APUSH Chapter 27 Empire & Expansion 1890-1090
653806326 | Isolationlist | From the end of the Civil War to the 1880s, the United States was very __________. | |
653806327 | the world stage | In the 1890s, due to rising exports, manufacturing capability, power, and wealth, it began to expand onto ___________, using overseas markets to sell its goods. | |
653806328 | Imperialism | The US became interested in __________________ in the 1890s. Some believed the US had to expand or explode. | |
653806329 | Frontier closed; Foreign Markets; Christian Missionaries; Sea Power; White Man's Burden, Europe | There were many reasons that contributed to the nation's ambition for oversears expansion including; ________________________________________ | |
653806330 | "yellow press | The _______________ or "yellow journalism" of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst also influenced overseas expansion due to the sensationalism (evoking of emotion) it created. | |
653806331 | Missionaries | ____________________ inspired by Reverend Josiah Strong's Our Country: It's Possible Future and Its Present Crisis. Strong spoke for civilizing and Christianizing savages. | |
653806332 | Darwin's | People were interpreting ______________ theory of survival-of-the-fittest to mean that the United States was the fittest and needed to take over other nations to improve them. | |
653806333 | Europeans | ______________ had carved up Africa and China by this time. | |
653806334 | Navy | In America, Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan's 1890 book, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783, argued that every successful world power once held a great _______. | |
653806335 | Naval race | Mahan's book helped start a ____________ among the great powers and moved the U.S. to naval supremacy. It motivated the U.S. to look to expanding overseas. | |
653806336 | "Big Sister" | James G. Blaine pushed his_______________ policy, which sought better relations with Latin America, and in 1889, he presided over the first Pan-American Conference, held in Washington D.C. | |
653806337 | Germany | In other diplomatic affairs, America and ___________ almost went to war over the Samoan Islands (over whom could build a naval base there). | |
653806338 | Italy | ______ and America almost fought due to the lynching of 11 Italians in New Orleans, and the U.S. and Chile almost went to war after the deaths of two American sailors at Valparaiso in 1892. | |
653806339 | Canadian | The new aggressive mood was also shown by the U.S.—________________ argument over seal hunting near the Pribilof Islands off the coast of Alaska. | |
653806341 | Monroe | An incident with Venezuela and Britain wound up strengthening the __________ Doctrine. | |
653806343 | Gold | British Guiana and Venezuela had been disputing their border for many years, but when _________ was discovered, the situation worsened. | |
653806345 | trespassing | Thus, the U.S., under President Grover Cleveland, sent a note written by Secretary of State Richard Olney to Britain informing them that the British actions were _____________ the Monroe Doctrine and that the U.S. controlled things in the Americas. | |
653806348 | merchant trade | Britain didn't want to fight because of the damage to its _________________ that could result. | |
653806350 | "patting the eagle's head," | Seeing the benefits of an alliance with the "Yankees," Great Britain began a period of ________________ instead of America "twisting the lion's tale." | |
653806352 | Great Rapprochement | This change in relations between Britain and the US was referred to as the ______________________ or reconciliation. | |
653806353 | Hawaiian | From the 1820s, when the first U.S. missionaries came, the United States had always liked the ________________ Islands. | |
653806354 | Pearl Harbor | Treaties signed in 1875 and 1887 guaranteed commercial trade and U.S. rights to priceless ______________, while Hawaiian sugar was very profitable., raising its price. | |
653806355 | Annex | In 1890, Americans felt that the best way to offset the McKinley Tariff which raised the prices on sugar from Hawaii was to ________ Hawaii—a move opposed by Queen Liliuokalani—but in 1893, desperate Americans in Hawaii revolted. | |
653806356 | Hawaii | _____________ seemed ready for annexation, but Grover Cleveland became president again, investigated the coup, found it to be wrong, and delayed the annexation of Hawaii until he basically left office. | |
653806357 | Manifest Destiny | Cleveland was bombarded for stopping _________________," but his actions proved to be honorable for him and America. | |
653806358 | Spain | In 1895, Cuba revolted against _______, citing years of misrule, and the Cubans torched their sugar cane fields in hopes that such destruction would either make Spain leave or America interfere (the American tariff of 1894 had raised prices on it anyway). | |
653806359 | Supported | America _____________ Cuba, and the situation worsened when Spanish General Valeriano "Butcher" Weyler came to Cuba to crush the revolt and ended up putting many civilians into concentration camps that were terrible and killed many. | |
653806360 | Sensational | The yellow presses competed against each other to come up with more ___________ stories, and Hearst even sent artist Frederick Remington to draw pictures of often-fictional atrocities. For example, he drew Spanish officials brutally stripping and searching an American woman, when in reality, Spanish women, not men, did such acts. | |
653806361 | Ridiculed | On February 9, 1898, a letter written by Spanish minister to Washington Dupuy de Lôme that _______________ President McKinley was published by Hearst. | |
653806362 | U.S.S. Maine | On February 15th of that year, the U.S. battleship, _________________, while on its way to retrieve stranded American s in Cuba mysteriously exploded in Havana Harbor, killing 260 officers and men. Despite an unknown cause, America was war-mad and therefore Spain received the blame. Actually, what really happened was that an accidental explosion had basically blown up the ship but America ignored them. | |
653806363 | public | The American ________ wanted war with Spain, but McKinley privately didn't like war or the violence, since he had been a Civil War major. In addition, Mark Hanna and Wall Street didn't want war because it would upset business. | |
653806364 | Congress | However, on April 11, 1898, the president sent his war message to ____________ anyway, since: (1) war with Spain seemed inevitable, (2) America had to defend democracy, and (3) opposing a war could split the Republican party and America. | |
653806365 | Teller | Congress adopted the _________ Amendment, which proclaimed that when the U.S. had overthrown Spanish misrule, it would give the Cubans their freedom and not conquer it. | |
653806366 | Modernized | Navy Secretary John D. Long and his assistant secretary, Theodore Roosevelt had ______________the U.S. navy, making it sleek and sharp. | |
653806367 | Phillippines | On February 25, 1898, Roosevelt cabled Commodore George Dewey, commanding the American Asiatic Squadron at Hong Kong, and told him to take over the __________. Dewey did so brilliantly, completely taking over the islands from the Spanish. | |
653806368 | Manila | On August 13, 1898, American troops arrived and captured ____________ easily, collaborating with Filipino insurgents, led by Emilio Aguinaldo, to overthrow the Spanish rulers. | |
653806369 | Spanish-American war | The ____________________ lasted 113 days. 379 combats deaths. 5,000 US deaths to disease. | |
653806370 | annexed | On July 7, 1898, the U.S. _________ Hawaii (so that it could use the islands to support Dewey, supposedly), and Hawaii received full territorial status in 1900. | |
653806371 | Tropical | American ground troops, led by fat General William R. Shafter, were ill-prepared for combat in the _________ environment (i.e. they had woolen long underwear). | |
653806372 | Rough Riders | The "______________," a regiment of volunteers led by Theodore Roosevelt and Colonel Leonard Wood, rushed to Cuba and battled at El Caney stormed up San Juan Hill. | |
653806373 | Puerto Rico | On land, the American army, commanded by General Nelson A. Miles, met little resistance as they took over ______________. | |
653806374 | armistice | Soon afterwards, on August 12, 1898, Spain signed an ________________. | |
653806375 | Won | Notably, if the Spaniards had held out for a few more months, they might have _____, for the American army was plagued with dysentery, typhoid, and yellow fever. | |
653806376 | Freed | In negotiations in Paris, America got Guam and Puerto Rico and _______ Cuba, but the Philippines were a tough problem, since America couldn't honorably give it back to Spain after decades of misrule, but the U.S. couldn't just take it like an imperialistic nation. | |
653806377 | Philippines | Finally, McKinley decided to keep the ______________, even though they had been taken one day after the end of the war, but he did so because of popular public opinion and because it meshed well with business interests. The U.S. paid $20 million for the islands. | |
653806378 | uproar | Upon the U.S. taking of the Philippines, ___________broke out, since until now, the United States had mostly acquired territory from the American continent, and even with Alaska, Hawaii, and the other scattered islands, there weren't many people living there. |