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APWH unit 2 Flashcards

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224023855Cyrus the Greatestablished massive Persian empire across the norhtern Mediterranean and into northwestern India by 500 BCE; successor state to Mesopotamian empires0
224023856Zoroastrianismnew religion developed by Persians; animist religion that saw material existence as battle between forces of good and evil; stressed importance of moral choice; righteous lived on after death in "House of Song"; chief religion of Persian Empire1
224023857Olympic gamesone of the pan-Hellenic rituals observed by all Greek city-states; involved athletic competitions and ritual celebrations2
224023858Periclesmost famous Greek political figure; dominated Athenian politics; guided development of Athenian Empire; died during early ages of Peloponnesian War3
224023859Peloponnesian Warswars in which Athens and Sparta fought for control of Greece (431-404 BCE); resulted in Sparta victory but failure to achieve political unification of Greece4
224023860Philip II of Macedonruled Macedon from 359 to 336 BCE; founder of centralized kingdom; later conquered rest of Greece, which was subjected to Macedonian authority5
224023861Hellenistic periodculture associated with the spread of Greek influence as a result of Macedonian conquerers; often seen as the combination of Greek culture with eastern political forms6
224023862Alexandria, Egyptone of many cities of that name founded by Alexander the Great; site of ancient Mediterranean's greatest library; center of literary studies7
224023863Roman republicthe balanced constitution of Rome from 510 to 47 BCE; featured an arictocratic senate, a panel of magistrates, and several popular assemblies8
224023864Punic Warsfought between Rome and Carthage to estbalish dominance in the western Mediterranean; won by Rome after three separate conflicts9
224023865Carthageoriginally a Phoenician colony in northern Africa; became a major port and commercial power in the western Mediterannean; fought the Punic Wars with Rome for dominance of the western Mediterranean10
224023866Hannibalgreat Carthaginian general during Second Punic War; successfully invaded Italy but failed to conquer Rome; finally defeated at Battle of Zama11
224023867Julius CaesarRoman general responsible for conquest of Gaul; brought army back to Rome and overthrew republic; assassinated in 44 BCE by conservative senators12
224023868Augustus Caesarname given to Octavian following his defeat of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra; first emperor of Rome13
224023869ConstantineRoman emperor from 312 to 337 BCE; established second capital at Constantinople; attempted to use religious force of Christianity to unify empire spiritually14
224023870direct democracyliterally rule of the people; as interpreted in Athens, all decisions emanated from popular assembly without intermediation of elected representatives15
224023871poliscity-state form of government; typical of Greek political organization from 800 to 400 BCE16
224023872Senateassembly of Roman aristocrats; advised on policy within the republic; one of the early elements of the Roman constitution17
224023873consulstwo chief executives or magistrates of the Roman republic; elected by an annual assembly dominated by aristocracy18
224023874Ciceroconservative Roman senator; Stoic philosopher; one of great orators of his day; killed in reaction to assassination of Julius Caesar19
224023875AristotleGreek philosopher; teacher of Alexander the Great; knowledge based on observation of phenomena in material world20
224023876StoicsHellenistic group of philosophers; emphasized inner moral independencecultivated by strict discipline of the body and personal bravery21
224023877SocratesAthenian philosopher of later 5th century BCE; tutor of Plato; urged rational reflection of moral decisions; condemned to death for corrupting minds of Athenian young22
224023878PlatoGreek philosopher; knowledge based on consideration of ideal forms outside the material world; proposed ideal form of government based on abstract principles in which philosophers ruled23
224023879SophoclesGreek writer of tragedies; author of Oedipus Rex24
224023880IliadGreek epic poem attributed to Homer but possibly the work of many authors; defined gods and human nature that shaped Greek myths25
224023881OdysseyGreek epic poem attributed to Homer but possibly the work of many authors; defined gods and human nature that shaped Greek myths26
224023882Doricalong with Ionian and Corinthian, distinct style of Hellenistic architecture; the least ornate of the three styles27
224023883city-stateform of political organization typical of Mesopotamian civilizations; consisted of agricultural hinterlands ruled by an urban-based king28
224023884twelve tablesfirst code of laws introduced by early Roman republic; introduced by 450 BCE29

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