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APUSH: Unit II Review

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102745476CahokiaBy A.D. 1150, the Mississippian city of _____, near present-day St. Louis, held a population of 15,000 to 20,000.
102745477primogenitiveThe European inheritance pattern known as _____ allowed fathers to bestow the bulk of their property on their eldest son.
102745478openIn traditional European peasant society, the _____-field system required that villagers farm the land cooperatively.
102745479Columbian ExchangeThe transfer of plants and animals to the Americas from Europe and Africa and vice versa is known as the _____.
102745480Ferdinand, IsabelThe monarchs who financed Columbus's voyages to the Americas were King _____ of Aragon and Queen _____ of Castile.
102745481Predestination_____ was the doctrine that stated that before one's birth God had already decided whether or not one would attain salvation.
102745482mercantilismThose who demanded a state-directed economy in which national wealth would accumulate through the reduction of imports and the increase of exports were advocates of _____.
102745483yeomenThe "middle people of a condition between gentlemen and peasants" in English society were the _____.
102745484enclosure actsThe _____ were English laws that allowed landowners to fence in the open fields that surrounded many peasant villages.
102745485New MexicoPopé, an Indian shaman led a successful uprising against Spanish rule in _____.
102745486Peter StoyvsantGovernor _____, of New Amsterdam alienated settlers with his harsh, overbearing rule.
102745487John Rolfe, PowhatanThe English adventurer, _____, was primarily responsible for the development of commercial tobacco cultivation in Virginia and became the son-in-law of _____.
102745488House of BurgessesVirginia's legislative body, the _____, first convened in 1619.
102745489Lord Baltimore (Calvert)The proprietor who founded Maryland was _____.
102745490chattel slaveryDuring the 1660s in Virginia, Africans were indentured servants legally because English common law did not allow _____.
102745491BerkeleyIn Bacon's Rebellion, militiamen defied the orders of Governor _____ and attacked Native American villages.
102745492Winthrop_____ led the Puritan expedition to establish the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630.
102745493hillPuritan leaders likened their religious community to "a City upon a(n) _____" to admonish fellow settlers to set an example for Europe.
102745494Massachusetts Bay, SalemIn 1692, poor and resentful farmers living in the colony of _____ began to bring accusations of witchcraft against wealthier church members living near and in the town of _____.
102745495town meetingMost adult men in New England Puritan communities had a vote in the _____, the main institution of local government.
102745496PequotIn 1636, warriors of the _____ tribe attacked Puritan farmers who had begun to intrude on their lands in the Connecticut River Valley.
102745497praying townsSettlements of New England Algonquian peoples who converted to Christianity were called _____.
102745498Metacom_____, called King Philip's Rebellion by the English, led a coalition of tribes in attacks on New England settlements in 1875 and 1676.
102745499James, the Duke of YorkThe proprietor of the newly captured Dutch colony of New Netherland was _____.
102745500Sir Edmund AndrosJames II sent _____ to rule the Dominion of New England.
102745501Jacob LeislerIn New York in 1691, _____ led a rebellion against the Domion of New England.
102745502sugarEngland's West Indian wealth in the eighteenth century was based on the production of _____.
102745503Middle PassageThe slave trade voyage from Africa to the Caribbean or other parts of the Americas was known as the _____.
10274550420By 1720, Africans numbered _____ percent of the Chesapeake population.
102745505Tobacco_____ was the main slave-produced crop grown in the Chesapeake region of Virginia and Maryland in the 1700s.
102745506South CarolinaBy the early eighteenth century, there were more Africans in the colony of _____ than there were whites.
102745507StonoThe governor of the Spanish colony of Florida promised freedom to fugitive slaves instigating the first major slave revolt in American history, the _____ Rebellion of 1739.
102745508gentilityAs time passed, wealthy Chesapeake gentlemen began to model themselves on the English aristocracy by cultivating _____ refined but elaborate lifestyle.
102745509PhiladelphiaBy 1776, _____ was the largest port city in the American colonies, with a population of 30,000.
102745510salutary neglectEdmund Burke praised Britain's mercantilist strategy of relaxing its oversight of internal colonial affairs as a policy of _____.
102745511500, slaveryBecause the colony of Georgia was intended for the poor, land grants were initially limited to _____ acres, and _____ was outlawed.
102745512GermanIn addition to immigrants from the British Isles, large numbers of _____-speaking people such as the Mennonites escaped religious upheaval to settle in Pennsylvania.
102745513Scots-IrishThe largest group of European immigrants to British North America between 1720 and 1776 was the _____.
102745514DeistsIn the eighteenth century, persons called _____ believed that God had created the world and then allowed it to operate according to the laws of nature, but did not intervene in the historical process.
102745515Johnathon EdwardsIn the 1730s, _____ - a Connecticut River Valley minister who was Puritan religious zeal waning - urged his audience to commit themselves to lives of piety and prayer.
102745516Great AwakeningThe _____ was a religious revival in British North America during the eighteenth century in which a more emotional approach to religion tended to supplant both intellectual and ritualistic appoaches.
102745517Sir Isaac Newtonthe English scientist, _____, probably did more than anyone else to advance "new learning" by his explanations of physical laws in Principia Mathematica.
102745518AlbanyAt the 1754 _____ Congress between Indian and colonial delegates, Benjamin Franklin proposed a Plan of Union calling for a permanent colonial assembly responsible for all western affairs.
102745519George WashingtonA young Virginian named _____ led the first British attempt to dislodge the French from the upper Ohio River Valley in 1754.
102745520PontiacThe Ottawa chief _____ led a general uprising of Ohio River Valley tribes against the British in 1763.
102745521Proclamation of 1763The British government tried to halt westward migration from the colonies by issuing the _____, which expressly prohibited white settlements west of the Appalachians.
102745522IndustrialBeginning in Britain during the middle of the eighteenth century, the _____ Revolution changed technology and the organization of economic production forever.
102745523AppalachianThe revival of proprietary power underscored the growing strength of the landed gentry, causing tenants and yeomen farmers to look for cheap land near the _____ Mountains.
102745524Paxton BoysThe _____, a band of Scots-Irish vigilantes in western Pennsylvania, escaped justice for their massacre of Native Americans in 1763.
102745525fornicationIn the first half of the eighteenth century, many more New England women than men were prosecuted for the crime of _____, or having sexual intercourse outside of ...

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