Soil and Plant Nutrition
1200543915 | humus | partially decomposed organic matter | 1 | |
1200543916 | topsoil | Mixture of humus, clay, and other minerals that forms the crumbly, topmost layer of soil. | 2 | |
1200543917 | soil horizons | horizontal layers that reveal a soil's history, characteristics, and usefulness | 3 | |
1200543918 | loams | Soils containing a mixture of clay, sand, silt, and humus. Good for growing most crops. | 4 | |
1200543919 | cation exchange | A process in which positively charged minerals are made available to a plant when hydrogen ions in the soil displace mineral ions from the clay particles. | 5 | |
1200543920 | sustainable agriculture | Farming methods that preserve long-term productivity of land and minimize pollution, typically by rotating soil- restoring crops with cash crops and reducing in-puts of fertilizer and pesticides. | 6 | |
1200543921 | fertilization | the addition of minerals to soil | 7 | |
1200543922 | no-till agriculture | growth of crops without plowing the soil to prevent erosion and loss of nutrients | 8 | |
1200543923 | Contour tillage | a way of planting that is creates a spiral instead of rows | 9 | |
1200543924 | Phytoremediation | A method employed to clean up a hazardous waste site that uses plants to absorb and accumulate toxic materials | 10 | |
1200543925 | essential element | In plants, a chemical element that is required for the plant to grow from a seed and complete the life cycle, producing another generation of seeds. | 11 | |
1200543926 | hydroponic culture | A method in which plants are grown without soil by using mineral solutions. | 12 | |
1200543927 | macronutrients | nutrients required in large amounts | 13 | |
1200543928 | micronutrients | Nutrients required in small or trace amounts. Some examples are phosphorus, sulfur, and potassium. | 14 | |
1200543929 | nitrogen cycle | the transfer of nitrogen from the atmosphere to the soil, to living organisms, and back to the atmosphere | 15 | |
1200543930 | Rhizobacteria | soil bacteria with especially large populations in the rhizosphere | 16 | |
1200543931 | rhizosphere | The soil region close to plant roots and characterized by a high level of microbiological activity. | 17 | |
1200543932 | bacteroids | A form of rhizobium contained within the vesicles formed by the root cells of a root nodule. | 18 | |
1200543933 | nitrogen fixation | process by which certain bacteria convert nitrogen gas to ammonia | 19 | |
1200543934 | crop rotation | the system of growing a different crop in a field each year to preserve the fertility of the land | 20 | |
1200543935 | Mycorrhizae | symbiotic relationships between fungal hyphae and plant roots | 21 | |
1200543936 | arbuscular mycorrhizae | A distinct type of endomycorrhiza formed by glomeromycete fungi, in which the tips of the fungal hyphae that invade the plant roots branch into tiny treelike structures called arbuscles. | 22 | |
1200543937 | ectomycorrhizae | A type of mycorrhizae in which the mycelium forms a dense sheath, or mantle, over the surface of the root. Hyphae extend from the mantle into the soil, greatly increasing the surface area for water and mineral absorption. | 23 | |
1200543938 | epiphyte | plant that derives moisture and nutrients from the air and rain, Plant that is not rooted in soil but instead grows directly on the body of another plant | 24 |