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Brinkley Chapter 13 Flashcards

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5468323673Abraham LincolnRepublican president elected in 1860, prompting the secession of South Carolina0
5468332688Stephen A. DouglasSenator who designed the Kansas-Nebraska Act1
5468336345Compromise of 18505 bills passed by the US Congress, including: 1. California admitted as a free state 2. No slave restrictions in Utah or New Mexico 3. Compensation to Texas for New Mexico lands 4. Slavery allowed in nation's capitol but slave trade abolished 5. Fugitive Slave Law passed in the whole country2
5468356626James K. PolkDemocrat president who was president during the Mexican-American War3
5468368672Dred Scott DecisionSupreme Court decision that slaves born in the South who then moved to the North (where slavery was abolished) were not free persons4
5468374988John Brown/Harper's FerryThis white abolitionist led a raid on a military arsenal in an effort to inspire a mass slave uprising (which never happened)5
5468384714Election of 1860Highly contested election resulted in Abraham Lincoln becoming president6
5468387965Texas AnnexationTexas was admitted to the Union in 18457
5468394132Kansas-Nebraska ActPassed by Congress in 1854, this allowed for popular sovereignty in Kansas and Nebraska to decide the issue of slavery8
5468400825Gold RushMass migration of mostly single men to the west coast in an effort to find gold9
5468403458Manifest DestinyThe belief that the US' fate is to take over the entire North American continent10
5468408856Transcontinental RailroadMassive engineering feat in which a continuous railroad line extended from the west coast to the east coast11
5468417553Free-Soil PartyPolitical party that ran on the sole platform of preventing slavery from being allowed in new territories (but not abolishing it in the territories where it already existed)12
5468429856Treaty of Guadalupe-HidalgoEnded the Mexican-American war, and gave valuable territory to the United States from Mexico. (Think Jimmy Fallon)13
5468446424Wilmot ProvisoA failed proposal to prohibit slavery from territory received as a result of the Mexican-American War14
5468458203Gadsden PurchaseLand purchased in 1853, including southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico15
5468465595Oregon TrailPopular video game in the 1990s. More importantly, was a popular trail for settlers to take from Independence, Missouri, to the Pacific Northwest16
5468478779Popular SovereigntyWhen the general public opinion is able to establish their own laws17
5468480806Zachary TaylorWhig president following Polk, he was elected because of his success in the Mexican-American Party18

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