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Art History Chapter 1, 2, 3 Art

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83730507Waterworn pebble resembling a human face, from Makapansgat, South Africa, ca. 3,000,000 BCE. Reddish brown jasperite, approx. 2 3/8" wide. (Paleolithic)
83730508Animal facing left, from the Apollo 11 Cave, Namibia, ca. 23,000 BCE. Charcoal on stone, 5" X 4 1/4". State Museum of Namibia, Windhoek. (Paleolithic)
83730509Human with feline head, from Hohlenstein-Stadel, Germany, ca. 30,000-28,000 BCE. Mammoth ivory, 11 5/8" high. Ulmer Museum, Ulm. (Paleolithic)
83730510Nude woman (Venus of Willendorf), from Willendorf, Austria, ca. 28,000-25,000 BCE. Limestone, 4 1/4" high. Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. (Paleolithic)
83730511Woman holding a bison horn, from Laussel, France, ca. 25,000-20,000 BCE. Painted limestone, approx. 1' 6" high. Musée d'Aquitaine, Bordeaux. (Paleolithic)
83730512Figure 1-7 Two bison, reliefs in cave at Le Tuc d'Audoubert, France, ca. 15,000-10,000 BCE. Clay, each 2' long. (Paleolithic)
83730513Figure 1-8 Bison with turned head, fragmentary spearthrower, from La Madeleine, France, ca. 12,000 BCE. Reindeer horn, 4" long. (Paleolithic)
83730514Figure 1-9 Bison, detail of a painted ceiling in the cave at Altamira, Spain, ca. 12,000-11,000 BCE. Each bison 5' long. (Paleolithic)
83730515Figure 1-10 Spotted horses and negative hand imprints, wall painting in the cave at Pech-Merle, France, ca. 22,000 BCE. 11' 2" long. (paleolithic)
83730516Figure 1-11 Hall of the Bulls (left wall) in the cave at Lascaux, France, ca. 15,000-13,000 BCE. Largest bull 11' 6" long. (Paleolithic)
83730517Figure 1-12 Aurochs, horses, and rhinoceroses, wall painting in Chauvet Cave, Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, France, ca. 30,000-28,000 or ca. 15,000-13,000 BCE. (Paleolithic)
83730518Figure 1-13 Rhinoceros, wounded man, and disemboweled bison, painting in the well of the cave at Lascaux, France ca. 15,000 - 13,000 BCE. Bison 3' 8" long. (Paleolithic)
83730519Figure 1-14 Great stone tower built into the settlement wall, Jericho, ca. 8000-7000 BCE. (Neolithic)
83730520Figure 1-15 Human figure, from Ain Ghazal, Jordan, ca. 6750-6250 BCE. Plaster, painted and inlaid with bitumen, 3' 5 3/8" high. Louvre, Paris. (Neolithic)
83730521Figure 1-16 Restored view of a section of Level VI, Çatal Höyük, Turkey, ca. 6000-5900 BCE (John Swogger). (Neolithic)
83730522Figure 1-17 Deer hunt, detail of a wall painting from Level III, Çatal Höyük, Turkey, ca. 5750 BCE. Museum of Anatolian Civilization, Ankara. (Neolithic)
83730523Fig. 1-18 Landscape with volcanic eruption (?), watercolor copy of a wall painting from Level VII, Çatal Höyük, Turkey, ca. 6150 BCE. (Neolithic)
83730524Figure 1-19 Gallery leading to the main chamber of the passage grave, Newgrange, Ireland, ca. 3200 - 2500 BCE. (Neolithic)
83730525Figure 1-20 Aerial view of Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, England, ca. 2550-1600 BCE. Circle is 97' in diameter; trilithons 24' high. (Neolithic)
83730526Figure 2-2 White Temple and ziggurat, Uruk (modern Warka), Iraq, ca. 3200-3000 BCE. (Sumerian)
83730527Figure 2-3 Reconstruction drawing of the White Temple and ziggurat, Uruk (modern Warka), Iraq, ca. 3200-3000 BCE. (Sumerian)
83730528Figure 2-4 Female head (Inanna?), from Uruk (modern Warka), Iraq, ca. 3200-3000 BCE. Marble, 8" high. Iraq Museum, Baghdad. (Sumerian)
83730529Figure 2-5 Presentation of offerings to Inanna (Warka Vase), from Uruk (modern Warka), Iraq, ca. 3200-3000 BCE. Alabaster, 3' 1/4" high. Iraq Museum, Baghdad. (Sumerian)
83730530Figure 2-6 Statuettes of two worshipers, from the Square Temple at Eshnunna (modern Tell Asmar), Iraq, ca. 2700 BCE. Gypsum inlaid with shell and black limestone, male figure 2' 6" high. Iraq Museum, Baghdad. (Sumerian)
83730531Figure 2-7 Fragment of the victory stele of Eannatum (Stele of the Vultures), from Girsu (modern Telloh), Iraq, ca. 2600-2500 BCE. Limestone, fragment 2' 6" high, full stele 5' 11" high. Louvre, Paris. (Sumerian)
83730532Figure 2-8 War side of the Standard of Ur, from Tomb 779, Royal Cemetery, Ur (modern Tell Muqayyar), Iraq, ca. 2600 BCE. Wood inlaid with shell, lapis lazuli, and red limestone, 8" x 1' 7". British Museum, London. (Sumerian)
83730533Figure 2-9 Peace side of the Standard of Ur, from Tomb 779, Royal Cemetery, Ur (modern Tell Muqayyar), Iraq, ca. 2600 BCE. Wood inlaid with shell, lapis lazuli, and red limestone, 8" x 1' 7". British Museum, London. (Sumerian)
83730534Figure 2-10 Bull-headed lyre (restored) from Tomb 789 ("King's Grave"), Royal Cemetery, Ur (modern Tell Muqayyar), Iraq, ca. 2600 BCE. Lyre: Gold leaf and lapis lazuli over a wooden core, 5' 5" high. (Sumerian)
83730535Figure 2-10 Sound box (right): Wood with inlaid gold, lapis lazuli, and shell, 1' 7" high. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia. (Sumerian)
83730536Figure 2-11 Banquet scene, cylinder seal (left) and its modern impression (right), from the tomb of Pu-abi (tomb 800), Royal Cemetery, Ur (modern Tell Muqayyar), Iraq, ca. 2600 BCE. Lapis lazuli, 2" high. British Museum, London. (Sumerian)
83730537Figure 2-12 Head of an Akkadian ruler, from Nineveh (modern Kuyunjik), Iraq, ca. 2250-2200 BCE. Copper, 1' 2 3/8" high. Iraq Museum, Baghdad. (Akkadian)
83730538Figure 2-13 Victory stele of Naram-Sin, from Susa, Iran, 2254-2218 BCE. Pink sandstone, 6' 7" high. Louvre, Paris. (Akkadian)
83730539Figure 2-14 Votive disk of Enheduanna, from Ur (modern Tell Muqayyar), Iraq, ca. 2300 - 2275 BCE. Alabaster, diameter 10". University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia (Akkadian)
83730540Figure 2-15 Ziggurat (northeastern facade with restored stairs), Ur (modern Tell Muqayyar), Iraq, ca. 2100 BCE. (Akkadian)
83730541Figure 2-16 Seated statue of Gudea holding temple plan, from Girsu (modern Telloh), Iraq, ca. 2100 BCE. Diorite, 2' 5" high. Louvre, Paris. (Akkadian)
83730542Figure 2-17 Stele with law code of Hammurabi, from Susa, Iran, ca. 1780 BCE. Basalt, 7' 4" high. Louvre, Paris. (Neo-Sumerian/Babylonian)
83730543Figure 2-18 Lion Gate, Hattusa (modern Boghazköy), Turkey, ca. 1400 BCE. (Neo-Sumerian/Babylonian)
83730544Figure 2-19 Statue of Queen Napir-Asu, from Susa, Iran, ca. 1350-1300 BCE. Bronze and copper, 4' 2 3/4" high. Louvre, Paris. (Neo-Sumerian/Babylonian)
83730545Figure 2-20 Reconstruction drawing of the citadel of Sargon II, Dur Sharrukin (modern Khorsabad), Iraq, ca. 720-705 BCE (after Charles Altman). (Assyrian)
83730546Figure 2-21 Lamassu (winged, human-headed bull), from the citadel of Sargon II, Dur Sharrukin (modern Khorsabad), Iraq, ca. 720-705 BCE. Limestone, 13' 10" high. Louvre, Paris. (Assyrian)
83730547Figure 2-22 Assyrian archers pursuing enemies, relief from the Northwest Palace of Ashurnasirpal II, Kalhu (modern Nimrud), Iraq, ca. 875-860 BCE. Gypsum, 2' 10 5/8" high. British Museum, London. (Assyrian)
83730548Figure 2-23 Ashurbanipal hunting lions, relief from the North Palace of Ashurbanipal, Nineveh (modern Kuyunjik), Iraq, ca. 645-640 BCE. Gypsum, 5' 4" high. British Museum, London. (Assyrian)
83730549Figure 2-24 Ishtar Gate (restored), Babylon, Iraq, ca. 575 BCE. Staatliche Museen, Berlin. (Neo-Babylonian/Persian)
83730550Figure 2-25 Persepolis (apadana in the background), Iran, ca. 521-465 BCE. (Neo-Babylonian/Persian)
83730551Figure 2-26 Processional frieze (detail) on the terrace of the apadana, Persepolis, Iran, ca. 521-465 BCE. Limestone, 8' 4" high. (Neo-Babylonian/Persian)
83730552Figure 2-27 Palace of Shapur I, Ctesiphon, Iraq, ca. 250 CE. (Neo-Babylonian/Persian)
83730553Figure 2-28 Triumph of Shapur I over Valerian, rock-cut relief, Bishapur, Iran, ca. 260 CE. (Neo-Babylonian/Persian)
83730554Figure 3.2 People, boats, and animals, detail of a watercolor copy of a wall painting from tomb 100 at Hierakonpolis, Egypt, Predynastic, ca. 3500-3200 BCE. Paint on plaster, entire painting 16' 4" X 3' 7 3/8". Egyptian Museum, Cairo. (Predynastic)
83730555Figure 3-3 Palette of King Narmer (left, back; right, front), from Hierakonpolis, Egypt, Predynastic, ca. 3000-2920 BCE. Slate, 2' 1" high. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. (Predynastic)
83730556Figure 3-4 Section (top), plan (center),and restored view (bottom) of typical Egyptian mastaba tombs. (Predynastic)
83730557Figure 3.5 IMHOTEP, Stepped Pyramid and mortuary precinct of Djoser, Saqqara, Egypt, Third Dynasty, ca. 2630-2611 BCE. (Predynastic)
83730558Figure 3-6 Plan (top) and restored view (bottom) of the mortuary precinct of Djoser, Saqqara, Egypt, Third Dynasty, ca. 2630-2611 BCE. (Predynastic)
83730559Figure 3-7 Detail of the facade of the North Palace of the mortuary precinct of Djoser, Saqqara, Egypt, Third Dynasty, ca. 2630-2611 BCE. (Predynastic)
83730560Figure 3-8 Great Pyramids, Gizeh, Egypt, Fourth Dynasty. From bottom: Pyramids of Menkaure, ca. 2490-2472 BCE; Khafre, ca. 2520-2494 BCE; and Khufu, ca. 2551-2528 BCE. (Old Kingdom)
83730561Figure 3-9 Section of the Pyramid of Khufu, Gizeh, Egypt, Fourth Dynasty, ca. 2551-2528 BCE. (Old Kingdom)
83730562Figure 3-10 Model of the Fourth Dynasty pyramid complex, Gizeh, Egypt. Harvard University Semitic Museum, Cambridge. 1) Pyramid of Menkaure, 2) Pyramid of Khafre, 3) mortuary temple of Khafre, 4) causeway, 5) Great Sphinx, 6) valley temple of Khafre, 7) Pyramid of Khufu, 8) pyramids of the royal family and mastabas of nobles. (Old Kingdom)
83730563Figure 3-11 Great Sphinx (with Pyramid of Khafre in the background at left), Gizeh, Egypt, Fourth Dynasty, ca. 2520-2494 BCE. Sandstone, 65' X 240'. (Old Kingdom)
83730564Figure 3-12 Khafre enthroned, from Gizeh, Egypt, Fourth Dynasty, ca. 2520-2494 BCE. Diorite, 5' 6" high. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. (Old Kingdom)
83730565Figure 3-13 Menkaure and Khamerernebty(?), from Gizeh, Egypt, Fourth Dynasty, ca. 2490-2472 BCE. Graywacke, 4' 6 1/2" high. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. (Old Kingdom)
83730566Figure 3-14 Seated scribe, from Saqqara, Egypt, Fourth Dynasty, ca. 2500 BCE. Painted limestone, 1' 9" high. Louvre, Paris. (Old Kindgom)
83730567Figure 3-15 Ti watching a hippopotamus hunt, relief in the mastaba of Ti, Saqqara, Egypt, Fifth Dynasty, ca. 2450-2350 BCE. Painted limestone, 4' high. (Old Kingdom)
83730568Figure 3-16 Goats treading seed and cattle fording a canal, reliefs in the mastaba of Ti, Saqqara, Egypt, Fifth Dynasty, ca. 2450 - 2350 BCE. Painted limestone. (Middle Kingdom)
83730569Figure 3-17 Fragmentary head of Senuret III, 12th Dynasty, ca. 1860 BCE. Red quartzite, 6 ½" high. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. (Middle Kingdom)
83730570Figure 3-18 Rock-cut tombs BH 3-5, Beni Hasan, Egypt, 12th Dynasty, ca. 1950 - 1900 BCE. (Middle Kingdom)
83730571Figure 3-19 Interior hall of the rock-cut tomb of Amenemhet (tomb BH 2), Beni Hasan, Egypt, 12th Dynasty, ca. 1950-1900 BCE. (Middle Kingdom)
83730572Figure 3-20 Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut (with the Middle Kingdom mortuary temple of Mentuhotep II at left), Deir el-Bahri, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1473-1458 BCE. (New Kingdom)
83730573Figure 3-21 Hatshepsut with offering jars, from the upper court of her mortuary temple, Deir el-Bahri, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1473-1458 BCE. Red granite, 8' 6" high. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. (New Kingdom)
83730574Figure 3-22 Temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, ca. 1290-1224 BCE. Sandstone, colossi 65' high. (New Kingdom)
83730575Figure 3-23 Interior of the temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, ca. 1290-1224 BCE. Sandstone, pillar statues 32' high. (New Kingdom)
83730576Figure 3-25 Hypostyle hall, temple of Amen-Re, Karnak, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, ca. 1290-1224 BCE. (New Kingdom)
83730577Figure 3-26 Model of the hypostyle hall, temple of Amen-Re, Karnak, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, ca. 1290 - 1224 BCE. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. (New Kingdom)
83730578Figure 3-27 Senmut with Princess Nefrua, from Thebes, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1470-1460 BCE. Granite, 3' 1/2" high. Ägyptisches Museum, Berlin. (New Kingdom)
83730579Figure 3-28 Fowling scene, from the tomb of Nebamun, Thebes, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1400-1350 BCE. Fresco on dry plaster,. 2' 8" high. British Museum, London. (New Kingdom)
83730580Figure 3-29 Musicians and dancers, from the tomb of Nebamun, Thebes, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1400-1350 BCE. Fresco on dry plaster, 1' X 2' 3". British Museum, London. (New Kingdom)
83730581Figure 3-30 Akhenaton, from the temple of Aton, Karnak, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1353-1335 BCE. Sandstone, 13' high. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. (new Kingdom)
83730582Figure 3-31 THUTMOSE, Nefertiti, from Amarna, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1353-1335 BCE. Painted limestone, approx. 1' 8" high. Ägyptisches Museum, Berlin. (New Kingdom)
83730583Figure 3-32 Tiye, from Ghurab, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1353-1335 BCE. Wood, with gold, silver, alabaster, and lapis lazuli, 3 3/4" high. Ägyptisches Museum, Berlin. (New Kingdom)
83730584Figure 3-33 Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and three daughters, from Amarna, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1353-1335 BCE. Limestone, 1' 1/4" high. Ägyptisches Museum, Berlin. (New Kingdom)
83730585Figure 3-34 Innermost coffin of Tutankhamen, from his tomb at Thebes, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1323 BCE. Gold with inlay of enamel and semiprecious stones, 6' 1" long. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. (New Kingdom)
83730586Figure 3-1 Death mask of Tutankhamen, from the innermost coffin in his tomb at Thebes, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1323 BCE. Gold with inlay of semiprecious stones, 1' 9 1/4" high. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. (New Kingdom)
83730587Figure 3-35 Painted chest, from the Tomb of Tutankhamen, Thebes, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1333-1323 BCE. Wood, 1' 8" long. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. (New Kingdom)
83730588Figure 3-36 Last judgment of Hu-Nefer, from his tomb at Thebes, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, ca. 1290-1280 BCE. Painted papyrus scroll, 1' 6" high. British Museum, London. (New Kingdom)
83730589Figure 3-38 Temple of Horus, Edfu, Egypt, ca. 237 - 47 BCE. (First Millennium BCE)

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