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Barron's AP World History Flashcards Flashcards

Barron's AP World History Flashcards to help on the AP Test

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119073765MuhammadHad a transformational spiritual experience and traveled through the Arabian Peninsula proclaiming that he was the last prophet of Allah.0
119073766Expansion of IslamRapid expansion in the century after Muhammad's death was the work of early caliphs who spread the word through pilgrimages.1
119073767Abbasid DynastyAbbasids, headquartered in Baghdad, allowed Muslims as well as Persians, Egyptians, and Mesopotamians to rise to positions of power and wealth.2
119073768Trade within Eastern HemisphereCommercial centers in Nishapur, Bukhara, and Samarkand facilitated the revival of trade over the Silk Road (perpetuated by Muslims)3
119073769The Quran and WomenDescribed Women as honorable individuals equal to men, not property4
119073770Islam in Northern IndiaMuslim forces reached India by the mid-seventeenth century5
119073771Sui DynastyAfter centuries of turmoil following the Han dynasty, they restored peace and order.6
119073772Tang DynastyRestored peace and stability after the fall of the Sui dynasty.7
119073773Song DynastyFollowed the Tang Dynasty, the first emperor, Song Taizu, started policy of distrust of military leaders, focused on civil service exams, industry, education, and the arts.8
119073774Technological Development of Tang and Song DynastiesAdvances were made possible as a result of abundant food supplies: High quality porcelain, metallurgical technologies, military advances, printing technology.9
119073775Neo ConfucianismDeveloped in response to the growing popularity of Buddhism10
119073776Early JapanAn agricultural society inspired by Tang China, instituted a series of reforms to centralize power.11
119073777Medieval JapanSamurai, played an important role in Japanese Society, they observed bushido, which emphasized the imprtance of loyalty to the warriors lord.12
119073778Frankish EmpireFranks built a society based on agriculture in northern regions of europe, and oversaw the development of decentralized political institutions in those areas.13
119073779Carolingian EmpireCharlemagne extended the empire into northeastern Spain, Bavaria, and Italy and as far south as Rome.14
119073780Decline of the Carolingian EmpireCharlemagne died in 814.15
119073781FeudalismBasic concept refers to the political and social order of medieval Europe based on a hierarchy of lords and vassals who controlled political and military affairs.16
119073782CrusadesHoly Wars17
119073783ToltecsMigrated to central Mexico, settled Tula during the Eighth century.18
119073784AztecsKnown as the cannibal kingdom, for their widespread practice of human sacrifice.19
119073785Incan EmpireAn empire in Modern day Peru20
119073786Sufisa mystical Muslim group that believed they could draw closer to God through prayer, fasting, and a simple life21
119073787Agricultural DiffusionThe shift of food gathering to food producing. Gatherer>grower=agricultural revolution. Chaser>herder=domestication. People could now live in one area because they didn't have to search for food. Could now make houses22
119073788Influence of Christianity in Europeby 1000, Christianity was the accepted religion in most of western Europe • The pope was established as the single most important figure, providing the church with a sense of direction23
119073789Feudal Society in EuropeDivided into three classes, clergy, warrior, and worker24
119073790Hanseatic League (hansa)• A trade network that developed in the Baltic and North Sea (1400s-1600s); encompassed the commercial centers of Poland, northern Germany, and Scandinavia; linked to the Mediterranean through the Rhine and Danube Rivers • Traded: grain, fish, furs, timber, and pitch • Frequency of trade led to the adoption of credit and banking systems, which made trade possible on a large scale • Commercial partnerships further increased the volume of trade in Europe Impact on class structure of northern Europe made social mobility possible25
119073791Feudal MonarchiesMaintained order, provided relatively stable and effective government, later provided impetus (a force that moves something along) for ocean-going explorations26
119073792Manor LifeDuring the middle ages in Europe, a lord's estate, which included one or more villages and the surrounding lands, was known as a manor. Serfs on the manor were bound to land and had to work on the fields. They were only allowed to follow Christianity. Peasants on the manor were guaranteed the benefits of staying such as protection, land and food in exchange for work.27
119073793Feudalism in Europe and Japan• Code of Conduct—Europe: chivalry; Japan: Bushido • Warriors—Europe: knights; Japan: daimyo • Ruler—Europe: king; Japan: emperor (really a figurehead; control rested with shogun)28
119073794ConfuciusChinese philosopher (circa 551-478 BC)29
119073795Confucianismthe teachings of Confucius emphasizing love for humanity30
119073796Daoismphilosophical system developed by of Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu advocating a simple honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events31
119073797Legalismstrict conformity to the letter of the law rather than its spirit32
119073798Qin Dynastya short-lived Chinese dynasty that replaced the Zhou Dynasty in the 3rd century BC33
119073799Shi HuangdiFounder of the short-lived Qin dynasty and creator of the Chinese Empire (r. 221-210 B.C.E.). He is remembered for his ruthless conquests of rival states and standardization. (163)34
119073800Early Han Dynasty• Claiming the "mandate of heaven," Liu Bang centralized rule using persistence and methodical planning; started the longest lasting Chinese dynas—the Han (206 B.C.E.-220 C.E.) • Emperors ruled from Chang'an, with its imperial palace, busy markets, and parks • Han Wudi, the "martial emperor," ruled the Han from 141 to 87 B.C.E. with two goals: to centralize governmental power and to expand the empire. He used Legalist principles as the guidelines for his government • Wudi appointed imperial officers in provinces to enforce laws and levy taxes on agriculture, trade, and craft industries • Demand for Chinese silk in India, Persia, Mesopotamia, and the Roman Empire led to development of trade routes (the silk roads) • Wudi exercised tremendous government control over the building of roads and canals to increase trade and communication. Government also controlled production of essential goods: iron, salt, and liquor35
119073801Emperor Wudiemperor under the Han Dynasty that wanted to create a stronger central government by taking land from the lords, raising taxes and places the supply of grain under the government's control36
119073802Fall of Han dynasty• Collapsed—divisions within the ruling elite limited the effectiveness of the government • Issues: land distribution, private armies, unrest, economic decline • Rise in epidemics late second, early third centuries led to the Yellow Turban Rebellion (rebels' yellow turbans represented their peasant status and their ties to the earth) • Dynasty in 220 C.E. formally ended37
119073803Mauryan Dynastyfirst ruler was Chandragupta Maurya; unified much of the entire subcontinent; large armies with thousands of chariots and elephant borne troops; developed a substantial bureaucracy with a postal service; autocratic government38
119073804Gupta DynastySecond Empire in India; founded by Chandra Gupta39
119073805Jainisma religion that branched off from Hinduism and was founded by Mahavira; its belief is that everything has a soul, and its purpose was to cleanse the soul. Some were extreme aesthetics.40
119073806Buddhismthe teaching of Buddha that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct and wisdom and meditation releases one from desire and suffering and rebirth41
119073807Hinduisma body of religious and philosophical beliefs and cultural practices native to India and characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme beingof many forms and natures, by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a42
119073808Mycenaeansfirst Greek-speaking people; invaded Minoans; dominated Greek world 1400 B.C. to 1200 B.C.; sea traders; lived in separate city-states; invovled in Trojan War against Troy43
119073809PolisGreek word for city-state44
119073810Spartaan ancient Greek city famous for military prowess45

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