boroque art, italy, spain, france
658162678 | st peters basilica and piazza | Bernini He creates a design of the piazza that brought a sense of common ground of all the "Many artisitc styles and periods" By using his skills as a designer her unifies the buildings making them relate to eachother. Its a significant design because of the unifying qualities which are enhanced by its round shape of a cirlce which often represents usinty. This shape is repeated throughout the design. he creates a design that also depicts the catholic churches aestehtics at the time which was to create a wide open space before the church for a heightened ecxperience. The curved porticos do this as well and create an inviting feeling of the church | 1 | |
658162679 | David | Bernini He introduced a new type of three-dimensional composistion by creating a more defined man version of David than what had been done before. He does this by having David in posistion to throw the stone behind the viewers head somewhere. This incorperates the viewers presence with the action and movement of the piece, steps into their space the way he seems to be leaning outwards, a typical characteristic of boroque art. Its a boroque piece of art because he chose the very climactic moment of David about to throw the stone at golieth, creating an intense feeling of emotion and action. By the placement of his limbs and the detail within the muscles shows the figure is tense and in action, down the the scrunched muscles in his eyebrows. There is also a clear look of determination on David's face giving the piece more emotion. These eleements create a clear representation of the drammatic characteristics of the boroque era. | 2 | |
658162680 | Calling of Matthew | Crarvaggio He creates a new style of painting by usisng immense shadow and intense light a style known as chiaroscuro that created these dramatic scenes, that was further imitated and influenced art throughout the era and future eras in art. also boroque cuz its a moment of spiritual awakening and transformation. Counter reformation He creates intense light and shadow by using contrasting colors and contrasting gestures in the most climactic moment of the story to make the composition a dramatic boroque piece of art.The figures have limited features created by the selectiveness of the light and dark shadow adding to the elusive quality of the painting. Its as if the his paintings are on a dark thaetrical stage acting out the most emotional scene where all of the attention is on them and their emotions. He is also known for his ability to make the painting relate to the viewer by making these figures look more human rather than idealized figures liek they did in the rennasance. this is doen through the fact that he is in a bar scene and how he gives the induvuals feature of everyday people because he would sketch people fromt he street. | 3 | |
658162681 | Susanah and the Elders | Artemisia Gentileschi It was one of her first masterpieces and it was done at the age of 17. It was the piece where she showed off her talent and ignited her reputation as one of the preeeminent painters of her time. She does this by showing how observant of the woman body and anatomy she is, making the proportions and shapes more realistic than the paintings of nude females done before hers. This becomes the first most realistic nude potrait of a woman. As a woman she has a different take on the woman in this scene than the men who painted this scene before her. She shows the womans vulnerability in this scene rathing than exploiting her sexuality. | 4 | |
658162682 | Saint Serapion 1628 | Fransisco Zurban Its the same profile of chirst on the cross and its an iconic matyrdom because of its significant everlasting subject. the attention to detail in flesh and fabric show the characteristics of Spanish painters at the time. The immense accurate detail of the fabric and flesh make the painting still and the black backrground creates a silence in the painting. | 5 | |
658162683 | Water Carrier of Seville | Velazquez He used the Natural light in his paintings allowing the natural attraction of light on different textures and surfaces. its a borque piece because its focused on showing what you really see, and how natural sunlight is warm and bright and someimtes soft or sharp depending on what surfaces it hit. Showed realisitc renditions of the sculpture of the vessles with paint through his use of texture and sculptural volume, which he achieves because he sketched from observation straight on. This allowed him to render the natural light more effectively and realistically. This painting shows how boroque artists wanted to paint what we actually saw rather than an intelectual idea like the rennesance did. | 6 | |
658162684 | Versailles- Plan, Palace and Gardens | Le vau, le brun, le notre This establishment was the first structure he created to show his status as a rich powerful ruler, showing his ability to create order. The gardens are a symetrical and geometrical design creating a harmony within the whole design. The vast lines within the garden also respresnt order and the order of the palace and the king. The lavish decorations are a representation of his powerful connections and representation of his wealth as a king. also showing its boroque and how it was the center of everything, and was changed as the capitol of france. | 7 | |
658162685 | Hall of mirrors Versailles | Hardouin Mansart and Le Brun This hall glorifies him as being a king and pwoerful ruler because of the paintings and embelsihments which only compliment and hieghten his presence. This is done through the mirrors inb the hall which reflected light from the windows making the place appear larger and enhanced his presence as he walked through. The paintings of the celing honor Louis the 14th by glorifying him as the "Sun God" in relation to him being nicknamed "the sun king", apollo because he belieived that he was assisted in his millitary triumphs by the classical gods. | 8 | |
658162686 | Potrait of louis XIV | Hyacinth Rigaud The pompus pose and and materials make him come off as arrogant but its juxtaposed by the humanistic quality of his frank expression and forward gase. The background is very boroque becaus eof the lavish velvet drapes showing volume and excentuating the himself as a powerful person. | 9 | |
658162687 | Landscape with Saint John on Patmos | poussin Its a classic land scape, showing many refrences of the greek and roman artists through the organization of the landscape and the classical antiquity as well. It was a thought out landscape because its clear that it is organized through the perspective progression hown throughout the piece which is divided into the foreground, middle ground, and background. Its also ordered because of how the trees allign the composistion creating a boarder. It also shows roots of classicism through the use of specific styles like the way the columns are in roaman and greek style, and classical antiquity is seen as his robes are the robes that you would seen ancient greek and roman figures would have been depicted wearing. Poussin focuses on the ordered balance of nature creating hills,clouds, mountains and trees that take on a form of solidarity. Its a | 10 | |
659835894 | ecstacy of saint theresa | bernini subject theresa is being pierced with an arrow but is being transported to a state of oneness with god. Its a rewarding exoerience, and exerpeience that is desired by devote catholics. climaxtic moment, drama, emotion, action, counter reformation made to be a spiritual expereince/relationship , promoting the catholic religion. its boroque cuz of the drama. Feels like its on stage with the specators that are on the side looking at the act being depicted. The dramatic natural sunlight makes it seem as a spotlight is on her, as well as the gold rays symbolize light. because of the posistion of the veiwer we feel as if we are a specatotr and have a special view of what is happening. | 11 |