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APWH Chapter 26 Flashcards

Chapter 26 Vocabulary APWH

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57950791Khalifa AbdallahiSuccesor of Muhhamad Achmad as leader of Mahdists in Sudan; defeated by British general Kitchener inm 1598.0
57950792Muhammad AbduhDisciple of al-Afghani; muslim thinker at end of 19th century; stressed need for adoption of Western scientific learning and technology, recognized importance of tradition of rational inquiry.1
57950793Abdul HamidOttoman sultan who attempted to return to despotic absolutism during reign from 1878 to 1908; nullified constitution in restricted civil liberties; deposed in coup in 1908.2
57950794Muhammad AliWon power struggle in Egypt following fall of Mamluks; established mastery of all Egypt by 1811; introduced effective army based on Western tactics and supply and a variety of other reforms; by 1830's was able to challenge Ottoman government in Constantinople; died in 1848.3
57950795banner armies8 armies of the Manchu tribes identified by separate flags; created by Nurhaci in early 17th century; utilized to defeat Ming emperor and establish Qing dynasty.4
57950796Boxer Rebellionpopular outburst in 1898 aimed at expelling foreigners from China; failed because of intervention of armies of Western powers in China; defeat of Chinese enhanced control by Europeans and the power of provincial officials.5
57950797Compradorswealthy new group of Chinese merchants under the Qing dynasty; specialized in the import export trade on China's south coast; one of the major links between China and the outside world.6
57950798Hong XiuquanLeader of Taiping rebellion; converted to specifically Chinese form of Christianity; attacked traditional Confucian teachings of Chinese elite.7
57950799KhartoumRiver town that was administrative center of Egyptian authority in Sudan.8
57950800Khedivesdescendants of Muhammad Ali in Egypt after 1867; formal rulers of Egypt despite French and English intervention until overthrown by military coup in 1952.9
57950801Lin ZexuDistinguised Chinese official charged with stamping out opium trade in southern China; ordered blockade of European trading areas in Canton and confiscation of opium; sent into exile following opium war.10
57950802Mahmud IIottoman sultan; built a private, professional army; fomented revolution of Janissaries and crushed them with private army destroyed power of Jannissaries and their religious allies: initiated reforms of Ottoman Empire on Western precedents.11
57950803Muradhead of coalition of Mamluk rulers in Egypt; opposed Napoleonic invasion of Egypt and suffered devastating defeat; failure destroyed Mamluk government in Egypt and revealed vulnerability of Muslim core.12
57950804Nurhaciarchitect of Manchu unity; created distinctive Manchu banner armies; controlled most of Manchuria; adopted Chinese bureaucracy and court ceremonies in Manchuria; entered China and successfully captured Ming capital at Beijing.13
57950805Opium Warfought between the British and Qing China beginning in 1839; fought to protect British trade in opium; resulted in resounding of British victory, opening of Hong Kong as British army for support.14
57950806Ottoman Society for Union and Progressorganization of political agitators in opposition to rule Abdul Harmid; also called "young turks"; desired to restore 1876 constitution.15
57950807Puyilast emperor of China; deposed as emperor while still as small boy in 1912.16
57950808Selim IIIsultan who ruled Ottoman Empire from 1789-1807; aimed at improving administrative efficiency and building a new army and navy; toppled by Janissaries in 1807.17
57950809Suez Canalbuilt across isthmus of Suez to connect Mediterranean sea with red sea; financed by European investors; with increasing indebtedness of khedives, permitted intervention of British into Egyptian politics to protect their investment.18
57950810Sun Yat-senhead of revolutionary alliance, led revolt against Qing dynasty in China; briefly elected president.19
57950811Taiping Rebellionbroke out in south China in 1850's; sought to overthrow Qing dynasty and Confucian basis of scholar-gentry.20
57950812Tanzimat reformsseries of reforms in ottoman empire between 1839-1876; resulted in creation of new constitution.21

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