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APW Unit 8 Voc Flashcards

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141041681Hong Xuiquanschoolteacher- provided inspiration for TAIPING REBELLION. Claimed to be younger brother of Jesus. Nearly ended Qing dyn.0
141041682Extraterritorialityprivilege of foreign diplomats, not subject to laws of host nation1
141041683Joseph Arthur de GobineauFrench conservative. Prejudiced against jews. "Aryans are superior"2
141041684Ram Mohun RoyIndian Reformer-- supported monothiesm and freedom of speech.3
141041685Bloody SundayUnarmed workers protested Tsar Nicholas II, troops killed over 1004
141041686Opium WarBritain and China fighting over illegal opium trade.5
141041687Taiping Rebellionrevolution in Qing China led by Hung Xiuquan. Social reforms-- prohibited slave trade, prostitution, and foot binding6
141041688King Leopold II of BelgiumBelgian King. Organized the International Association for the Exploration and Civilization of the Congo. Ravaged the congo7
141041689MaoriNatives of New Zealand. Britains took over their land after the Treaty of Waitangi8
141041690SepoysNatives of India, served in army of the british9
141041691MaximA family of inventors and munitions makers. _____ Machine gun, smokeless gunpowder, an airplane, explosives and a silencer for explosives10
141041692Russo-Japanese Warbegan with Japanese surprise attack on Russia, ended with destruction of Russian army11
141041693Dumaan elected legislative assembly in russia created by Tsar Nicholas II as a concession to help end the Revolt of 1905.12
141041694Treaty of NanjingTreaty concluding Opium War13
141041695Alexander IIhe ended the Crimean war. Abolished serfdom and introduced zemstvos, was assasinated14
141041696Pogromsviolent attacks on Jewish communities encouraged by gvt officials in Russia15
141041697Emilio Aguinaldofilipino rebel leader. Worked with USA to kick spanish out of Philippines. Americans took over Philippines16
141041698Indentured labor migrationSurge of laborers to Americas, Caribbean, Africa and Oceania after the abolition of slavery17
141041699Matthew C. PerryAmerican Commander of the US naval squadron that came to Edo Bay in 1853 and threatened the bakufu capital of Edo.18
141041700Muhammad AliSelected to sere as governor of Egypt for the Ottoman Empire.19
141041701Selim IIISultan of Ottoman Empire who tried to remodel his army along the lines of European forces20
141041702The Boxer RebellionRevolt against Euro control in china. Society of Righteous and Harmonious fists21
141041703Meiji ReformsJapanese reform program, named after emperor who started it. Japanese wanted to be more like Europeans22
141041704Maji Maji RebellionRebellion by natives in Tanganyika. Wanted to expel German Colonial authoroties. They got owned.23
141041705Herbert SpencerEnglish philosopher, kind of a jerk. Twisted Darwin's theory of evolution to explain why some races were more successful than others24
141041706Indian National CongressIndian Reform group founded with British Approval. Indians from all over country came to discuss their views onpublic affairs and communicate them to the colonial officials25
141041707satiwhen widows jumped on their husbands funeral fire26
141041708Thomas Stamford Raffleshe founded the port of singapore27
141041709Viceroyterm used for British royal governor of India28
141041710Great Gamewhen russian and British explorers ventured into parts of central Asia never before visited by Europeans29
141041711Rudyard KiplingBritish writer who wrote "The Man Who Would Become King" "The Jungle Book," and "Kim"great defender of imperialism30
141041712Omdurmancity in northeast-central sudan on the white nile opposite ot Khartoum. Anglo-Egyptian forces defeated Sudanese native forces here in 1898.31

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