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art history Flashcards

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27334677cave paintingearly art showed man's relationship to spiritual ritual, nature and hunting0
27334678egyptian artemphasized the unknowable mystery of the afterlife1
27334679greek artemphasized the perfection of the human form, human activity2
27334680roman artbegan to portray actual individuals. Includes, sculpture, frescoe, jewlery and crafts. Incredible architectural, engineering feats.3
27334681byzantine artalso known as the Eastern Roman Empire, in Constantinople, now Istanbul, the early church developed Eastern Orthodoxy and iconic Christian images proliferated4
27334682summerian artearly art from Mesopotamia (Ancient Iraq) from the mid 6th millennium BC to the early 2nd millennium BC5
27334683african artVaried and complex, discoveries of these, often figurative works, prompted many of the inventions of modern art.6
27334684mayan culture1500 B.C. to 900 A.D. This is the most advanced civilization of the time in the Western Hempishere. Famous for its awe-inspiring temples, pyramids and cities. A complex social and political order.7
27334687asian artrefers to a vast array of cultural works east of Mesopotamia8
27334688dark agesperiod after the fall of Rome. Much of the knowledge gained by earlier civilizations was lost.9
58245405Italian Rennaissanceperiod in which 'classical' understanding of the figure was reborn. An understanding of linear perspective made works of this period highly realistic.10
58245406Northern Renaissancea period of painting that flourished in northern europe after the Italian Renaissance. Paintings were often of individuals in interiors.11
58245407Romanticismwork that reflected a passionate approach to the landscape12
58245408cubismin these paintings multiple planes of space are viewed at once13
58245409fauvismpaintings that emphasized wild use of saturated color14
58245410pointillismimages made out of dots or small elements15
58245411minimalismart which was exceptionally simple, often pure color-field paintings, for example16
58245412abstract expressionismart, made largely in New York after WWII, that emphasized the expression of the individual often with large, 'painterly' brush strokes17
58245413impressionismpaintings that sought to capture the feeling of natural light by putting colors next to eachother and letting the viewer's eye 'mix' them.18
58245414pop artart of the 1960's that blurred the edges between advertising art and fine art19

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