Study for the Bio quiz on Monday!
30471448 | a | not, without | |
30471449 | ab | from, away | |
30471450 | ad | to, toward | |
30471451 | Aero | air | |
30471452 | albi | white | |
30471453 | amyl | starch | |
30471454 | an | not, without | |
30471455 | angio | vessel | |
30471456 | ante | before, in front of | |
30471457 | anti (ant) | against, opposed to | |
30471458 | aqua | water | |
30471459 | ase | designating an enzyme | |
30471460 | auto | self | |
30471461 | bi | two, twice | |
30471462 | bio | life | |
30471463 | blast | sprout, germ, bud | |
30471464 | brady | slow | |
30471465 | calor | heat | |
30471466 | carcin | cancer | |
30471467 | cardi | heart | |
30471468 | carn | meat | |
30471469 | carp | fruit | |
30471470 | cephalus | head | |
30471471 | cerebr | brain | |
30471472 | chlor | green | |
30471473 | chrom | color | |
30471474 | cid, cis | cut, kill, fall | |
30471475 | co | with, together | |
30471476 | corpus | body | |
30471477 | cyst | bladder | |
30471478 | cyte, cyto | cell | |
30471479 | dermic | skin | |
30471480 | di | two, double | |
30471481 | dia | through, between, across | |
30471482 | dys | bad, abnormal, difficult | |
30471483 | ectomy | cut out | |
30471484 | em, en, endo | in, into | |
30471485 | exo | out, away from | |
30471486 | emia | blood | |
30471487 | epi | upon, above, over | |
30471488 | erythro | red | |
30471489 | fract | to break | |
30471490 | gastro | stomach | |
30471491 | gene | to produce, to begin, origin | |
30471492 | glyc | glucose, sugar | |
30471493 | gnosis | knowledge, to know | |
30471494 | graph | to write | |
30471495 | hem | blood | |
30471496 | hemi | half | |
30471497 | hetero | different, other | |
30471498 | homo | alike, same | |
30471499 | hydr | water | |
30471500 | hyper | over, more than | |
30471501 | hypo | under, less than | |
30471502 | inter | between, together | |
30471503 | intra | within, inside | |
30471504 | itis | inflammation | |
30471505 | kin | to move or activate | |
30471506 | lact | milk | |
30471507 | leuco, leuko | white | |
30471508 | logy | science, knowledge | |
30471509 | lymph, lympho | lymph | |
30471510 | lyst, lysis, lytic | dissolve, destroy | |
30471511 | macro | large | |
30471512 | meso | middle | |
30471513 | meter | measure | |
30471514 | micro | small | |
30471515 | mono | one, single | |
30471516 | myo | muscle | |
30471517 | neur | relating to nerves | |
30471518 | nephr | kidneys | |
30471519 | ole | small | |
30471520 | oma | swelling, tumor | |
30471521 | onco | mass, bulk | |
30471522 | oo | egg | |
30471523 | opia, opt | sight, eye | |
30471524 | osis | condition or process | |
30471525 | os, oste, osteo | bone | |
30471526 | ovi | egg | |
30471527 | par, para | near, by, beside | |
30471528 | patho | disease, suffering | |
30471529 | peri | around, near | |
30471530 | phago | to eat | |
30471531 | phil | loving | |
30471532 | phobic | dislike, hating | |
30471533 | plasm | substance | |
30471534 | platy | broad | |
30471535 | pnea | breathing | |
30471536 | pneumo | air, lungs | |
30471537 | ped, pod | foot | |
30471538 | poly | many | |
30471539 | post | after, behind | |
30471540 | pro | before, giving rise to | |
30471541 | pseudo | false | |
30471542 | psycho | mind | |
30471543 | pulmo | lung | |
30471544 | renal | kidney | |
30471545 | rrhea | flow | |
30471546 | sarco | flesh, muscle | |
30471547 | scribe, script | write | |
30471548 | soma, some | body | |
30471549 | stat, stasis | standing, placed | |
30471550 | stoma | mouth | |
30471551 | super | upper | |
30471552 | supra | upon | |
30471553 | telo | end | |
30471554 | trans | across | |
30471555 | tome, tomy | to cut | |
30471556 | toxi, toxo | poison | |
30471557 | trophic | feeding | |
30471558 | ule | small | |
30471559 | uria | pertains to urine | |
30471560 | vaso | pertains to blood vessel | |
30471561 | ventr | belly, underside | |
30471562 | zo | animal |