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BOB vocabulary 3-4

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(+abl) out from, from, according to
do, make, perforn, grant, offer, suppose
(f) Rumor, report, fame, reputation
(n) fate, destiny, doom, oracle
bear, endure, carry,wear, report, say, carry off, plunder, extol, tend, grant, offer
(n) iron, sword, weapon, tool
tired, weary, feeble, worn
(m) end, limit, border, country, territory, goal, starting-place
(f) flame, fire, torch, love
(m) wave, tide, flood, sea
speak, say, tell, utter
(future infinitive of SUM: used for fut.subj.)
(f) chance, fortune, hap, luck
(f) fortune, chance, luck
(f) flight, escape, haste, exile, speed
flee (from), escape, shun, avoid
pour out, shed, lay low, slay, rout, extend
rage, rave, be mad/frantic
future, destined to be, impending, about to be
twin, double, two
(m) begetter, father, sire
(f) clan, race, family, nation, herd
(n) birth, origin, race, descendant, kind, family
have, hold, consider
not, by no means, hot at all
alas! ah! ah me!
here, there, thereupon
this, that, he, she it
from this place, hence thence
(m) honor, glory, reward, offering, sacrifice, charm, grace
to this place, hither, here
same, the same (declined internally)
(m) fire, flame, light, lightning, star, passion, love, fury, wrath
that (famous), he, she, it
huge,monstrous, enormous, mighty, dreadful, cruel, atrocious
(n) command, power, dominion, rule, sway, mastery, control, realm
lowest, farthest below
in, on,in the case of, among, into, against, until, toward
unfortunate, accursed, unhappy,ill-omened, unlucky, wretched
low, under, underneath
enormous, mighty, huge
between, among, during (+acc)
himself, herself, itself, very
(f) wrath, anger, rage, passion
he, she, it, this that
(f) Italy
now, already, finally, at once
command, order, bid, enjoin, urge
(f) Juno/Hera
(m) Jupiter, Jove, Zeus
slip, slide, glide, descend, fail, faint, fall, perish, flow
(m) labor, hardship, suffering, task
(f) tear, compassion
happy, fertile, fat, sleek
(n) threshold, doorway, entrance, abode, shrine, palace
(n) shore, strand, coast, beach
(m) place, region, condition, situation, opportunity
(n.pl) place, region
long, wide, distant
(n) light, lamp, eye, life
(f) light, sun, day, life, glory
great, large, huge, vast, noble, illustrious, mighty, important
(comparative of magnus)
remain, abide, stay, linger, await
(f) hand, band, troop, deed
(n) sea, ocean

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