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Barron's Picture These SAT Words (complete) Flashcards

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405948623abstemiouseating and drinking in moderation; restricted to bare necessities
405948624abstractnot concrete; theoretical
405948625abstrusedifficult to understand
405948626acclaimapplaud; announce with great approval
405948627accoladeaward of merit
405948628acknowledgeto recognize; admit
405948629acquiesceagree without protesting
405948630adulationexcessive flattery or admiration
405948632adversityhardship; misfortune
405948633advocateto argue in favor of
405948634aestheticpertaining to art or beauty
405948635affableeasily approachable; warm and friendly
405948636affirmationdeclaring something to be a true, positive statement
405948639aloofapart; reserved
405948640altruisticunselfishly generous; concerned for others
405948641ambiguousunclear or doubtful in meaning
405948642ambivalencehaving contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes
405948643amorphousformless; lacking in shape or definition
405948645anarchista person who seeks to overturn the established government; a person who favors abolishing authority
405948646animositybitter hostility; active hatred
405948648antagonismactively expressed hostility
405948649antediluvianextremely old
405948650antidotemedicine to counteract a poison or disease; something that relieves a harmful effect
405948651antiquatedold-fashioned; obsolete
405948653appeasesoothe; relieve
405948655arbitraryrandomly chosen
405948656archaicancient, out-of-date
405948657ardentvery enthusiastic; passionate
405948658arroganceoverbearing pride
405948659articulateable to express oneself clearly and effectively
405948660artifactobject made by human beings
405948661artisanmanually skilled worker; craftsman as opposed to artist
405948662ascendancycontrolling influence; domination
405948663asceticperson who leads a life of self-denial
405948664aspireseek to attain; long for
405948665assiduousearnest and persistent in undertaking a task
405948666assuageease or lessen; satisfy; soothe; alleviate
405948667astutewise; shrewd
405948668attributeexplain; relate to a cause
405948669audaciousdaring; bold
405948670austeresevere or stern; simple and unornamented
405948671authoritariansubordinating the individual to the state; completely dominating another's will
405948673avaricegreediness for wealth
405948674aversionfirm dislike
405948675beguilecharm; deceive by trickery
405948676beliecontradict; give a false impression
405948677benevolentgenerous; charitable
405948678benignshowing gentleness; exerting a beneficial influence; harmless
405948679bolstersupport; reinforce
405948680bombasticusing inflated language
405948683calculateddeliberately planned
405948684candorfrankness; open honesty
405948685capriciousunpredictable; fickle
405948686censureblame, criticize
405948687charlatana quack; pretender to knowledge
405948688coalescecombine; fuse
405948689colloquialpertaining to conversational or common speech
405948690compileassemble; gather; accumulate
405948691complacencyself-satisfaction; smugness
405948692compliancereadiness to yield; conformity
405948693composuremental calmness
405948694comprehensivethorough; inclusive
405948695concedeadmit; yield
405948696conciliatoryovercoming hostility or distrust
405948697concisebrief and compact
405948698conflagrationgreat fire
405948699confoundconfuse; puzzle
405948700contendassert earnestly
405948701contentiousquarrelsome; causing quarrels
405948702convictionstrongly held belief; judgement that someone is guilty of a crime
405948703cordialgracious; heartfelt
405948704corrodedestroy by chemical action; deteriorate
405948705criterionstandard used in judging
405948706crypticmysterious; hidden; secret
405948707culpabledeserving blame
405948708cursorydone with haste and little attention to detail
405948709debilitateweaken; enfeeble
405948710decorumorderliness and good taste in manners
405948711degradationhumiliation; degeneration
405948712deploreregret; disapprove of
405948713depravityextreme corruption; wickedness
405948714deprecateexpress disapproval of; belittle
405948715derideridicule; make fun of
405948716derivativeunoriginal; derived from another source
405948717deterrentsomething that discourages
405948718digressionwandering away from the subject
405948719diligencesteadiness of effort; persistent hard work
405948721discountdisregard; dismiss
405948722discriminatingable to see differences
405948724disinclinationa lack of inclination; reluctance
405948725dismissput away from consideration, reject, discount
405948727disputatiousargumentative; fond of arguing
405948729divergentvarying; going in different directions from the same point
405948730documentprovide written evidence
405948731dogmaticarrogantly stating opinions without proof
405948732duplicitydeliberate deceptiveness
405948733eclecticcomposed of elements drawn from diverse sources
405948734egotismexcessive self-importance; conceit
405948735elatedoverjoyed; in high spirits
405948736elegypoem or song expressing grief
405948737elusivehard to grasp
405948738embellishadorn; ornament; add fictitious detail
405948740endorseapprove; support
405948741enmityill will; hatred
405948742ephemeralshort-lived; fleeting
405948743equivocalunclear in meaning; intentionally misleading
405948745eulogyexpression of praise, usually for funerals
405948746evanescentfleeting; vanishing (like ephemeral)
405948747exaltraise in rank or dignity; praise
405948748executeput into effect, carry out
405948749exemplaryserving as a model; outstanding
405948750exemplifyserve as an example of
405948751exhaustivethorough; comprehensive
405948752explicittotally clear; definite
405948753extolpraise; glorify
405948754extricatefree; disentangle
405948755exuberancejoyful enthusiasm; overflowing abundance
405948756facilitateto help bring about; make less difficult
405948757fallowplowed but not sowed; uncultivated
405948759fanaticismextreme devotion to a belief or cause
405948760fastidiousdifficult to please; very careful
405948762flagrantconspicuously wicked; blatant; outrageous
405948763furtivesneaky; secretive
405948764garruloustalkative; wordy
405948765glacialvery slowly; like a glacier; extremely cold
405948766gluttonsomeone who eats and drinks excessively
405948768guiledeceit; wiliness; cunning
405948769gullibleeasily deceived
405948770hamperobstruct; make more difficult
405948772haughtinesspride; arrogance
405948773hedonistone who believes that please is the sole aim in life
405948774heresyopinion contrary to popular belief
405948775hierarchyarrangement by rank or standing
405948776homogeneouscomposed of identical parts
405948777hyperboleexaggeration; overstatement
405948778hypocriticalpretending to be virtuous; deceiving
405948779iconoclastattacking cherished traditions
405948780ignominydeep disgrace; shame or dishonor
405948781illusorydeceptive; not real
405948783impairinjure; hurt
405948784impeccablefaultless; having no flaws
405948785implementput into effect
405948786impudenceoffensive boldness
405948787inadvertentunintentional; as a result of oversight; careless (by mistake)`
405948788incitearouse to action
405948789inclusivetending to include all
405948790incongruousnot fitting; absurd
405948791inconsequentialinsignificant; unimportant
405948792incorrigiblenot correctable
405948793indifferentunmoved; unconcerned by; mediocre
405948794inducepersuade; bring about
405948795ingeniousclever; resourceful
405948796inherentfirmly established by nature or habit
405948799innovationchange; introduction of something new
405948800instigateprovoke; start; urge
405948801insularitynarrow-mindedness; isolation
405948802integrityuprightness; wholeness
405948805ironicresulting in an unexpected and contrary outcome
405948806jocularsaid or done in jest
405948807lamentgrieve; express sorrow
405948808lavishextravagant; wasteful
405948809lingerloiter or dawdle; continue or persist
405948810listlesslacking in spirit or energy
405948811loftyvery high
405948812meanderwind or turn in its course
405948813mercenaryinterested in money or gain
405948814meticulouspainstaking; excessively careful
405948816mitigatemoderate in intensity
405948817moroseill-humored; sad; gloomy
405948818mosaicpicture made of colorful small inlaid tiles; something that resembles a mosaic
405948819mundaneworldly as opposed to spiritual; everyday; concerned with the commonplace
405948820munificentvery generous
405948821nefariousvery wicked
405948822nonchalanceindifference; lack of concern; composure
405948823notorietyill fame (being known widely and unfavorably)
405948824noveltysomething new; newness
405948825nurturenourish; educate; foster
405948826obliteratedestroy completely
405948827oblivionobscurity; forgetfulness
405948828obscureindistinct; not easily understood
405948829obstinatestubborn; hard to control or treat
405948831opportunistone who sacrifices principles to gain advantage by taking advantage of circumstances
405948832opulenceextreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance
405948833oratorpublic speaker
405948834ornateexcessively or elaborately decorated
405948835pacifistone opposed to force; antimilitarist
405948836parodyhumorous imitation; spoof; takeoff
405948837partisanone-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party
405948839penurysevere poverty; stinginess
405948840peripheralouter; marginal
405948841perpetuatemaking something last; preserve from extinction
405948842phenomenaobservable facts; subjects of scientific investigation
405948843pithyconcise; meaningful; substantial; meaty
405948844placatepacify; lessen the anger of
405948845polemicalaggressive in verbal attack; relating to argument or controversy
405948846ponderousweighty; unwieldy; dull, boring
405948847pretentiouspompous; making unjustified claims; outwardly extravagant
405948848prodigalwasteful; reckless with money
405948849profusionoverabundance; excess
405948850proliferationrapid growth; spread
405948851provinciallimited in outlook; unsophisticated
405948852quagmiresoft wet boggy land; complex or dangerous situation from which it is difficult to free oneself
405948853querulouscomplaining; fretful
405948854quiescencestate of being at rest; temporary inactivity
405948855ramblewander aimlessly
405948856rancorbitterness; hatred
405948857rantspeak in an angry or excited manner; rave
405948858rarefiedlofty; made less dense
405948859ratifyapprove formally; confirm; verify
405948860raucousharsh and shrill; disorderly and boisterous
405948861ravenousextremely hungry
405948862razedestroy completely
405948863recantretract a previous statement; openly confess error
405948864recountnarrate or tell; count over again
405948865rectifyset right; correct
405948866redundantunnecessary; repetitious; excessively wordy
405948867relegatebanish to an inferior position; delegate; assign
405948868remorseguilt; bitter regret
405948869repeldrive away; disgust
405948870reprehensibledeserving blame
405948871repudiatereject strongly as wrong; reject the authority of
405948873reserveself-restraint in expression
405948874resignedaccepting one's fate; unresisting
405948875restraintmoderation or self control; controlling force; restriction
405948876reticenceuncommunicativeness; reserve; inclination to silence
405948877retractwithdraw; take back
405948878rhetoricalpertaining to effective communication; insincere in language; characterized by overly elaborate, pompous language
405948879rigorseverity; strictness
405948880robustvigorous; strong
405948881sageperson celebrated for wisdom
405948882sanctionapprove; ratify
405948883satiricalmocking; characterized by sarcastic wit to attack or expose folly
405948884saturatesoak thoroughly
405948885savorytasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable
405948887scrupulousconscientious; extremely thorough
405948888scrutinizeexamine closely and critically
405948889seclusionisolation; solitude
405948890servileslavish; submissive
405948891sluggishslow; lazy; lacking energy
405948892sombergloomy; depressing; dark; drab
405948893soporificsleep-causing; marked by sleepiness
405948894sporadicoccurring irregularly
405948895stagnantmotionless; stale; dull
405948896stolidshowing little emotion
405948897stridentloud and harsh; insistent
405948898stupefiedmade numb; stunned; amazed
405948899subsidesettle down; descend; grow quiet
405948900superficialconcerned only with the obvious; shallow; near the surface
405948901superfluousunnecessary; excessive; overabundant
405948902surfeitindulge to excess in anything
405948903surreptitiousdone in a secret way; hidden
405948904sycophantself-seeker who tries to gain favor by flattering other people; bootlicker
405948905tantamountequivalent in effect or value
405948906tenacityfirmness; persistence
405948907terrestrialrelated to the earth; pertaining to the land
405948908threadbareworn through till the threads show ; shabby and poor
405948909tiradeextended scolding; long angry speech denouncing something
405948910torporphysical or mental inactivity; sluggishness; dormancy
405948911triflingtrivial; unimportant
405948912truncateshorten; cut the top off
405948913turmoilgreat commotion and confusion
405948914undermineweaken; sap
405948916unwarrantedunjustified; groundless; undeserved
405948917vaporizeturn into vapor
405948918viablepractical or workable; capable of maintaining life
405948919virtuosohighly skilled artist
405948920virulentextremely poisonous; hostile; bitter
405948921whimsicalunpredictable; fanciful
405948922zealotfanatic; person who shows excessive zeal

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