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APW Unit 3 Vocab Flashcards

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97048939Justinianearly Byzantine emperor, tried to reconquer western europe, greatly influenced by wife theodora0
97048940Hagia Sophiacathedral built by Justinian. Converted into a mosque by ottoman empire1
97048941Greek fireincendiary wepan used by Byzantine forces2
97048942theme systemreorganization of byzantine empire. Placed imperial provinces under control of a general3
97048943bezantbyzantine gold coin. Standardized currency of med basin4
97048944Hippodromestadium adjacent to imperial palace5
97048945Arianismbelief based on teachins of Arius "jesus was not devine"6
97048946iconoclasmto destroy religious images and prohibit their use in houses of worship7
97048947schismsplit of christian church8
97048948St. Cyrilgreek missionary-> developed alphabet for slavic languages, alphabet still used in Russia9
97048949Muhammadfounder of islam. Lived in Mecca and medina10
97048950Quranislamic holy book11
97048951Hijramuhammad's move to medina, start of the islamic claendar12
970489525 Pillars of IslamShahada-profession of faith, Zakat-tax on community, Prayer- 5 times a day, Ramadan-month of daylight fasting, Hajj-pilgrimage to Mecca13
97048953the Shari'aislamic holy law14
97048954Caliphislamic leaders after muhammad's death15
97048955Shia Sectminority, believe in devine rite leadership16
97048956Sunni Islammajority, believe in democratic leadership17
97048957Sufisislamic mystics, placed emphasis on the real world applications of religion, not the rules18
97048958Ibn Rushdcalled for muslims to follow aristotle in seeking a purely rational understanding of the world19
97048959Xuanzangbuddhist monk who went west to india to clarify Buddhist doctrines20
97048960Grand Canalgiant canal that connected N and S China21
97048962Tang Taizong2nd Tang emperor adhered to confucian beliefs, brought wealth and stability to China22
97048963equal field systemTang dynasty land redistribution23
97048964kowtowbowing ritutal24
97048965Chang'ancapital of Sui, Tang, and Song dyns.25
97048966foot bindingfemales feet wrapped and compressed26
97048967Silla Dynastyruling family of Korea27
97048969The Tale of Genjinovel written by japanese WOMAN (Murasaki Shikibu) many refer to as the world's first novel28
97048971Bushido"way of the warrior" samurai code29
97048973Mahmud of Ghanznileader of Turks in Afghanistan/ His raids hastened decline of Buddhism in India30
97048974Sultanate of DelhiIslamic state created by mahmud's successors in N India31
97048975Cholakingdom in S india, conquered Ceylon, greatest power in 11th century32
97048976Vijayanagarhindu kingdom dominated S India from 1336-1565 became wealthy from involvement in indian ocean trade network33
97048977dhowlarge indian, persian, and arab ships -> lateen sails34
97048978Bhakti movementcult ->tried to transcend differences between Hinduism and Islam35
97048979Funanfirst SE asian state reflecting indian cluture36
97048980Srivijaya Kingdomdominated SE asian trade-base on island of sumatra-wealth due to taxes on trade between india and china37
97048981Angkor/Khmer Kingdomdominated cambodia from 889-1431, built monuments and temples that reflected indian culture-> Angor Thom Angor Watt38
97048982MelakaSE asian islamic state. Islam spread form this commercial center to many SE asian islands39
97048983Charlemagnefrankish monarch. Ruled empire that included much of modern day france and germany40
97048984missi dominicitraveling beaurocrats who helped Charlemagne administer gvt41
97048985Magyarsdescendants of nomadic peoples, attacked western europe and settled in hungary42
97048986Vikingsraiders from the north, came from scandanavia43
97048987Otto I of Saxonyhelped pope defeat lombardi forces in italy44
97048988feudalismhierarchical system of lords and vasals that shared political power in medieval europe45
97048989serfspoor farmers bound to the land46
97048990manorsself sufficient estates, served as basis of medeval europan economy47
97048991Pope Gregory Iorganized defense of rome against Lombardi attackers. Maintained central authority of bishops and sent missionaries out to parts of europe without strong christianity48
97048992St. Benedict of Nursiacreated regulations for behavior of monks. -------'s rule49

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