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Barron's AP Literature Vocabulary Flashcards

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6080053883abstractAn abbreviated synopsis of a longer work of scholarship or research.0
6080053884adageA saying or proverb containing a truth based on experience and often couched in metaphorical language.1
6080053885allegoryA story in which the narrative or characters carry an underlying symbolic, metaphorical, or possibly an ethical meaning. The story and characters represent values beyond themselves.2
6080053886alliterationThe repetition of one or more initial consonants in a group of words or lines of poetry or prose. Used for ornament or for emphasis. Also used in epithets, phrases, and slogans. Enhances the aesthetic quality of a prose passage or poem.3
6080053887allusionA reference to a person, place, or event meant to create an effect or enhance the meaning of an idea.4
6080053888ambiguityA vagueness of meaning; a conscious lack of clarity meant to evoke multiple meanings and interpretation.5
6080053889anachronismA person, scene, event, or other element in literature that fails to correspond with the time or era in which the work is set.6
6080053890analogyA comparison that points out similarities between two dissimilar things.7
6080053891annotationA brief explanation, summary, or evaluation of a text or work of literature.8
6080053892antagonistA character or force in a work of literature that, by opposing the protagonist, produces tension or conflict.9
6080053893antithesisA rhetorical opposition or contrast of ideas by means of a grammatical arrangement of words, clauses, or sentences.10
6080053894aphorismA short, pithy statement of a generally accepted truth or sentiment.11
6080053895ApollonianIn contrast to Dionysian, it refers to the most noble, godlike qualities of human nature and behavior.12
6080053896apostropheA rhetorical device in which a speaker addresses a person or personified thing not present.13
6080053897archetypeAn abstract or ideal conception of a type; a perfectly typical example; an original model or form.14
6080053898assonanceThe repetition of two or more vowel sounds in a group of words or lines in poetry and prose.15
6080053899balladA simple narrative verse that tells a story that is sung or recited.16
6080053900bardA poet; in olden times, a performer who told heroic stories to a musical accompaniment.17
6080053901bathosThe use of insincere or overdone sentimentality.18
6080053902belle-lettresFrench term for the world of books, criticism, and literature in general.19
6080053903bibliographyA list of works cited or otherwise relevant to a subject or other work.20
6080053904BildungsromanA German word referring to a novel structured as a series of events that take place as the hero travels in quest of a goal.21
6080053905blank versePoetry written in iambic pentameter, the primary meter used in English poetry and the words of Shakespeare and Milton. The lines generally do not rhyme.22
6080053906bombastInflated, pretentious language used for trivial subjects.23
6080053907burlesqueA work of literature meant to ridicule a subject; a grotesque imitation.24
6080053908cacophonyGrating, inharmonious sounds.25
6080053909caesuraA pause somewhere in the middle of a verse, often (but not always) marked by punctuation.26
6080053910canonThe works considered most important in a national literature or period; works widely read and studied.27
6080053911caricatureA grotesque likeness of striking qualities in persons and things.28
6080053912carpe diemLiterally, "seize the day"; enjoy life while you can, a common theme in literature.29
6080053913catharsisA cleansing of the spirit brought about by the pity and terror or a dramatic tragedy.30
6080053914classicA highly regarded work of literature or other art form that has withstood the test of time.31
6080053915classical, classicismDeriving from the orderly qualities of ancient Greek and Roman culture; implies formality, objectivity, simplicity, and restraint.32
6080053916climaxThe high point, or turning point, or a story or play.33
6080053917coming-of-age-story/novelA tale in which a young protagonist experiences an introduction to adulthood. The character may develop understanding via disillusionment, education, doses of reality, or any other experiences that alter his or her emotional or intellectual maturity.34
6080053918conceitA witty or ingenious thought a diverting or highly fanciful idea, often stated in figurative language.35
6080053919connotationThe suggested or implied meaning of a word or phrase. Contrast with denotation.36
6080053920consonanceThe repetition of two or more consonant sounds in a group of words or a line of poetry.37
6080053921coupletA pair of rhyming lines in a poem. Two rhyming lines in iambic pentameter is sometimes called a heroic ________.38
6080053922denotationThe dictionary definition of a word. Contrast with connotation.39
6080053923dénouementThe resolution that occurs at the end of a play or work of fiction.40
6080053924deus ex machinaIn literature, the use of an artificial device or gimmick to solve a problem.41
6080053925dictionThe choice of words in oral and written discourse.42
6080053926DionysianAs distinguished from Apollonian, the word refers to sensual, pleasure-seeking impulses.43
6080053927dramatic ironyA circumstance in which the audience or reader knows more about a situation than a character.44
6080053928elegyA poem or prose selection that laments or meditates on the passing or death of something or someone of value.45
6080053929ellipsisThree periods (...) indicating the omission of words in a thought or quotation.46
6080053930elliptical constructionA sentence containing a deliberate omission of words.47
6080053931empathyA feeling of association or identification with an object or person.48
6080053932end-stoppedA term that describes a line of poetry that ends with a natural pause often indicated by a mark of punctuation.49
6080053933enjambmentIn poetry, the use of the successive lines with no punctuation or pause between them.50
6080053934epicAn extended narrative poem that tells of the adventures and exploits of a hero that in generally larger than life and is often considered a legendary figure.51
6080053935epigramA concise but ingenious, witty, and thoughtful statement.52
6080053936euphonyPleasing, harmonious sounds.53
6080053937epithetAn adjective or phrase that expresses a striking quality of a person or thing.54
6080053938eponymousA term for the title character of a work of literature.55
6080053939euphemismA mild or less negative usage for a harsh or blunt term.56
6080053940exegesisA detailed analysis or interpretation of a work of literature.57
6080053941exposéA piece or writing that reveals weakness, faults, frailties, or other shortcomings.58
6080053942expositionThe background and events that lead to the presentation of the main idea or purpose of a work of literature.59
6080053943explicationThe interpretation or analysis of a text.60
6080053944extended metaphorA series of comparisons between two unlike objects.61
6080053945fableA short tale often featuring nonhuman characters that act as people whose actions enable the author to make observations or draw useful lessons about human behavior.62
6080053946falling actionThe action in a play or story that occurs after the climax and that leads to the conclusion and often to the resolution of the conflict.63
6080053947fantasyA story containing unreal, imaginary features.64
6080053948farceA comedy that contains an extravagant and nonsensical disregard of seriousness, although it may have a serious, scornful purpose.65
6080053949figure of speech, figurative languageIn contrast to literal language, _____________ implies meanings. It includes metaphors, similes, and personification, among many others.66
6080053950first-person narrativeA narrative told by a character involved in the story, using pronouns such as I and we.67
6080053951flashbackA return to an earlier time in a story or play in order to clarify present action or circumstances. It might also be a character's account of the past, a dream, or a sudden association with past events.68
6080053952foilA minor character whose personality or attitude contrasts with that of the main character. Juxtaposing one character against another intensifies the qualities of both, to advantage or sometimes to disadvantage.69
6080053953footA unit of stressed and unstressed syllables used to determine the meter of a poetic line.70
6080053954foreshadowingProviding hints of things to come in a story or play.71
6080053955frameA structure that provides premise or setting for a narrative.72
6080053956free verseA kind of poetry without rhymed lines, rhythm, or fixed metrical feet.73
6080053957genreA term used to describe literary forms, such as a novel, play, and essay.74
6080053958Gothic novelA novel in which supernatural horrors and an atmosphere of unknown terrors pervades the action.75
6080053959harangueA forceful sermon, lecture, or tirade.76
6080053960hegemonya dominant cultural trend77
6080053961heroic coupletTwo rhymed lines written in iambic pentameter and used widely in eighteenth-century verse.78
6080053962hubrisThe excessive pride that often leads tragic heroes to their death.79
6080053963humanismA belief that emphasizes faith and optimism in human potential and creativity.80
6080053964hyperboleOverstatement; gross exaggeration for rhetorical effect.81
6080053965idyllA lyric poem or passage that describes a kind of ideal life or place.82
6080053966imageA word or phrase representing that which can be seen, touched, tasted, smelled, or felt.83
6080053967in medias resA narrative that starts not at the beginning of events but at some other critical point.84
6080053968indirect quotationActual words are not stated but only approximated or paraphrased.85
6080053969invectiveA direct verbal assault; a denunciation.86
6080053970ironyA mode of expression in which the intended meaning is the opposite of what is stated, often implying ridicule or light sarcasm; a state of affairs or events that is the reverse of what might have been expected.87
6080053971kenningA device employed in Anglo-Saxon poetry in which the name of a thing is replaced by one of its functions or qualities, as in "ring giver" for a king and "whale-road" for ocean.88
6080053972lampoonA mocking, satirical assault on a person or situation.89
6080053973light verseA variety of poetry meant to entertain or amuse, but sometimes with a satirical thrust.90
6080053974litotesA form of understatement in which the negative of the contrary is used to achieve emphasis or intensity.91
6080053975loose sentenceA sentence that follows the customary word order of English sentences, i.e., subject-verb-object. The main idea of the sentence is presented first and is then followed by one or more subordinate clauses.92
6080053976lyric poetryPersonal, reflective poetry that reveals the speaker's thoughts and feelings about the subject.93
6080053977maximA saying or proverb expressing common wisdom or truth.94
6080053978melodramaA literary form in which events are exaggerated in order to create an extreme emotional response.95
6080053979metaphorA figure of speech that compares unlike objects.96
6080053980metaphysical poetryThe work of poets, particularly those of the seventeenth century, that uses elaborate conceits, is highly intellectual, and expresses the complexities of love and life.97
6080053981meterThe pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables found in poetry.98
6080053982metonymyA figure of speech that uses the name of one thing to represent something else with which it is associated.99
6080053983Middle EnglishThe language spoken in England roughly between 1150 and 1500 A.D.100
6080053984mock epicA parody of traditional epic form. It usually treats a frivolous topic with extreme seriousness, using conventions such as invocations to the Muse, action-packed battle scenes, and accounts of heroic exploits.101
6080053985modeThe general form, pattern, and manner of expression of a work of literature.102
6080053986montageA quick succession of images or impressions used to express an idea.103
6080053987moodThe emotional tone in a work of literature.104
6080053988moralA brief and often simplistic lesson that a reader may infer from a work of literature.105
6080053989motifA phrase, idea, or event that through repetition serves to unify or convey a theme in a work of literature.106
6080053990museOne of the ancient Greek goddesses presiding over the arts. The imaginary source of inspiration for an artist or writer.107
6080053991mythAn imaginary story that has become an accepted part of the cultural or religious tradition of a group or society. They are often used to explain natural phenomena. Almost every culture has one of these to account for the creation of the world and its inhabitants.108
6080053992narrativeA form of verse of prose that tells a story.109
6080053993naturalismA term often used as a synonym for realism; also a view of experience that is generally characterized as bleak and pessimistic.110
6080053994non sequiturA statement or idea that fails to follow logically from the one before.111
6080053995novellaA work of fiction of roughly 20,000 to 50,000 words-longer than a short story, but shorter than a novel.112
6080053996novel of mannersA novel focusing on and describing the social customs and habits of a particular social group.113
6080053997odeA lyric poem usually marked by serious, respectful, and exalted feelings toward the subject.114
6080053998Old EnglishThe Anglo-Saxon language spoken in what is now England from approximately 450 to 1150 A.D.115
6080053999omniscient narratorA narrator with unlimited awareness, understanding, and insight of characters, setting, background, and all other elements of the story.116
6080054000onomatopoeiaThe use of words whose sounds suggest their meaning.117
6080054001ottava rimaAn eight-line rhyming stanza of a poem.118
6080054002oxymoronA term consisting of contradictory elements juxtaposed.119
6080054003parableA story consisting of events from which a moral or spiritual truth may be derived120
6080054004paradoxA statement that seems self-contradictory but is nevertheless true121
6080054005paraphraseA version of a text put into simpler, everyday words122
6080054006pastoralA work of literature dealing with rural life123
6080054007pathetic fallacyFaulty reasoning that inappropriately ascribes human feelings to nature or nonhuman objects124
6080054008pathosThat element in literature that stimulates pity or sorrow125
6080054009pentameterA verse with five poetic feet per line126
6080054010periodic sentenceA sentence that departs from the usual word order of English sentences by expressing its main though only at the end. In other words, the particulars in the sentence are presented before the idea they support.127
6080054011personaThe role or facade that a character assumes or depicts to a reader, a viewer, or the world at large128
6080054012personificationA figure of speech in which objects and animals are given human characteristics129
6080054013plotThe interrelationship among the events in a story; the plot line is the pattern of events, including exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.130
6080054014picaresque novelAn episodic novel about a roguelike wanderer who lives off his wits. Ex: Don Quixote, Moll Flanders131
6080054015point of viewThe relation in which a narrator or speaker stands to the story or subject matter of a poem.132
6080054016prosodyThe grammar of meter and rhythm in poetry133
6080054017protagonistThe main character in a work of literature134
6080054018pseudonymAlso called "pen name" or "nom de plume"; a false name or alias used by writers. Ex: Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)135
6080054019pulp fictionNovels written for mass consumption, often emphasizing exciting and titillating plots136
6080054020punA humorous play on words, using similar-sounding or identical words to suggest different meanings137
6080054021quatrainA four-line poem or a four-line unit of a longer poem138
6080054022realismThe depiction of people, things, and events as they really are without idealization or exaggeration for effect.139
6080054023rhetoricThe language of a work and its style; words, often highly emotional, used to convince or sway an audience140
6080054024rhetorical stanceLanguage that conveys a speaker's attitude or opinion with regard to a particular subject141
6080054025rhymeThe repetition of similar sounds at regular intervals, used mostly in poetry.142
6080054026rhyme schemeThe pattern of rhymes within a given poem143
6080054027rhythmThe pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables that make up a line of poetry144
6080054028roman a clefFrench for a novel in which hisotrical events and actual people appear under the guise of fiction145
6080054029romanceAn extended narrative about improbable events and extraordinary people in exotic places146
6080054030sarcasmA sharp, caustic expression or remark; a bitter jibe or taunt; different from irony, which is more subtle147
6080054031satireA literary style used to poke fun at, attack, or ridicule an idea, vice, or foible, often for the purpose of inducing change148
6080054032scanThe act of determining the meter of a poetic line.149
6080054033sentimentA synonym for view or feeling; also a refined and tender emotion in literature150
6080054034sentimentalA term that describes characters' excessive emotional response to experience; also nauseatingly nostalgic and mawkish151
6080054035settingThe total environment for the action in a novel or play. It includes time, place, historical milieu, and social, political, and even spiritual circumstances152
6080054036simileA figurative comparison using the words like or as153
6080054037sonnetA popular form of verse consisting of fourteen lines and a prescribed rhyme scheme.154
6080054038stanzaA group of two or more lines in poetry combined according to subject matter, rhyme, or some other plan155
6080054039stream of consciousnessA style of writing in which the author tries to reproduce the random flow of thoughts in the human mind156
6080054040styleThe manner in which an author uses and arranges words,157
6080054041subplotA subordinate or minor collection of events in a novel or play, usually connected to the main plot158
6080054042subtextThe implied meaning that underlies the main meaning of a work of literature159
6080054043symbolismThe use of one object to evoke ideas and associations not literally part of the original object160
6080054044synecdocheA figure of speech in which a part signifies the whole ("fifty masts" for fifty ships) or the whole signifies the part ("days" for life, as in "He lived his days in Canada"). Also when the name of the material stands for the thing itself ("pigskin" for football)161
6080054045syntaxThe organization of language into meaningful structure; every sentence has a particular pattern of words162
6080054046themeThe main idea or meaning, often an abstract idea upon which a work of literature is built163
6080054047title characterA character whose name appears in the title of the novel or play; also known as the eponymous character164
6080054048toneThe author's attitude toward the subject being written about. The spirit or quality that is the work's emotional essence165
6080054049tragedyA form of literature in which the hero is destroyed by some character flaw and a set of forces that cause the hero considerable anguish166
6080054050tropeThe generic name for a figure of speech such as image, symbol, simile, and metaphor167
6080054051verbal ironyA discrepancy between the true meaning of a situation and the literal meaning of the written or spoken words168
6080054052verseA synonym for poetry. Also a group of lines in a song or poem; also a single line of poetry169
6080054053verisimilitudeSimilar to the truth; the quality of realism in a work that persuades readers that they are getting a vision of life as it is.170
6080054054versificationThe structural form of a line of verse as revealed by the number of feet it contains. For example: monometer = 1foot; tetrameter = 4 feet; pentameter = 5 feet, and so forth171
6080054055villanelleA French verse form calculated to appear simple and spontaneous but consisting of nineteen lines and a prescribed pattern of rhymes172
6080054056voiceThe real or assumed personality used by a writer or speaker173
6080054057witThe quickness of intellect and the power and talent for saying brilliant things that suprise and delight by their unexpectedness; the power to comment subtly and pointedly on the foibles of the passing scene174

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