405948623 | abstemious | eating and drinking in moderation; restricted to bare necessities | |
405948624 | abstract | not concrete; theoretical | |
405948625 | abstruse | difficult to understand | |
405948626 | acclaim | applaud; announce with great approval | |
405948627 | accolade | award of merit | |
405948628 | acknowledge | to recognize; admit | |
405948629 | acquiesce | agree without protesting | |
405948630 | adulation | excessive flattery or admiration | |
405948631 | adversary | opponent | |
405948632 | adversity | hardship; misfortune | |
405948633 | advocate | to argue in favor of | |
405948634 | aesthetic | pertaining to art or beauty | |
405948635 | affable | easily approachable; warm and friendly | |
405948636 | affirmation | declaring something to be a true, positive statement | |
405948637 | aggregate | total | |
405948638 | alleviate | relieve | |
405948639 | aloof | apart; reserved | |
405948640 | altruistic | unselfishly generous; concerned for others | |
405948641 | ambiguous | unclear or doubtful in meaning | |
405948642 | ambivalence | having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes | |
405948643 | amorphous | formless; lacking in shape or definition | |
405948644 | analogous | comparable | |
405948645 | anarchist | a person who seeks to overturn the established government; a person who favors abolishing authority | |
405948646 | animosity | bitter hostility; active hatred | |
405948647 | anomaly | irregularity | |
405948648 | antagonism | actively expressed hostility | |
405948649 | antediluvian | extremely old | |
405948650 | antidote | medicine to counteract a poison or disease; something that relieves a harmful effect | |
405948651 | antiquated | old-fashioned; obsolete | |
405948652 | apathy | indifferent | |
405948653 | appease | soothe; relieve | |
405948654 | apprehension | fear | |
405948655 | arbitrary | randomly chosen | |
405948656 | archaic | ancient, out-of-date | |
405948657 | ardent | very enthusiastic; passionate | |
405948658 | arrogance | overbearing pride | |
405948659 | articulate | able to express oneself clearly and effectively | |
405948660 | artifact | object made by human beings | |
405948661 | artisan | manually skilled worker; craftsman as opposed to artist | |
405948662 | ascendancy | controlling influence; domination | |
405948663 | ascetic | person who leads a life of self-denial | |
405948664 | aspire | seek to attain; long for | |
405948665 | assiduous | earnest and persistent in undertaking a task | |
405948666 | assuage | ease or lessen; satisfy; soothe; alleviate | |
405948667 | astute | wise; shrewd | |
405948668 | attribute | explain; relate to a cause | |
405948669 | audacious | daring; bold | |
405948670 | austere | severe or stern; simple and unornamented | |
405948671 | authoritarian | subordinating the individual to the state; completely dominating another's will | |
405948672 | autonomous | self-governing | |
405948673 | avarice | greediness for wealth | |
405948674 | aversion | firm dislike | |
405948675 | beguile | charm; deceive by trickery | |
405948676 | belie | contradict; give a false impression | |
405948677 | benevolent | generous; charitable | |
405948678 | benign | showing gentleness; exerting a beneficial influence; harmless | |
405948679 | bolster | support; reinforce | |
405948680 | bombastic | using inflated language | |
405948681 | braggart | boaster | |
405948682 | cajole | coax | |
405948683 | calculated | deliberately planned | |
405948684 | candor | frankness; open honesty | |
405948685 | capricious | unpredictable; fickle | |
405948686 | censure | blame, criticize | |
405948687 | charlatan | a quack; pretender to knowledge | |
405948688 | coalesce | combine; fuse | |
405948689 | colloquial | pertaining to conversational or common speech | |
405948690 | compile | assemble; gather; accumulate | |
405948691 | complacency | self-satisfaction; smugness | |
405948692 | compliance | readiness to yield; conformity | |
405948693 | composure | mental calmness | |
405948694 | comprehensive | thorough; inclusive | |
405948695 | concede | admit; yield | |
405948696 | conciliatory | overcoming hostility or distrust | |
405948697 | concise | brief and compact | |
405948698 | conflagration | great fire | |
405948699 | confound | confuse; puzzle | |
405948700 | contend | assert earnestly | |
405948701 | contentious | quarrelsome; causing quarrels | |
405948702 | conviction | strongly held belief; judgement that someone is guilty of a crime | |
405948703 | cordial | gracious; heartfelt | |
405948704 | corrode | destroy by chemical action; deteriorate | |
405948705 | criterion | standard used in judging | |
405948706 | cryptic | mysterious; hidden; secret | |
405948707 | culpable | deserving blame | |
405948708 | cursory | done with haste and little attention to detail | |
405948709 | debilitate | weaken; enfeeble | |
405948710 | decorum | orderliness and good taste in manners | |
405948711 | degradation | humiliation; degeneration | |
405948712 | deplore | regret; disapprove of | |
405948713 | depravity | extreme corruption; wickedness | |
405948714 | deprecate | express disapproval of; belittle | |
405948715 | deride | ridicule; make fun of | |
405948716 | derivative | unoriginal; derived from another source | |
405948717 | deterrent | something that discourages | |
405948718 | digression | wandering away from the subject | |
405948719 | diligence | steadiness of effort; persistent hard work | |
405948720 | disclose | reveal | |
405948721 | discount | disregard; dismiss | |
405948722 | discriminating | able to see differences | |
405948723 | disdain | scorn | |
405948724 | disinclination | a lack of inclination; reluctance | |
405948725 | dismiss | put away from consideration, reject, discount | |
405948726 | disperse | scatter | |
405948727 | disputatious | argumentative; fond of arguing | |
405948728 | dissent | disagree | |
405948729 | divergent | varying; going in different directions from the same point | |
405948730 | document | provide written evidence | |
405948731 | dogmatic | arrogantly stating opinions without proof | |
405948732 | duplicity | deliberate deceptiveness | |
405948733 | eclectic | composed of elements drawn from diverse sources | |
405948734 | egotism | excessive self-importance; conceit | |
405948735 | elated | overjoyed; in high spirits | |
405948736 | elegy | poem or song expressing grief | |
405948737 | elusive | hard to grasp | |
405948738 | embellish | adorn; ornament; add fictitious detail | |
405948739 | emulate | imitate | |
405948740 | endorse | approve; support | |
405948741 | enmity | ill will; hatred | |
405948742 | ephemeral | short-lived; fleeting | |
405948743 | equivocal | unclear in meaning; intentionally misleading | |
405948744 | erroneous | mistaken | |
405948745 | eulogy | expression of praise, usually for funerals | |
405948746 | evanescent | fleeting; vanishing (like ephemeral) | |
405948747 | exalt | raise in rank or dignity; praise | |
405948748 | execute | put into effect, carry out | |
405948749 | exemplary | serving as a model; outstanding | |
405948750 | exemplify | serve as an example of | |
405948751 | exhaustive | thorough; comprehensive | |
405948752 | explicit | totally clear; definite | |
405948753 | extol | praise; glorify | |
405948754 | extricate | free; disentangle | |
405948755 | exuberance | joyful enthusiasm; overflowing abundance | |
405948756 | facilitate | to help bring about; make less difficult | |
405948757 | fallow | plowed but not sowed; uncultivated | |
405948758 | falter | hesitate | |
405948759 | fanaticism | extreme devotion to a belief or cause | |
405948760 | fastidious | difficult to please; very careful | |
405948761 | feasible | practical | |
405948762 | flagrant | conspicuously wicked; blatant; outrageous | |
405948763 | furtive | sneaky; secretive | |
405948764 | garrulous | talkative; wordy | |
405948765 | glacial | very slowly; like a glacier; extremely cold | |
405948766 | glutton | someone who eats and drinks excessively | |
405948767 | gregarious | sociable | |
405948768 | guile | deceit; wiliness; cunning | |
405948769 | gullible | easily deceived | |
405948770 | hamper | obstruct; make more difficult | |
405948771 | hardy | strong | |
405948772 | haughtiness | pride; arrogance | |
405948773 | hedonist | one who believes that please is the sole aim in life | |
405948774 | heresy | opinion contrary to popular belief | |
405948775 | hierarchy | arrangement by rank or standing | |
405948776 | homogeneous | composed of identical parts | |
405948777 | hyperbole | exaggeration; overstatement | |
405948778 | hypocritical | pretending to be virtuous; deceiving | |
405948779 | iconoclast | attacking cherished traditions | |
405948780 | ignominy | deep disgrace; shame or dishonor | |
405948781 | illusory | deceptive; not real | |
405948782 | immutable | unchangeable | |
405948783 | impair | injure; hurt | |
405948784 | impeccable | faultless; having no flaws | |
405948785 | implement | put into effect | |
405948786 | impudence | offensive boldness | |
405948787 | inadvertent | unintentional; as a result of oversight; careless (by mistake)` | |
405948788 | incite | arouse to action | |
405948789 | inclusive | tending to include all | |
405948790 | incongruous | not fitting; absurd | |
405948791 | inconsequential | insignificant; unimportant | |
405948792 | incorrigible | not correctable | |
405948793 | indifferent | unmoved; unconcerned by; mediocre | |
405948794 | induce | persuade; bring about | |
405948795 | ingenious | clever; resourceful | |
405948796 | inherent | firmly established by nature or habit | |
405948797 | innate | inborn | |
405948798 | innocuous | harmless | |
405948799 | innovation | change; introduction of something new | |
405948800 | instigate | provoke; start; urge | |
405948801 | insularity | narrow-mindedness; isolation | |
405948802 | integrity | uprightness; wholeness | |
405948803 | intimidate | frighten | |
405948804 | intrepid | fearless | |
405948805 | ironic | resulting in an unexpected and contrary outcome | |
405948806 | jocular | said or done in jest | |
405948807 | lament | grieve; express sorrow | |
405948808 | lavish | extravagant; wasteful | |
405948809 | linger | loiter or dawdle; continue or persist | |
405948810 | listless | lacking in spirit or energy | |
405948811 | lofty | very high | |
405948812 | meander | wind or turn in its course | |
405948813 | mercenary | interested in money or gain | |
405948814 | meticulous | painstaking; excessively careful | |
405948815 | miserly | stingy | |
405948816 | mitigate | moderate in intensity | |
405948817 | morose | ill-humored; sad; gloomy | |
405948818 | mosaic | picture made of colorful small inlaid tiles; something that resembles a mosaic | |
405948819 | mundane | worldly as opposed to spiritual; everyday; concerned with the commonplace | |
405948820 | munificent | very generous | |
405948821 | nefarious | very wicked | |
405948822 | nonchalance | indifference; lack of concern; composure | |
405948823 | notoriety | ill fame (being known widely and unfavorably) | |
405948824 | novelty | something new; newness | |
405948825 | nurture | nourish; educate; foster | |
405948826 | obliterate | destroy completely | |
405948827 | oblivion | obscurity; forgetfulness | |
405948828 | obscure | indistinct; not easily understood | |
405948829 | obstinate | stubborn; hard to control or treat | |
405948830 | ominous | threatening | |
405948831 | opportunist | one who sacrifices principles to gain advantage by taking advantage of circumstances | |
405948832 | opulence | extreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance | |
405948833 | orator | public speaker | |
405948834 | ornate | excessively or elaborately decorated | |
405948835 | pacifist | one opposed to force; antimilitarist | |
405948836 | parody | humorous imitation; spoof; takeoff | |
405948837 | partisan | one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party | |
405948838 | paucity | scarcity | |
405948839 | penury | severe poverty; stinginess | |
405948840 | peripheral | outer; marginal | |
405948841 | perpetuate | making something last; preserve from extinction | |
405948842 | phenomena | observable facts; subjects of scientific investigation | |
405948843 | pithy | concise; meaningful; substantial; meaty | |
405948844 | placate | pacify; lessen the anger of | |
405948845 | polemical | aggressive in verbal attack; relating to argument or controversy | |
405948846 | ponderous | weighty; unwieldy; dull, boring | |
405948847 | pretentious | pompous; making unjustified claims; outwardly extravagant | |
405948848 | prodigal | wasteful; reckless with money | |
405948849 | profusion | overabundance; excess | |
405948850 | proliferation | rapid growth; spread | |
405948851 | provincial | limited in outlook; unsophisticated | |
405948852 | quagmire | soft wet boggy land; complex or dangerous situation from which it is difficult to free oneself | |
405948853 | querulous | complaining; fretful | |
405948854 | quiescence | state of being at rest; temporary inactivity | |
405948855 | ramble | wander aimlessly | |
405948856 | rancor | bitterness; hatred | |
405948857 | rant | speak in an angry or excited manner; rave | |
405948858 | rarefied | lofty; made less dense | |
405948859 | ratify | approve formally; confirm; verify | |
405948860 | raucous | harsh and shrill; disorderly and boisterous | |
405948861 | ravenous | extremely hungry | |
405948862 | raze | destroy completely | |
405948863 | recant | retract a previous statement; openly confess error | |
405948864 | recount | narrate or tell; count over again | |
405948865 | rectify | set right; correct | |
405948866 | redundant | unnecessary; repetitious; excessively wordy | |
405948867 | relegate | banish to an inferior position; delegate; assign | |
405948868 | remorse | guilt; bitter regret | |
405948869 | repel | drive away; disgust | |
405948870 | reprehensible | deserving blame | |
405948871 | repudiate | reject strongly as wrong; reject the authority of | |
405948872 | rescind | cancel | |
405948873 | reserve | self-restraint in expression | |
405948874 | resigned | accepting one's fate; unresisting | |
405948875 | restraint | moderation or self control; controlling force; restriction | |
405948876 | reticence | uncommunicativeness; reserve; inclination to silence | |
405948877 | retract | withdraw; take back | |
405948878 | rhetorical | pertaining to effective communication; insincere in language; characterized by overly elaborate, pompous language | |
405948879 | rigor | severity; strictness | |
405948880 | robust | vigorous; strong | |
405948881 | sage | person celebrated for wisdom | |
405948882 | sanction | approve; ratify | |
405948883 | satirical | mocking; characterized by sarcastic wit to attack or expose folly | |
405948884 | saturate | soak thoroughly | |
405948885 | savory | tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable | |
405948886 | scanty | meager;insufficient | |
405948887 | scrupulous | conscientious; extremely thorough | |
405948888 | scrutinize | examine closely and critically | |
405948889 | seclusion | isolation; solitude | |
405948890 | servile | slavish; submissive | |
405948891 | sluggish | slow; lazy; lacking energy | |
405948892 | somber | gloomy; depressing; dark; drab | |
405948893 | soporific | sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness | |
405948894 | sporadic | occurring irregularly | |
405948895 | stagnant | motionless; stale; dull | |
405948896 | stolid | showing little emotion | |
405948897 | strident | loud and harsh; insistent | |
405948898 | stupefied | made numb; stunned; amazed | |
405948899 | subside | settle down; descend; grow quiet | |
405948900 | superficial | concerned only with the obvious; shallow; near the surface | |
405948901 | superfluous | unnecessary; excessive; overabundant | |
405948902 | surfeit | indulge to excess in anything | |
405948903 | surreptitious | done in a secret way; hidden | |
405948904 | sycophant | self-seeker who tries to gain favor by flattering other people; bootlicker | |
405948905 | tantamount | equivalent in effect or value | |
405948906 | tenacity | firmness; persistence | |
405948907 | terrestrial | related to the earth; pertaining to the land | |
405948908 | threadbare | worn through till the threads show ; shabby and poor | |
405948909 | tirade | extended scolding; long angry speech denouncing something | |
405948910 | torpor | physical or mental inactivity; sluggishness; dormancy | |
405948911 | trifling | trivial; unimportant | |
405948912 | truncate | shorten; cut the top off | |
405948913 | turmoil | great commotion and confusion | |
405948914 | undermine | weaken; sap | |
405948915 | uniformity | sameness | |
405948916 | unwarranted | unjustified; groundless; undeserved | |
405948917 | vaporize | turn into vapor | |
405948918 | viable | practical or workable; capable of maintaining life | |
405948919 | virtuoso | highly skilled artist | |
405948920 | virulent | extremely poisonous; hostile; bitter | |
405948921 | whimsical | unpredictable; fanciful | |
405948922 | zealot | fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal |
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