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APUSH Unit 8 (World War II Era) Flashcards

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151382462Calvin Coolidgetaciturn, pro-business president (1923-1929) who took over after Harding's death, restored honesty to government, and accelerated the tax cutting and antiregulation policies of his predecessor; his laissez-faire policies brought short-term prosperity from 1923 to 1929.0
151382463Ernest Hemingwayfought in Italy in 1917. He later became a famous author who wrote "The Sun Also Rises" (about American expatriates in Europe) and "A Farewell to Arms." In the 1920's he became upset with the idealism of America versus the realism he saw in World War I. He was very distraught, and in 1961 he shot himself in the head.1
151382464Magaret SangerOne of the founders of the modern American birth control movement. Her work as a nurse showed her the horific effects of the misinformation and ignorance from middle class women during the progressive era. She published the latest studies in her magazine "The Woman's Revolt" and the pamphlet, "Family Limitations" showing women the separation between sex and procreation. She founded the American Birth Control League in 1921 which would become Planned Parenthood in 1942.2
151382465Eleanor RooseveltFDR's Wife and New Deal supporter. Was a great supporter of civil rights and opposed the Jim Crow laws. She also worked for birth control and better conditions for working women3
151382466Father CoughlinCatholic priest in Michigan (1930) slogan of Social Justice, anti New Deal, anti semitic, fascist. had a popular radio show. he called for heavy taxes on the wealthy and nationalization of the banking system4
151382467Adolph Hitler...5
151382468Benito MUssolini...6
151382469Harry Truman...7
151382470Al Capone...8
151382471Herbert Hoover...9
151382472F. Scott Fitzgerald...10
151382473Charles Lindbergh...11
151382474Francis Townsend...12
151382475Huey John...13
151382476Joseph Stalin...14
151382477Winston Churchill...15
151382478Douglas MacArthur...16
151382479Albert Einstein...17
151382480John T. Scopes...18
151382481Clarence Darrow...19
151382482Franklin D. Roosevelt...20
151382483Frances Perkins...21
151382484John L. Lewis...22
151382485Francisco Franco...23
151382486Dwight D. Eisenhower...24
151382487Bonus Marchers...25
151382488Roosevelt Coalition...26
151382489Nye Committee...27
151382490Nazi Party...28
151382493Brain Trust...31
151382494"Merchants of Death"...32
151382496Zoot Suiters...34
151382498America First Committee...36
151382499Congress of Industrial Organizations...37
151382500War Production Board (WPB)...38
151382501National War Labor Board (NWLB)...39
151382502Far Employment Practices Committee (FEPC)...40
151382504Trade Associations...42
151382505The "Three R's"...43
151382506New Deal...44
151382508"Cash and Carry"...46
151382510Buying on Margin...48
151382511Farm Block...49
151382512Dust Bowl...50
151382513Hundred Days...51
151382516Florida land boom...54
151382517Stock Market...55
151382519Court packing scheme...57
151382520Installment buying...58
151382521Good Neighbor Policy...59
151382522Black Friday...60
151382523Washington Conference...61
151382524Kellogg-Briand Pact...62
151382525Agricultural Marketing Act...63
151382526Hawley-Smoot Tariff...64
151382527Federal Housing Authority (FHA)...65
151382528National Recovery Act (NRA)...66
151382529Social Security Act...67
151382530Schechter v. US...68
151382531Wagner Act...69
151382532Public Works Administration (PWA)...70
151382533Hitler-Stalin Non Aggression Pact...71
151382534Bonus Army...72
151382535"Four Freedoms" Speech...73
151382536Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)...74
151382537Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)...75
151382538National Labor Relations Board...76
151382539Works Progress Administration (WPA)...77
151382540Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)...78
151382541Spanish Civil War...79
151382542"Arsenal of Democracy" SpeechFDR's promise to help the British fight against Nazi Germany; US provided support but didn't participate until the bombing of Pearl Harbor80
151382543Atlantic Charter1941-Pledge signed by US president FDR and British prime minister Winston Churchill not to acquire new territory as a result of WWII amd to work for peace after the war81
151382544Potsdam ConferenceThe final wartime meeting of the leaders of the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union was held at Potsdamn, outside Berlin, in July, 1945. Truman, Churchill, and Stalin discussed the future of Europe but their failure to reach meaningful agreements soon led to the onset of the Cold War.82
151382545Dresden Firebombingthe US Air Force and the British Air Force bombed Dresden to the ground; it was the only place not bombed yet and contained a lot of industrial factories that generated supplies for the German Army83
151382546V-J Day"Victory over Japan day" is the celebration of the Surrender of Japan, which was initially announced on August 15, 194584
151382547US v Butlera case in which the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the processing taxes instituted under the 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act were unconstitutional. Justice Owen Josephus Roberts argued that the tax was "but a means to an unconstitutional end" that violated the Tenth Amendment85
151382548Civilian Conservation CorpsRelief: (CCC) March 31, 1933; reduced poverty/unemployment, helped young men and families; young men go to rural camps for 6 months to do construction work; $1/day; intended to help youth escape cities; concerned with soil erosion, state/national parks, telephone/power lines; 40 hr weeks86
151382549"Quarantine Speech"The speech was an act of condemnation of Japan's invasion of China in 1937 and called for Japan to be quarantined. FDR backed off the aggressive stance after criticism, but it showed that he was moving the country slowly out of isolationism.87
151382550Casablanca ConferenceJan. 14-23, 1943 - FDR and Chruchill met in Morocco to settle the future strategy of the Allies following the success of the North African campaign. They decided to launch an attack on Italy through Sicily before initiating an invasion into France over the English Channel. Also announced that the Allies would accept nothing less than Germany's unconditional surrender to end the war.88
151382551Hiroshima/Nagasakinuclear attacks during World War II against the Empire of Japan by the United States of America at the order of U.S. President Harry S. Truman89
151382552V-E DayMay 8, 1945; victory in Europe Day when the Germans surrendered90
151382553Immigration Quota ActThis was passed in 1924 which cut quotas for foreigners from 3 % to 2% of the total number of immigrants. The main purpose was to freeze America's existing racial composition which was largely Northern European. It also prevented Japanese immigration which led to fury in Japan.91
151382554Emergency Quota ActA government legislation that limited the number of immigrants from Europe which was set at 3% of the nationality currently in the U.S. It greatly limited the number of immigrants who could move to the U.S. And it reflected the isolationist and anti-foreign feeling in America as well as the departure from traditional American ideals.92
151382555Teapot Dome Scandala government scandal involving a former United States Navy oil reserve in Wyoming that was secretly leased to a private oil company in 192193
151382556Farm Relief Billa series of complicated measures designed to prop up and stabilize farm prices; government bough surplus and stored them until prices rose or sold them on the world market; vetoed by President Coolidge94
151382557Reconstruction Finance Corpgave 2 billion to states, banks, and insurance companies for self liquidating projects. Plan worked but 2 billion wasnt enough95
151382558China Incidentincident in which Japan invaded China, and America stood by the side and watched it happen remaining neutral.96
151382559Tehran Conference(FDR) December, 1943, a meeting between FDR, Churchill and Stalin in Iran to discuss coordination of military efforts against Germany, they repeated the pledge made in the earlier Moscow Conference to create the United Nations after the war's conclusion to help ensure international peace97
151382560Japanese Internmentfear of Japanese-Americans as traitors, sent off (by law) to internment camps; removal of deemed threats in military areas98
151382561D-DayJune 6, 1944 - Led by Eisenhower, over a million troops (the largest invasion force in history) stormed the beaches at Normandy and began the process of re-taking France. The turning point of World War II.99
151382562Red Scaretwo periods of time, in the 1920s and 1950s, in which Americans feared the growth of communism. These suspicions led to tests of the civil liberties of people under the Constitution.100
151382563Volstead Actthe means of enforcing Prohibition101
151382564Muscle Shoals Billdesigned to dam Tennessee River; Hoover doesn't like it, he didn't want government selling electricity alongside private companies; FDR does it when he's president102
151382565Dawes PlanThe American plan to loan money to Germany, who would pay their reparations to France and Britain, who would pay back their debt to America, which created a win-win for everyone, and made they people happy and thought that peace was possible103
151382566Five Power Treaty(1922) treaty resulting from the Washington Armaments Conference that limited to a specific ratio the carrier and battleship tonnage of each nation. It created a moratorium for 10 years, during which no battleships would be built. The countries agreed to refrain from further fortification of their Pacific Possessions. The five countries were: US, Britain, Japan, France, and Italy104
151382567Glass-Steagall Actestablished the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and included banking reforms, some of which were designed to control speculation105
151382568Hoover-Stimson DoctrineThis said that the United States would not recognize any territorial acquisitions that were taken over by force. (This doctrine is related to Japanese aggression in Manchuria in 1931)106

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