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Barron's AP World History - Periodization V Flashcards

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5738551579A growing sense of ___ helped spark the American Revolution. Increased resentment of ___ and ___ were also reasons. ___ wrote the Declaration of Independence to express the American reason for secession. In 1789, the US ratified its ___.nationalism; British economic control; Enlightenment philosophy; Thomas Jefferson; Constitution0
5738551580The French Revolution was caused by the socioeconomic gap between ordinary citizens, the ___, and the Catholic Clergy (___) and aristocracy (___). Also, long-term ___ and ___ fueled revolution.Third Estate; First Estate; Second Estate; debt; Enlightenment philosophy1
5738551581___ summoned the Estates General, seeking a solution to French debt. In late June, delegates of the Third Estate and some other liberal members formed the ___. This climaxed with the ___, in which the assembly was able to assume power over Paris.Louis XVI; National Assembly; storming of the Bastille2
5738551582The National Assembly guaranteed liberties with their ___. Arguments over how to run the government led to the ___ proclaimed in 1792. The most important to take power were the ___, led by ___. They created an executive body called the ___, leading to the ___.Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen; French Republic; Jacobins; Maximilien Robespierre; Committee of Public Safety' Reign of Terror3
5738551583After the French Republic fell, the ___ presided over the revolution. It was ousted by ___, who seized power for himself. He modernized France with institutions like the ___ and the influential ___.Directory; Napoleon Bonaparte; Bank of France; Civil Law Code4
5738551584Napoleon was defeated and exiled in 1814, but escaped and had to be beaten again at the battle of ___. Peace was restored in the ___.Waterloo; Congress of Vienna5
5738551585After the French Revolution, ___ was thrown into turmoil after rights were not extended there. ___ lead the revolt. Napoleon lost, and the independent state was born. This led to him thinking it was wasteful for France to maintain major colonies, leading to the ___ in 1803.Haiti (Saint Domingue); Toussaint L'Ouverture; Louisiana Purchase6
5738551586Latin American wars of independence were fueled by hatred of ___ and the rigidity of the caste system for the ___. ___ from Venezuela was a criollo who promised to give rights to the lower classes who helped in revolution. His 1815 ___ helped fuel the independence movement.Spain/Portugual's restrictive economic policies; criollo; Simón Bolívar; Jamaica Letter7
5738551587Mexican independence began when ___ called for freedom from Spain. His campaign was supported by the ___, but hated by others. In the end, the elite completed independence.Miguel Hidalgo; lower classes8
5738551588Imperialism was promoted by Europe's rapid ___. Geographical/scientific aptitude, such as the ___ helped speed the process. Social Darwinism, such as ___ and the French version of ___ also led to a "need for imperialism".population growth; anti-malarial treatment quinine; Rudyard Kipling's "white man's burden"; la mission civilisatrice9
5738551589The ___ led to the creation of Germany after France's defeat, and also helped complete the process of ___. The Triple Alliance came to include ___. The Triple Entente was made up of ___.Franco-Prussian War; unifying Italy; Germany, Austria, * Italy; France, Russia, & the UK10
5738551590In Victorian Britain, the ___ granted economic concessions to the lower classes. The ___ was when the French falsely accused a Jewish officer for leaking secrets to Germany.Second & Third Reform Acts; Dreyfus Affair11
5738551591___ was Europe's most skilled diplomat, who offered many economic concessions to lower classes to avoid their attraction to trade unions or socialism. The ___ of 1867 granted equal status to Austria's largest minority, the ___.Otto von Bismarck; Ausgleich ("Compromise"); Hungarians12
5738551592Alexander II reformed Russia, mostly importantly in 1861 with the ___. Nicholas II almost lost power during the ___, and decided to share power with a legislature called the ___.emancipation of the serfs; 1905 Russian Revolution; Duma13
5738551593The ___ were attempts to modernize the Ottoman Empire. Sultan ___ proclaimed the constitution of 1876, agreeing to share power with a legislature. He later suspended the constitution, upsetting the ___ who wanted change.Tanzimat reforms; Abdul Hamid II; Young Turks14
5738551594The Ottoman Empire's collapse led to the ___, where Europe worried another power would take their place even stronger than before. Eventually in 1908-1909, the ___ deposed Abdul Hamid II and restored the constitution.Eastern Question; Young Turks15
5738551595The ___ of North Africa were ruled by the Ottomans, but became more autonomous over time. The ___ of West Africa's Gold Coast engaged in a military buildup fueled by the Atlantic Slave Trade. The ___ in South Africa conquered local tribes and clashed with the Boers. ___ was a key hub for the East African slave trade, and was ruled by Oman. ___ was Coptic Christian and was able to ward off Italian forces in 1869.Barbary States; Ashanti Kingdom; Zulu Kingdom; Zanzibar; Ethiopia16
5738551596After 1880, the ___ began. A pivotal moment was the ___ of 1884-1885.Scramble for Africa; Berlin Conference17
5738551597The Belgians under ___ came to control the Congo. Their main goal was ___, and they brutally cut off hands and killed workers. The ___ was between Afrikaners and the British, for control of South Africa.Leopold II; rubber extraction; Boer War18
5738551598In the late 1700s, Europeans/Americans were only allowed to trade with China in certain cities, most famously ___. They also only accepted ___ in exchange. The ___ petitioned Emperor Qianlong to open a British embassy in China, but failed.Canton; silver; Macartney Mission19
5738551599The British, angered by Chinese economic control, aggressively pursued ___. The Qin trade commissioner ___ protested to the British and confiscated their opium. This sparked the ___, which ended with the ___.opium trade; Lin Zexu; First Opium War; Treaty of Nanking20
5738551600The Taiping Rebellion began when ___ failed his civil service examination, and had visions that he was ___. The government eventually beat him, and responded with the ___. The ___ in 1900 was lashed out against Westerners, but was ultimately stopped.Hong Xiuquan; Jesus Christ's younger brother; self-strengthening movement; Boxer Rebellion21
5738551601In 1853, ___ asked the Japanese to open up for trade. A group of Samurai clans were angered by the Western intimidation, and abolished the shogunate, leading to the ___ of 1868. The constitution of 1890 elected a parliament, the ___, and the Civil Code of 1898 updated the legal system. Japan's modernization featured corporations called ___, sponsored by the state.Commodore Matthew Perry; Meiji Restoration; Diet; zaibatsu22
5738551602The ___ led to Japanese occupation of Taiwan and Korea. The ___ led to the first major defeat of a European power.Sino-Japanese War; Russo-Japanese War23
5738551603The militancy of Emperor Aurangzeb led to the creation of a ___ and the breakaway of the ___. The British East India originally sought ___ in India. The most famous native personnel were ___, or Indian soldiers equipped in Western style.Sikh state in Punjab; Hindu Maratha Empire; cotton; sepoys24
5738551604British modernization was intended to meet their own goals, not those of natives. However, they also benefited Indians by outlawing inhumane practices like ___. They reduced tensions between ___, and increased education.sati, thuggee (assassination in the name of Kali), and harsh treatment of untouchables; Hindus & Muslims25
5738551605In 1857-1858, the ___ led to the murder of thousands of British civilians. The British ended the rebellion, killing thousands upon thousands of Indians, and officially ending the ___. Educating the Indians backfired, leading to the creation of the ___.Sepoy Mutiny; Mughal Dynasty; Indian National Congress26
5738551606The last major acquisition in SE Asia was the ___. ___ charted Australia's east coast in 1770, leading to colonization by England. New Zealand's native ___ gained access to gunpowder weapons, leading to the ___ in which Britain tried to retake them.US annexation of the Philippines; James Cook; Maori; Land Wars27
5738551607The United States established its first sphere of influence with the ___, warning Europe to not interfere with the Western Hemisphere. They also took part in imperialism, such as conquering the Philippines in the ___. They grew in size with the ___. They also mistreated natives, with laws like the ___ of 1830.Monroe Doctrine; Spanish-American War; Louisiana Purchase & Mexican-American War; Indian Removal Act28
5738551608England's ___ helped it to urbanize, by forcing poorer farmers to move the cities. The 1793 invention of the ___ by Eli Whitney helped to mechanize the textile industry. ___ patented a steam engine that was powerful and cost-effective.Enclosure Acts; cotton gin; James Watt29
5738551609Countries who hosted large numbers of immigrants typically imposed ___. The US create the ___ in 1882, aiming to suspend Chinese immigration. Suffrage movements in the US began with ___ and the ___.quota systems; Chinese Exclusion Act; Elizabeth Cady Stanton; 1848 Seneca Falls Convention30

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