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APW Unit 1 Vocab Flashcards

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112930604lucyhomonid skeleton discovered in Hadar, Ethiopia, 3.5 million years old0
112930605homonidsevolution's "pre humans"1
112930606homo sapiens sapiensthe name of our speces (modern humans) appeared 40,000 years ago2
112930607paleolithicold stone age, hunting and gathering3
112930608neanderthalpaleolithic human subspecies, 200,000 years ago, burial rituals similar to humans4
112930609lascauxcave in southern France early humans crated famous cave paintings5
112930610neolithicnew stone age, agricultural transition began6
112930611agricultural transitionwhen humans switched from hunting and gathering to agriculture. Believed to have taken place in middel east, higher population densities as well7
112930612specializationallowed some people to concentrate their efforts in areas not related to getting food. Scribes, docotrs, builders priests and warriors were some of the roles that were now full time8
112930613domesticationwhen animals were kept for food9
112930614mesopotamia"land between the rivers" present day iraque, worlds earliest agriculture began here8000 BCE, first human civilization around 4000 BCE10
112930615sumerS. Mesopotamia, where first writing was developed11
112930616Epic of Gilameshone of the first stories written in ancient sumeria12
112930617cuneiformsumerian and babylonian writing based on wedge shaped symbols13
112930618Babyloniaempire that controlled mesopotamia untill 1600 BCE14
112930619hammurabibabylonian king who is famous for creating a written law code15
112930620Assyriaempire that dominated Mesopotamia after babylonia16
112930621city-stategvt in which a city took control of territory close to it. Ancient sumer was controled this way until it ws conquered by Sargon17
112930622mosesled jews out of captivity in egypt18
112930623Phoenicianssefaring people that resided in modern day lebanon, created a phonetic alphabet19
112930624Sudaniclarge grassland region in africa that serves as the transition zone between the sahara desert in the north and the rain forests of central africa20
112930625Nubiaregion south of egypt-kingdom of Kush developed21
112930626Menesfirst pharaoh of Egypt to unite upper and lower egypt also called Narmer22
112930627KhufuPharaoh who built largest pyramid. Also calle Cheops23
112930628Hyksossemetic people of SW asia who conquered and dominated Egypt for more that 100 years. Used horses, chariots, and bronze weapons. Significant advantage over egyptians24
112930629hieroglyphicsegyptian picture based writing evolved to represent sounds and ideas25
112930630Akhenatenpharaoh who un successfully promoted monothiestic worship of the sikngle god Aten (only ruled for 2 years)26
112930631KushKingdom of south egypt on the nile that conquered egypt from 750-664 BCE27
112930632BantuWest Africans who migrated south and East form 1000 BCE-1000 CE spread their agricultural practices and language as they went28
112930633CarthagePhonecian colony, became center of trade empire that included modern day tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, and Spain29
112930634Dravidiansindigenous people of India. Rigid planning and modern attitydes about sanitation. After aryan igration, many of them became members of the lower class.30
112930635Harappanrefers to Dravidian culture31
112930636Mohenjo-Darodravidian city in the indus river valley. Streets laid out in a grid pattern w/ 90⁰ intersections. Had indoor plumbing that predated europe by 1500 years32
112930637AryanIndo europeans who migrated to india about 1500 BCE. Many of their ideas contributed to the development of Hindu Beliefs (Caste system and Sacred Cows)33
112930638Sanskritindian written language for sacred texts34
112930639Prakritindian written language for everyday communication35
112930640the VedasSacred texts, served as some of the earliest writetn texts for hindu beliefs. Preserved much aryan culture, includes hymns, songs, prayers, and rituals.36
112930641castesystem of social classe that developed in India after the Aryan migration.37
112930642Brahmanuniversal soul, the ultimate destination of all souls38
112930643Upanishadssacred texts of hindu belief that taught the idea that all persons are a part of brahman39
112930644karmanature of force generated by each action, determines path of reincarnation40
112930645mokshahindu concupt of unity with brahman that is achieved through reincarnation, this event ends a soul's cycle of rebirths41
112930646satiwhen a wife would throw herself onto her husband's funeral fire42
112930647Xiaearly chinese dynasty that was devoted to flood control43
112930648Shangdynasty that followed the Xia. Rulers made use of bronze weapons, chariots, writing, city walls to expand their power and control of the common people44
112930649ZhouDynasty that ruled after shang. Early success was based on effective diplomatic skills and a strong army. The intorduction of iron metallurgy contributed to a series of revolts and civil wars in it s last two hundred years45
112930650period of warring stateslast two centuries of Zhou when iron encouraged revolts and civil war. Period when confucius developed his philosophy46
112930651mandate of heavenZhou concept- heavenly powers grant the right to govern th "son of heaven" as long as the ruler maintains honor and justice47
112930652patriarchysociety in which famalies look to the oldest male as the authority and decision maker48
112930653oracle bonesused by fortune tellers who inscribed quotations into tortoise shell, exposed the inscribed shells to extrememheat, and wated for it to crak to read the fortune. Archaeologists view these as some of the earliest examples of Chinese writing.49
112930654The Book of Songsanthology of chinese poetry from Zhou period. Serves as one of the best examples of china's earliest literary tradition, since most Zhou literature has perished50
112930655Confuciusphilosopher who emphasized the need for virtuous behavior and traditional social order51
112930656YangziRiver in southern china alsoknown as the Chang Jiang. Rice first cultivated here 7000 BCE52
112930657Olmecsearliest agricultural society in the americas. Society developed alongside the gulf of Mexico53
112930658MayaMative American people whose civilization developed writing and imitated much of Olmec culture in their buildings, art, and religion. Their dominance in southern Mexico lasted form aboutg 400-900 CE. Important cities included TIKAL CHICHÉN ITZA, PALENQUE, UXMAL, and TULUM.54
112930659Teotihuacancity in central mexico. Had 50,000 people at max. large SUN and MOON pyramids. Declined after 650 CE55
112930660maizestaple crop of mesoamerica (corn)56
112930661cacaotype of bean that was cultivated by mayas.57
112930662Popol Vuhcreation story fo mayas which tld of gods making people from Maize58
112930663Mochicanative american culture in the andes region of south america from about 100-800 CE aer particularly noted for their elaborate painted ceramics, gold work, monumental constructions, and irrigation systems59
112930664Austronesianpeople of SE asia, migrated to Polynesia, Micronesia, and Madagascar. Helped to spread agricultural practices and their language to New Guinea, the Pacific islands, and Madagascar60
112930665outriggerconoes used by austronesian people to reach remote islands in the pacific ocean61
112930666malagasylanguage spoken today in madagascar, one branch of austronesian languages.62

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