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APWH Double Quiz Flashcards

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56426187nationalisma political ideology that defined a community by a common culture, history and territory. This was a force of unity for Western Europe in 19th century.0
56426188languagewas a crucial element in creating a feeling on national unity; it could also be used by leaders as persuasion to inspire their followers.1
56426189liberalisma political ideology that emphasized the civil rights citizens, representative government, and the protection of private property; popular among middle class property owners in Europe and North America.2
56426190Giuseppe Mazzinithe most famous nationalist of the early 19th century; an Italian liberal that tried to unify the Italian peninsula and bring nationhood and liberty to oppressed people.3
56426191Count Camillo Benso di Cavourprime minister of Kingdom of Peidmont-Sardina who saw the France-Austria rivalry as a way to unite Italy. Allies with French and instigates war with Austira, which is followed by uprisings in North/Central Italy to join Peidmont-Sardina.4
56426192Giuseppe Garibaldirevolutionary who conquers Sicily and Naples and added them to a unified Italy.5
56426193Otto von Bismarckprime minister of Prussia when he became chancellor of Germany. A conservative nationalist that led Prussia to victories against Austria and France; was responsible for the creation of the German Empire.6
56426194Franco-Prussian WarBismarck starts war with France's Napoleon and gain two French provinces (Alsace and Lorraine)7
56426195Satsuma and Choshutwo large domains in southern Japan that became very wealthy and ambitious (high rates of revenue and growth)8
56426196Matthew C. Perryan American that suggest that Japan open its ports to American trade9
56426197Treaty of KanagawaJapan allows Americans to trade in Japan's ports. This causes an overthrow of the shogunate because people think that they are weak.10
56426198Meiji Restorationoligarchs that take over after overthrow of the shoguante; wanted to protect Japan from Western imperialism by transforming into a rich country and strong army.11
56426199Charter Oathmotto for new Japan embracing all foreign ideas, institutions, and techniques that could strengthen the nation.12
56426200Zaibatsu"conglomerates". The private investors that Japan sold their enterprises to.13
56426201Toyota Loom Worksfounded by carpenter Toyoda Sakichi, this becomes world's most advanced automatic loom (now Toyota Motor Company)14
56426202Nationalism and parliamentary electionsmade politicians of all parties equal to public opinion.15
56426203Charles Darwinman who publishes On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection and argues that the Earth is much older than what people say it is.16
56426204Herbert Spencerphilosopher that applies Darwin's ideas of "natural selection" and "survival of the fittest" to people.17
56426205Social Darwinistspeople that followed Spencer's application and said that the poor and disenfranchised were struggling and shouldn't be involved with natural processes.18
56426206Liberal Powers(France and Great Britain) - belief in liberty and equal rights.19
56426207Conservative Powers(Austria-Hungary and Russia) - believes in maintaining traditional institutions.20
56426208Alsace and Lorraintwo provinces gained by Germans in Franco-Prussian War21
56426209Trans-Siberian Railwayinsufficient, but used for transporting supplies to Russians in Russo-Japanese War.22
56426210Revolution of 1905forces Tsar Nicholas II to grant constitution and an elected Parliament. Russia's weaknesses became obvious in this and the Russo-Japanese war.23
56426211Dowager Empress CixiEmpress of China supported anti-foreign movements and resisted reforms of the Chinese government and armed forces24
56426212Yamagata Arimotoa Meiji oligarch that believed to be independent that they had to control Korea, Manchuria and part of China25
56426213Sino-Japanese Warforces China to evacuate Korea, cede Taiwan, the Liaodong Peninsula, and pay a heavy indemnity.26
56426214Boxer RebellionEmpress Cixi encourages this anti-foreign riot, but was put down by U.S and Japanese (who then occupied Beijing)27
56426215Treaty of Portsmouthtreaty signed after Russo-Japanese War that established a protectorate over Korea.28
56426216Suez Canalcanal dug across isthmus of Suez in Egypt; opened to shipping and shortened sea voyage between Europe and Asia. This led to British conquest of Egypt.29
56426217New Imperialismconquest by European powers, the U.S. and Japan which were followed by the development and exploitation of the newly conquered territories for the benefit of colonial powers.30
56426218Political motives of Imperialismreestablishing and expanding nations by acquiring territories overseas.31
56426219Cultural motives of Imperialismspread of Christianity, Western/European technology in outside nations.32
56426220Economic motives of Imperialismneed for raw materials all over the world and the want of technological advances.33
56426221Guns, Transport, Medical AdvancesBuilding of Suez Canal and new engines lead to boom in shipping to Indian Ocean and East Asia; the building of submarine telegraph cables helped ships communicate. British doctors discover drug quinine that could prevent malaria. New firearms shifted balance of power on land between Westerners and other peoples (breechloader, smokeless powder, machine guns).34
56426222Battle of OmdurmanBritish victory over the Mahdi in the Sudan. General Kitchener leads British and Europe and troops into battle with far more advanced weaponry than their Sudanese opposition.35
56426223How colonies were administratedin the early years, by a governor, his staff, a few troops to keep order, a small number of tax collectors and magistrates.36
56426224The arrival of white women in Asia and Africalead to increasing racial segregation37
56426225Scramble for Africasudden wave on conquests by European powers in which Britain obtains eastern Africa, France most on northern Africa, and other countries also get small amounts (Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Italy, and Germany)38
56426226Egyptian protectorateBritish stay in Egypt and maintain the government and the fiction of European sovereignty, but maintained power in their own lands. They do this so they could protect their Suez Canal trade.39
56426227Henry Morton StanleyBritish American explorer of Africa, famous for his search of Dr. David Livingstone. He helped King Leopold II establish Congo Free State.40
56426228King Leopold IIKing of Belgium that becomes active in encouraging exploration of Central Africa and ruler of the Congo Free State.41
56426229Savorgnan de BrazzaFranco-Itallian explorer set out by the French to claim part of equatorial Africa for France; founds Brazzavile, capital of French Congo.42
56426230Berlin Conferenceconference Otto von Bismark called to set rules for the participation of Africa; leads to creation of Congo Free State.43
56426231"Effective Occupation"takes a while for French to overcome native Muslim's in Africa; the eventual overtaking leads to Germany and Britain to settle in Africa as well.44
56426232Problems in the CongoEuropeans force natives to produce cash crops at gunpoint and carry them to the nearest railroad or navigable river. The Congo had little crops and little to trade so it was hard for the natives to meet the European's demands.45
56426233AfrikanersSouth Africans descended from Dutch and French settlers whose Great Trek founded settler colonies.46
56426234Zulu WarsZulu resent Afrikaners and British surrounding them, and a growing sense of pride and nationalism lead the start a war with the British. They begin well, but soon fall and all their land was taken by white ranchers.47
56426235Cecil RhodesBritish entrepreneur/politician involved in the expansion of the British Empire from South into Central Africa. Southern (Zimbabwe) and Northern (Zambia) Rhodesia were named after him.48
56426236"Cape Coloureds"people of mixed ancestry; these people along with indigenous inhabitants made up most of South Africa.49
56426237Natives Land ActSouth African parliament signs this act, which assigned Africans reserves and forbid them to go elsewhere.50
56426238Asante KingdomIt expanded rapidly along the Gold Coast and participated in Atlantic economy: trading gold, slaves, and ivory. It eventually got absorbed into the British Gold Coast Colony after resisting for many years.51
56426239Menelik IIEmperor of Ethiopia that enlarged it to its present-day dimensions, and defeated and Italian invasion in Adowa.52
56426240Battle of AdowaEthiopians defeat Italians at Adowa with European weapons that they traded for.53
56426241Cultural ResponsesMissionaries give Africans education and also Western ideas of justice and progress; becoming educated Christians, they saw that the colonists were clashing with the Christian beliefs; they also founded churches. People of Muslim faith followed Islam.54
56426242Southeast Asia and IndonesiaSoutheast Asia and Indonesia has fertile soil and produces many crops. They grow wealthy and they trade with the Europeans and Americans; in return, they get peace and a reliable food supply. Native move to mountains and immigrants from China and India change the population in the Malay Peninsula. Education and Western ideas have an effect on political perceptions of the peoples.55
56426243HawaiiHawaii is annexed by America because of its strategic location for soldiers and its fertile land brought over many farm laborers from Japan, China, and the Phillipines.56
56426244PhillipinesMcKinley purchases Philippines from a weak Spain after they defeat them in a war. They Philippine people want to be independent, which leads to bloody war that the Philippines lose. The U.S. rebuilds and eventually lets them become independent.57
56426245Emilio Aguinaldoleader of Filipino independence movement against Spain, he declared the independence of the Philippines, but it was shot down by U.S. army.58
56426246Railroads and ImperialismLatin America is economically dominated by U.S. and British, but still maintain legal independence (free-trade imperialism). Latin America acquires railroads to open interior development.59
56426247Spanish-American WarAmericans want Spanish Cuba, go to war with them after they blame the Spanish for a ship that exploded and killed 266 American sailors. U.S. wins and receives Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam as war booty. Cuba is independent, but subject to interference by the U.S.60
56426248USA and Caribbean InterventionsAmericans intervene in the Caribbean; they take over the countries you see above, and they also get a piece of the Panama Canal from Panama, which allows them to quickly trade across the Pacific.61
56426249World Economy and the Global EnvironmentTo meet the needs that their countries needed, larger countries got smaller countries into the world economy so that the expansion of industry wasn't stifled. Need for goods bring down forests, as well as parts on the environment, and botanic gardens made to harvest foreign plants. Railroads cut through mountains and rivers, and the search for minerals destroys soil. PEOPLES NEEDS CAUSE MAJOR CHANGES TO THE WORLD!!!!!62
56426250Causes of WWIArchduke Franz Ferdinand killed....leads to: war in Belgium/Northern France, Ottomans fight Britain in Middle East, Japan attack Germans in China, France and Britain involve their colonies in war and eventually the United States enter the fight.63
56426251Cause of WWI, nationalismPeople think that war would be good, due to the spread of nationalism, as a way to gain liberty, and also get long overdue revenge for past injustices.64
56426252StalemateGermans and French battle on the Western Front for four years and neither side gains any substantial ground.65
56426253Western Frontline of trenches and fortifications in WWI that stretched without a break from Switzerland to the North Sea (Germans vs. French and British).66
56426254Total WarMost of the men in all of the countries involved in the war were used as soldiers. This allows African Americans to get jobs and move to the north (in America), and especially helps women who take the jobs of the men and serve as doctors and nurses in the army which give them a sense of importance to the war. Food had to be strictly rationed because of the lack of it.67
56426255Ottomans EmpireOttomans side with Germany in the hope that they could gain Russian land. Ottomans close of the Western Front and stop the invading British so they get the prince of Mecca to lead Arab revolt against Ottomans that would lead to their fall.68
56426256Russian RevolutionsRussian people rebel against tsar and they are abdicated. Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, gain support and take over Russia = overthrow government and opposing parties, nationalize all private land, take over factories, tell peasants to hand over all of their crops (they resist), sue for peace with Germany/Austria-Hungary, and lose 1/3 of their population and wealth with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.69
56426257Treaty of VersaillesMade up by all of the Allied Powers, this said that the Germans accept responsibility for all of the damages that were caused in the war and had to pay all reparations, dismantle their military, and give up lands to Poland; Germans very unhappy with this.70
5642625814 PointsPresident Wilson's plan for peace; it called for the evacuation of German occupied lands, drawing of borders and settling territorial disputes by self-determination of affected populations, and the founding of an association of nations to preserve the peace and guarantee territorial integrity. It was rejected by Germany, but made Wilson the moral leader of the Allies in the last year of the war.71
56426259Impact of warthousands dead and land, particularly on Western Front, a mess. Thousands of refugees seek homes in France and U.S. Influenza epidemic passed through soldiers on Western Front kill 20 million people. League of Nations makes Treaty of Versailles and satisfies no one (biggest fail in history). Russia still fighting as Bolsheviks (Communists) have control of Russia; Lenin releases New Economic Policy and things begin get better in Russia. Finally, there was peace all around the world.72
56426260Comparing China and JapanJapan modernizes, China doesn't = Japan prospers and China fall.73
56426261Mandate Systemallocation of former German colonies and Ottoman possessions to the victorious powers after WWI, to be administered under League of Nations supervision.74
56426262Modern TurkeyMustafa Kemal makes Turkey a secular republic- brings in Western ideas and customs (changing entire makeup of the nation) and gets Muslim ideas, courts and schools out.75
56426263PalestineJews come to Palestine in order to get in touch with their ancestral past and become self-sufficient; Palestinians angry at the British for bringing over so many immigrants, so the British slow the immigrations, angering the Jews. EVERYONE IS ANGRY AT THE BRITISH IN THE ARAB WORLD.76

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