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APWorld Unit 1: "People" Flashcards

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49186911HittitesA people from central Anatolia who established an empire in Anatolia and Syria in the Late Bronze Age. With wealth from the trade in metals and military power based on chariot forces, they vied with New Kingdom Egypt over Syria (p.64)0
49186912Assyriansknown as a warrior people who ruthlessly conquered neighboring countries; their empire stretched from east to north of the Tigris River all the way to centeral Egypt; used ladders, weapons like iron-tipped spears, daggers and swords, tunnels, and fearful military tactics to gain strength in their empire1
49186913Nebuchadnezzar(Old Testament) king of Chaldea who captured and destroyed Jerusalem and exiled the Israelites to Babylonia (630?-562 BC)2
49186914LydiansAsia Minor, developed kingdom that was known for their rich gold deposits, Bater no more! began to set prices, were the first people to make a type of currency-gold coins3
49186915PhoeniciansSemitic-speaking Canaanites living on the coast of modern Lebanon and Syria in the first millennium B.C.E. From major cities such as Tyre and Sidon, merchants and sailors explored the Mediterranean, and engaged in widespread commerce. (103)4
49186916Hebrewsthe ethnic group claiming descent from Abraham and Isaac (especially from Isaac's son Jacob)5
49186917King Menesunited Upper and Lower Egypt in 3100 B.C.; made his capital in Memphis; had 42 nomarchs6
49186918Queen HatshepsutRuler of Egypt who built impressive monuments and temples, who expanded trade south to Punt on the Red Sea and north to Asia Minor and Greece.7
49186919AryansIndo-European speaking nomads who entered India from the Central Asian steppes between 1500 and 1000 BC and greatly affected Indian society; did not have written language; Vedas= oral epics; society based on village organization; patriarchal control; strict class system.8
49186920BrahmansPriestly class of Aryans who were considered at the top of the social scale-perform religious ceremonies for deities9
49186921OlmecThe first Mesoamerican civilization. Between ca. 1200 and 400 B.C.E., these people of central Mexico created a vibrant civilization that included intensive agriculture, wide-ranging trade, ceremonial centers, and monumental construction. (86)10
49186922Chavinthe first major South American civilization, which flourished in the highlands of what is now Peru from about 900 to 200 B.C.11
49186923MayansA Mesoamerican civilization of Central America and southern Mexico. Achievements include mathematics, architecture, and a 365 day a year calendar. They flourished between the 4th and 12th centuries C.E.; reached height at 300 CE; "Greeks of the Americas" bc of branches of learning; developed system of writing in pictoglyphs; understood value of zero as placeholder; studied astronomy and predicted eclipses; political organization= small city-states ruled by kings, fought frequently.12
49186924Chandragupta MauryaFounder of Mauryan Empire; His rule may be called authoritarian. It was effective, but harsh. His well organized bureaucracy helped maintain order. He used secret police who reported on corruption, crime, and dissent.13
49186925Ashoka MauryaGrandson of Chandragupta Maurya, fought Battle of Kalinga, dedicated life to Buddhist principles after seeing bloodshed, built rest houses and temples, planted trees, encouraged citizens to come to him with their problems, became a vegetarian, limited animal sacrifices14
49186926Chandra GuptaWho: Ruler and founder of the Gupta Dynasty. What: Unified all the provinces in the Ganges Valley. Where: Ganges Valley, north India. When: ~320-?. Why: Founded the Golden Age in India15
49186927White Hunsnomadic invaders from central Asia; invaded India; disrupted Gupta administration--responsible for collapse16
49186928Qin ShihuangdiRuler of China who united China for the first time. He built road and canals and began the Great Wall of China. He also imposed a standard system of laws, money, weights, and writing.17
49186929HunsNomadic people from Asia who attacked Europe in the 4th Century and then invaded the northwest part of India in the 5th Century; movement exerted pressure on Germanic tribes who already lived near Roman empire border18
49186930Wu Ti(140-87 BCE); most famous Han ruler; greatly enlarged Han Dynasty to Central Asia; promoted peace; supported Confucianism;19
49186931PericlesAthenian leader noted for advancing democracy in Athens and for ordering the construction of the Parthenon.20
49186932Socratesphilosopher who believed in an absolute right or wrong; asked students pointed questions to make them use their reason, later became Socratic method21
49186933PlatoGreek philosopher. A follower of Socrates, he presented his ideas through dramatic dialogues, in the most celebrated of which (The Republic) the interlocutors advocate a utopian society ruled by philosophers trained in Platonic metaphysics. He taught and wrote for much of his life at the Academy, which he founded near Athens in 386.; taught Aristotle22
49186934AristotleGreek philosopher. A pupil of Plato, the tutor of Alexander the Great, and the author of works on logic, metaphysics, ethics, natural sciences, politics, and poetics, he profoundly influenced Western thought. In his philosophical system, which led him to criticize what he saw as Plato's metaphysical excesses, theory follows empirical observation and logic, based on the syllogism, is the essential method of rational inquiry.23
49186935Homerancient Greek epic poet who is believed to have written the Iliad and the Odyssey (circa 850 BC)24
49186936Macedonianssociety under the rule of Philip of Macedon who conquered Greece; preserved Greek culture25
49186937Alexander the Greatsuccessor of Philip of Macedon; 1st global empire, but no lasting bureaucracy; spread of Hellenism is greatest achievement; established many cities as he conquered; married a Persian woman; after death the land was divided among generals; Hellenistic age26
49186938Hannibalgeneral who commanded the Carthaginian army in the second Punic War; crossed the Alps and defeated the Romans but was recalled to defend Carthage and was defeated (247-182 BC)27
49186939First Triumvirateincluded Crassus, Pompey, and Caesar. Is a government by three people with equal power. Crassus was killed. Caesar became dictator28
49186940Julius CaesarRoman general and dictator. He was murdered by a group of senators and his former friend Brutus who hoped to restore the normal running of the republic.29
49186941Second TriumvirateOctavius, Marc Antony, and Lepidus. Ocatvius took over and Replic was over. entered Pax Romana with Octavius.30
49186942Octavius Augustuscaesars nephew who became ruler and killed every one else31
49186943ConstantineRoman Emperor (4th century A.D.) who promoted tolerance to all religions in the Roman Empire and legalized Christianity32
49186944DiocletianDivided up the empire by Greek-speaking east and Latin-speaking west; imposed stricter control over Roman empire (ruled 284-305); declared self a G-d33
49186945VisigothsGermanic people who migrated to Rome, originally came from Scandinavia and Russia. They adapted Roman cultures and provided troops for the Roman army. They created settlements around Rome, and stormed and sacked it in 410. The western part of the Roman Empire was in shambles by the mid fifth century CE.34
49186946AttilaLeader of the Huns who put pressure on the Roman Empire's borders during the 5th century35
49186947Germanic tribesThe western part of the Roman Empire came under increasing pressure from migrating Germanic peoples ;The Huns, a fierce tribe of nomads from the steppes of Asia (who may have been related to the Xiongnu, the invaders of the Han Empire) moved into the Black Sea region;They devastated the Germanic Gothic confederation that dominated the region and forced some tribes out ; One of the largest displaces groups, the Visigoths, crossed the Danube, crushed a Roman army in 378, and settled along the Danube, within the Roman Empire ; Under their king, Alaric, they stormed into Italy and sacked Rome in 410; Then, at the urging of the emperor, they moved into Spain and southern Gaul as Roman allies; The Roman experience with the Visigoths established a precedent; Emperors in the first half of the fifth century made alliances with whole groups of Germanic peoples, who settled peacefully in the western part of the empire ; Only the Vandals remained consistently hostile to the Romans; Increasingly, German military leaders dominated the imperial courts of the western empire36
49186948Siddhartha Gautamafounder of Buddhism; born a prince; left his father's wealth to find the cause of human suffering; also know as Buddha37
49186949AbrahamFounder of Judaism who, according to the Bible, led his family from Ur to Canaan in obedience to God's command.38
49186950Jesus of Nazaretha teacher and prophet born in Bethlehem and active in Nazareth; his life and sermons form the basis for Christianity (circa 4 BC - AD 29)39
49186951Paul of Tarsusthe most important figure in the spread of Christianity after Jesus's death40

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