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APUSH: World War I (1910-1920) Flashcards

Terms Retrieved from: http://www.scribd.com/doc/89392/AP-US-HISTORY-Ultimate-Study-Guide

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154740351LusitaniaBritish passenger liner secretly carrying ammunition sunk by German u-boat, included American passengers0
154740352Zimmerman Noteintercepted by Britain; Germany proposed alliance with Mexico, using bribe of return of TX, NM, and AZ; Japan included in alliance1
154740353Unrestricted submarine warfareGermany announced that it would sink all (including American) ships, attempt to involve U.S. in war2
154740354Creel CommitteeCommittee on Public Information; aimed to sell America and the world on Wilson's war goals; propaganda, censorship, "four-minute men" speeches, "Liberty Leagues" (spy on community)3
154740355War Industries Boardattempted to centralize production of war materials; ineffective due to American desire for laissez-faire government4
154740356Conscription policiesSelective Service Act to require men to register with few exceptions; women and blacks drafted/enlisted, highly successful5
154740357Herbert Hoover's Food Administrationrelied on voluntary compliance (no formal laws), propaganda; high prices set on commodities to encourage production, Prohibition6
154740358Wilson's 14 pointspublic treaties, free trade, free seas, reduced armament burdens, anti-imperialism, independence to minorities, international organization7
154740359League of Nationsforeshadowed in 14 points, hoped to guarantee political independence and integrity of all countries, goal: to create lasting peace8
154740360Great Migrationmass migration northward; mainly blacks migrating from the southern states into the north hoping for less discrimination9
154740361Lodge Reservations14 formal amendments to the treaty for the League of Nations; preserved Monroe Doctrine, Congress desired to keep declaration of war to itself10
154740362Isolationismavoided league of Nations, opposed Latin American involvement11
154740363Espionage Act and Sedition Actfines and imprisonment for aiding the enemy or hindering U.S. military; forbade any form of criticism of the government and military12
154740364Schenk v. U.S.upheld constitutionality of Espionage Act; Congress right to limit free speech during times of war13
154740365"Red Scare" (1919)anti-communist crusades due to fear of radicalism spurred by Bolshevik rebellion14
154740366Palmer RaidsCongressional support to raid houses of radicals believed to have connections to communism15
154740367"Red Summer," race riots (1919)spurred by Great Migration, large-scale riots, lynchings, &c.16

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