.
the Salem, Massachusetts reared writer of the early 1800s whose Calvinist-centered writings culminated in 1850 with the masterpiece The Scarlet Letter.
official name of the Mormon Church.
the liberal religious philosophy of the late 1800s that believed in a Supreme Being who had created a knowable universe and endowed human beings with a capacity for moral behavior.
the mayor of Portland, Maine who, in 1851, sponsored a law that helped earn his nickname "Father of Prohibition."
the best known of the transcendentalists of the early 1800s.
the greatest of the revival preachers of the 1830s who eventually became the president of Oberlin College.
the precocious editor of the transcendentalist journal The Dial in the mid-1800s. She is remembered for having said, "I accept the universe."
the famous magazine of the 1800s whose peak circulation was 150,000. It was devoured devotedly by countless millions of women.
the idealistic and merciless foe of slavery who published the weekly New York Tribune and whose personal journalism had influence outside of New York state.
the sisters who spoke at anti-slavery gatherings and aroused the ire of conservatives of the mid-1800s.
he taught anatomy at Harvard and was a prominent poet, essayist, novelist, and wit. This 19th century poet wrote "The Last Leaf" in honor of the last "white Indian" of the Boston Tea Party.
the philosophical movement of the early 1800s that emphasized individualism, self-reliance, self-culture, and self-discipline.
the group of 19th century writers from New York who finally gained international acclaim for their literary works.
the leading spirit in the formation of the American Peace Society in 1828.
the French-Swiss Harvard professor who, as a student of biology, insisted on original research and was known to have carried snakes in his pockets.
one of America's most famous poets was this 19th century Harvard professor who wrote "Evangeline," "Hiawatha," and "The Courtship of Miles Standish."
the intrepid pioneer in the field of higher education for women who founded Mount Holyoke College in 1837.
the American historian who published classic accounts of the conquests of Mexico and Peru in the 1840s.
the brilliant and idealistic Brown University graduate who led the campaign to reform education in the mid-1800s.
the Ohio-born educator of the early 1800s whose 1830s readers sold 122 million copies in the following decades.
the best known of the later Methodist circuit riders who ranged for a half-century from Tennessee to Illinois.
the organization formed in Boston in 1862 that implored drinkers to sign temperance pledges.
this orphaned and ill-educated New Yorker went to sea as a youth. He wrote charming tales of the South Seas, but his masterpiece was published in 1851. He was the author of the epic novel Moby Dick.
the name for the revivalist gatherings of the early 1800s where as many as 25,000 people gathered to drink the hellfire gospel.
the founder of the religious movement that believed that Christ would return to Earth on October 22, 1844.
the famous early American novelist who gained critical acclaim in the early 1800's with the publication of his Leather Stocking Tales.
the most influential scientist of the first half of the 19th century. He was a pioneer chemist and geologist who taught and wrote brilliantly at Yale College for more than 50 years.
the sprightly Quaker leader of the women's rights movement whose ire had been aroused when she and her fellow female delegates to the London Anti-Slavery Convention of 1840 were not recognized.
the white Pennsylvanian of the mid-1800s whose songs captured the plaintive spirit of the slaves.
the radical communal experiment founded in New York in 1848 that had trouble with the law over its marriage practices.
the 19th century blind historian who chronicled the struggle between France and England for mastery of North America.
Modern-day "Lucy Stoners" emulate Lucy Stone of the mid-1800s who is most famous for this.
the modern-day city in which the Mormon pilgrimage to the West ended in 1848.
one of the largest and longest-lived communal societies whose 1840 membership of 6,000 dwindled to extinction because they opposed marriage and free love.
known as the "Cooper of the South," this 19th century American writer wrote 82 books. His books were about the South during its early frontier and Revolutionary War days.
in 1819-1820 Washington Irving published this book of writings including "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," which made him famous here and in Europe.
the founder of the Mormon Church.
lovers of American bird lore owe much to this French-descended American who, in the first half of the 19th century, published the magnificently illustrated Birds of America.
the mid-19th century woman who objected to the long skirts of her day and took to wearing a shorter skirt with Turkish trousers.
the most popular anti-alcohol tract of the mid-1800s was T.S. Arthur's melodramatic novel describing how a once happy village was ruined by Sam Slade's tavern. This novel was the second leading seller of the 1850s, second only to Uncle Tom's Cabin.
the poet, mystic, transcendentalist, non-conformist who wrote Walden.
this Virginia-reared, eccentric genius of the early 1800s suffered tragedy, hunger, cold, poverty, and debt and authored "The Raven" and "The Fall of the House of Usher."
the painter of the early 1800s who had fought in the Revolution and recaptured its scenes on canvas.
the communal experiment in Massachusetts in 1841 which ended in fire and financial failure.
the Harvard College professor, the Columbus of American botany, who published over 350 books, monographs, and papers.
the spin-off of Puritanism of the early 1800s that held that God only existed in one person, not the Trinity.
one of the leading universities of the early 1800s was the brainchild of Thomas Jefferson who designed its beautiful architecture.
the Yale-educated Connecticut Yankee known as the "Schoolmaster of the Republic" whose 19th century reading lessons were used by millions and whose 1828 work helped standardize the American language.
he was a poet and Longfellow's successor at Harvard. He is best remembered as a political satirist in his Bigelow Papers, especially those in the 1840s critical of the Mexican War and the Polk administration's expansionist designs.
known as the "Poet Laureate of Democracy," he wrote of his love for the masses. This 19th century author caught the exuberant spirit of an expanding America in his most famous piece, Leaves of Grass.
the famous American painter from Maryland who, in the early 1800s, painted over 60 portraits of George Washington.
an American poet of the mid-19th century, the Fighting Quaker, the uncrowned poet laureate of the anti-slavery crusade, and the poet of human freedom.
the modern movement launched in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848.
the person who led the Mormons from Illinois to their home in the West.
"Thanatopsis," which was published in 1817, was the melancholy and meditative writing of this 16-year-old.
the movement that arose in the early 1800s in reaction to the growing liberalism in religion.
wealthy and idealistic textile manufacturer Robert Owen established a utopian communal society here in 1825.

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