sports jargon vocab list
18803480 | alpinismo | mountaineering | |
18803481 | atletismo | track & field | |
18803482 | baloncesto | basketball | |
18803483 | béisbol | baseball | |
18803484 | boliche | bowling | |
18803485 | boxeo | boxing | |
18803486 | carrera a campo traviesa | crosscountry | |
18803487 | carrera de coches | car race | |
18803488 | clavado | diving | |
18803489 | culturismo | bodybuilding | |
18803490 | decatlón | decathalon | |
18803491 | equitación | horseback riding | |
18803492 | esquí | skiing | |
18803493 | esquí acuático | water skiing | |
18803494 | fútbol | soccer | |
18803495 | fútbol norteamericano | football | |
18803496 | gimnasia | gymnastics | |
18803497 | golf | golf | |
18803498 | hockey sobre hielo | ice hockey | |
18803499 | natación | swimming | |
18803500 | patinaje artístico | figure skating | |
18803501 | patinaje sobre hielo | ice skating | |
18803502 | regata | sailing competition | |
18803503 | remo | oar | |
18803504 | raqueta | racket | |
18803505 | salto de altura | high jump | |
18803506 | salto de longitud | long jump | |
18803507 | tenis | tennis | |
18803508 | vólibol | volleyball | |
18803509 | árbitro | referee, umpire | |
18803510 | balón | ball (big, inflated) | |
18803511 | campeonato | championship | |
18803512 | campo | field | |
18803513 | cancha | court | |
18803514 | canoa | canoe | |
18803515 | coche de carrera | race car | |
18803516 | competencia | competition | |
18803517 | duelo | duel | |
18803518 | entrenador | coach, trainer | |
18803519 | estilo libre | freestyle | |
18803520 | gol | goal | |
18803521 | guante | glove | |
18803522 | hipódromo | horse racetrack | |
18803523 | jinete | jockey, rider | |
18803524 | juegos olímpicos | olympic games | |
18803525 | juez de línea | lineman | |
18803526 | jugador | player | |
18803527 | lanzamiento | throw, pitch | |
18803528 | maratón | marathon | |
18803529 | monopatín | skateboard | |
18803530 | palo | bat, stick | |
18803531 | patada | kick | |
18803532 | patines | skates | |
18803533 | pelota | ball (generic) | |
18803534 | piscina | pool | |
18803535 | pista | track | |
18803536 | portero | goalie | |
18803537 | reñido | hard-fought, tough, close | |
18803538 | temporada | sports season | |
18803539 | torneo | tournament | |
18803540 | trineo | sled | |
18803541 | velero | sailboat | |
18803542 | velódromo | bicycle arena | |
18803543 | bucear | to snorkel | |
18803544 | surfear | to surf | |
18803545 | derrotar | to defeat | |
18803546 | emocionarse | to get excited | |
18803547 | entrenarse | to train | |
18803548 | lanzar | to throw, pitch | |
18803549 | levantar pesas | to lift weights | |
18803550 | marcar un gol | to score a goal | |
18803551 | navegar | to sail | |
18803552 | pegar | to hit | |
18803553 | remar | to row | |
18803554 | sudar | to sweat |