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Essay E3: Compare the Effects of World War One of Areas Outside of Europe.

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157595954Americas.(U.S.) -Industry BOOMED!!! *created new tech. *opened new employment to women & blacks. *dependant upon women. -Economy BOOM!!!! *propaganda!! *restrictions on Social Liberties. *made way for the Great Depression.0
157595956Americas.(U.S.) -Politics: radification of the 19th amendment. *Wilson gave women some of the same rights as men. for they haad earned them. -New Global Power. *entered an era of not concerning themselves in European conflict. *lasted until the 1940's. *Pearl Harbor. -Wilsons plan for peace. *United Nations, 14 Points.1
157639405Americas.(Latin America.) -exteramism. -revolutions. *Mexico: Lázaro Cárdenas. *Brazil: Getúlio Vargas. *Argentina: Hipólito Irigoyen / Juan Perón.2
157615729Americas.(Latin America.) -copper, steel, oil, beef, wheat, fruit, SUGAR!! -Panama Canal. Good Neighbor Policy. -dictorial. *Mexico: Institutional Revolutionary Party modernized. *natonalizing.3
157595952East Asia.(China.) -signed with the 14 Points and the Great Powers. -they all pleged to preserve Chinese sovereignty & territory. -Sino-Germany Treaty: Germany cant transfer rights to another power. -all led to the Chhinese Revolution. -Nationalists (Jiang Jieshi) and Communists (Mao Zedong). *Long March. -Communist won.4
157595958East Asia.(Japan.) -three million killed. -one of the great military and industrial powers, emerged in International Politics. -made war with China. -set out in Impaeralism. -World Trade Organization. -Reform. -zaibatsu.5
157595959East Asia.(Japan.) -held power in Asia and in the Pacific. -became part of the "Big Five" and the League of Nations. -became mandate of Pacific Islands North of the Equator, gained great Economical power. -multicultural. -militarism. -Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere.6
157595961Middle East.-Ottoman Empire crumbled. -caused ethnic conflict. (Shiites, Sunnies, Kurds.) -Arab Nationalism. -Balfour Declration: *Jews are able to live in Palestine. -Iraq formed. *formed from three old Ottoman provinces. *Basra, Mosul, and Baghdad. -OIL!!!!7
157595962Middle East.-Sykes-Picot Agreement. *French & British split Arabia. *creating boarder conflicts. -French mandate in Syria & Lebanon. -British mandate in Palestine, Iraq, & Jordan. -British "divide & conquer" made Sunnies dependent on them.8
157615726Middle East.-Turkey westernized. *Mustafa Kemal. -1932 = Saudi Arabia. *Ibn Saud.9
157639403South Asia.(India.) -Indian National Congress pushing self government. -went almost bankrupt from giving so much to Britian. -1929 commission planned to see if India was ready for more concession/reforms. -British still controlled key points in taxes, law, and order. -thought they would get freedom from the war effort. -didn't.10
157639404South Asia.(India.) -Mahatma Ghandi started an independence movement. -Indian National Congress. -Muslim League. -1919 Government of India Movement. *two houses. * 5 million got the right to vote. *ministers of education, health, and public works could be Indian Nationals. -out of 800,000 Indians 47,476 were killed, 65,000 wounded. -Indian Corps won 13,000 medals for gallantry. *12 Victoria Crosses. -Khudadad Khan won the first Victoria Cross.11
157615727Women.-worked for the war effort. *built artilary & planes. *worked in amunitin. *criticism against the ear effort was treason. *clerks, secretarys, teachers, and industry. -Women became more of the work force in 1918. *England; bus conductor: 18,000 to 117,000 banker: 9,500 to 63,700 commerce: 505,000 to 934,000 *Germany; 37.6% of the work force was women.12
157615728Women.-Self Determination. -earned rights. -restrictions on civil liberties & censorship disapeared. -feminists!!!!!! -it was okay for young employed single middle class women to go out without a chaperone. -it was okay for women to smoke in public. -women earned all the rights they were granted.13
157615730North Africa.-forced to enter the war. *death toll of 65,000 in French North Africa and West Africa. -2% of the African population died in the Spanish Influenza pandemic. -inflation, econ crash, poverty rate increase. -spread of Christianity. -new boaders drawn by the Europeans.14
157639406Sub-Sarahan Africa.-slavery causes outrages. -1946 France strongly resist change in Tunisia, Morocco & Algeria. -Portugal fights to retain power in Africa sustaining brutal and costly wars on several fronts until 1975. -1957 Ghana gains freedom. -boundaries cut through tribal territories *difficult between neighbouring regimes. -15

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