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Campbell - Chapter 29: Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land Flashcards

How did plants colonize land? Find out the answer to this and many more questions in this stunning 2-part series.

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1003757020thin coatings of these organisms existed on land about 1.2 billion years agocyanobacteria1
1003757021cyanobacteria first appeared on earth approximately this many bya1.22
1003757022within the last ___ million years, small plants as well as animals and fungi joined cyanobacteria ashore5003
1003757023about this many mya, some plants grew much taller, forming forests3704
1003757024green algae called these are the closest relatives of land plantscharophytes5
1003757025these are the four characteristics that charophytes share with land plants: rosette-shaped cellulose-synthesizing complexes, peroxisome enzymes, flagellated sperm, and ___phragmoplasts6
1003757026these are the four characteristics that charophytes share with land plants: rosette-shaped cellulose-synthesizing complexes, peroxisome enzymes, ___, and phragmoplastsflagellated sperm7
1003757027these are the four characteristics that charophytes share with land plants: rosette-shaped cellulose-synthesizing complexes, ___, flagellated sperm, and phragmoplastsperoxisome enzymes8
1003757028these are the four characteristics that charophytes share with land plants: ___, peroxisome enzymes, flagellated sperm, and phragmoplastsrosette-shaped cellulose-synthesizing complexes9
1003757029the rosette-shaped complexes in the plasma membranes of charophytes and land plants synthesize cellulose ___microfibrils10
1003757030noncharophyte algae have ___ arrays of cellulose-synthesizing protein complexeslinear11
1003757031these organelles in land plants and charophytes contain enzymes that help minimize the loss of organic products as a result of photorespirationperoxisomes12
1003757032peroxisomes in land plants and charophytes contain enzymes that help minimize the loss of organic products as a result of this processphotorespiration13
1003757033this is a group of microtubules that forms between the daughter nuclei of a dividing cellphragmoplast14
1003757034this develops in the middle of the phragmoplast across the midline of the dividing cellcell plate15
1003757035the cell plate develops in the middle of this structurephragmoplast16
1003757036the cell plate gives rise to a new ___ that separates the daughter cellscross wall17
1003757037these two genera are the closest living relatives of land plantsChara, Coleochaete18
1004347154this is a layer of durable polymer that prevents exposed zygotes from drying outsporopollenin19
1004347155many biologists equate the kingdom Plantae with theseembryophytes20
1004347156this is the formal name of the taxon of plants that have embryosPlantae21
1004347157chlorophytes, charophytes, and embryophytes all exist within this kingdomViridiplantae22
1004347158Viridiplantae is composed of these three types of "plants"Chlorophytes, Charophytes, Embryophytes23
1004347159Charophytes and Embryophytes make up this kingdomStreptophyta24
1004347160Streptophyta consists of these two types of "plants"Charophytes, Embryophytes25
1004347161the four derived traits of land plants are alternation of generations, walled spores produced in sporangia, multicellular gametangia, and ___apical meristems26
1004347162the four derived traits of land plants are alternation of generations, walled spores produced in sporangia, ___, and apical meristemsmulticellular gametangia27
1004347163the four derived traits of land plants are alternation of generations, ___, multicellular gametangia, and apical meristemswalled spores produced in sporangia28
1004347164the four derived traits of land plants are ___, walled spores produced in sporangia, multicellular gametangia, and apical meristemsalternation of generations29
1004347165these are the two generations of multicellular land plantsgametophytes, sporophytes30
1004347166does alternation of generations occur in some algae? does it occur in charophytes? (separate answers by "and")yes and no31
1004347167this is the haploid land plant generationgametophyte32
1004347168this is the diploid land plant generationsporophyte33
1004347169the gametophyte produces gametes through ___mitosis34
1004347170the sporophyte produces spores through ___meiosis35
1004347171these are reproductive cells that can develop into a new haploid organism without fusing with another cell, in land plantsspores36
1004347172in seed plants, the ___ are microscopicgametophytes37
1004347173this process unites gametes, forming the sporophytefertilization38
1004347174plant embryos have these cells, which enhance the transfer of nutrients from parent to embryoplacental transfer (cells)39
1004347175these are sometimes present in maternal tissue adjacent to a plant embryoplacental transfer cells40
1004347176the sporophyte has these organs that produce the sporessporangia41
1004347177within a sporanguim, these undergo meiosis and generate the haploid sporessporocytes42
1004347178sporocytes are ___loiddip43
1004347179the production of gametes occurs within these multicellular organsgametangia44
1004347180the female gametangia are called thesearchegonia45
1004347181the male gametangia are called theseantheridia46
1004347182these are localized regions of cell division at the tips of shoots and rootsapical meristems47
1004347183this structure, produced at apical meristems, protects the body of the plantouter epidermis48
1004347184leaves are generated by these in most plantsshoot apical meristems49
1004347185the epidermis of land plants has this covering, which consists of polyester and wax polymerscuticle50
1004347186these two polymers make up the cuticlepolyester, wax51
1004347187this structure acts as waterproofing and microbial protection in land plantscuticle52
1004347188without roots, plants formed symbiotic associations with fungi called thesemycorrhizae53
1004347189land plants produce these molecules that are the product of secondary metabolic pathwayssecondary compounds54
1004347190examples of these include alkaloids, terpenes, tannins, and phenolics such as flavonoidssecondary compounds55
1004347191these three secondary compound classes help defend against herbivores and parasitesalkaloids, terpenes, tannins56
1004347192these are examples of a phenolicflavonoids57
1004347193flavonoids are this type of compoundphenolic58
1004347194these phenolics absorb harmful UV radiationflavonoids59
1004347195fossil spores have been found belonging to this geologic periodOrdovician (period)60
1004347196___ is cells joined into tubes that transport water and nutrients throughout the plant bodyvascular tissue61
1004347197most plants have a complex vascular tissue system and therefore are called thesevascular plants62
1004347198these are the three types of plants that do not have an extensive transport systemliverworts, hornworts, mosses63
1004347199nonvascular plants are informally called thesebryophytes64
1004347200bryophytes lack roots and ___true leaves65
1004347201bryophytes lack ___ and true leavesroots66
1004347202club mosses and their relatives make up this group of plants (common name)lycophytes67
1004347203ferns and their relatives make up this group of plants (common name)pterophytes68
1004347204the seedless vascular plants consist of these two types of plantslycophytes, pterophytes69
1004347205the lycophytes and pterophytes are these types of plantsseedless vascular (plants)70
1004347206this is an embryo packaged with a supply of nutrients inside a protective coatseed71
1004347207the seeds in these plants are not enclosed in chambersgymnosperms72
1004347208all the flowering plants are in this cladeangiosperms73
1004347209nearly 90% of living plants are theseangiosperms74
1004347210these are the three phyla of bryophytesHepatophyta, Anthocerophyta, Bryophyta75
1004347211Hepatophyta includes these plantsliverworts76
1004347212liverworts are in this phylumHepatophyta77
1004347213Anthocerophyta includes these plantshornworts78
1004347214hornworts are in this phylumAnthocerophyta79
1004347215Bryophyta includes these plantsmosses80
1004347216mosses are in this phylumBryophyta81
1004347217the dominant stage of the life cycle of the bryophyte phyla is thisgametophyte82
1004347218these are a mass of green, branched, one-cell-thick filaments that develop from spores in bryophytesprotonemata83
1004347219protonemata in bryophytes produce one or more of these structures, in favorable conditions"buds"84
1004347220"buds" are formed from these structures in bryophytesprotonemata85
1004347221this is a gamete-producing structure in bryophytes, arising from "buds"gametophore86
1004347222the two components of the body of a moss gametophyte are a protonema and one or more ___gametophores87
1004347223the two components of the body of a moss gametophyte are a ___ and one or more gametophoresprotonema88
1004347224these are long, tubular single cells or filaments of cells that anchor gametophytes in bryophytesrhizoids89
1004347225rhizoids are long, tubular, single cells in these bryophytesliverworts, hornworts90
1004347226rhizoids are filaments of cells in these bryophytesmosses91
1004347227some mosses reproduce asexually by forming these, small plantlets that detach from the parent plant and grow into clonesbrood bodies92
1004347228a typical bryophyte sporophyte consists of a foot, a seta, and a ___sporangium93
1004347229a typical bryophyte sporophyte consists of a foot, a ___, and a sporangiumseta94
1004347230a typical bryophyte sporophyte consists of a ___, a seta, and a sporangiumfoot95
1004347231this sporophyte part absorbs nutrients from the gametophyte, in bryophytesfoot96
1004347232this conducts materials obtained by the foot to the sporangium in sporophyte bryophytesseta97
1004347233the sporangium is also called this, in bryophytescapsule98
1004347234the seta brings nutrients to this sporophyte part in bryophytessporangium99
1004347235this is a ring of interlocking, tooth-like structures in bryophytesperistome100
1004347236the peristome is situated on this bryophyte sporophyte structurecapsule101
1004347237peristome teeth open under ___ conditions and close under ___ conditionsdry, moist102
1004347238liverworts do not have these, but mosses and hornworts dostomata103
1004347239these are pores that support photosynthesis by allowing gas exchange between atmosphere and sporophyte interiorstomata104
1004347240these are the main avenues by which water evaporates from the sporophytestomata105
1004347241some liverworts are described as this, because their gametophytes have a flattened shapethalloid106
1004347242some liverworts are called this, because their stemlike gametophytes have many leaflike appendagesleafy107
1004347243these are the two main adjectives to describe various liverwortsleafy, thalloid108
1004347244are there more leafy liverworts or thalloid liverworts?leafy (liverworts)109
1004347245the sporophyte in this phylum is microscopicHepatophyta110
1004347246mosses help retain this nutrient in the soilnitrogen111
1004347247this genus is called peat mossSphagnum112
1004347248Sphagnum is a genus of this type of plantpeat moss113
1004347249Sphagnum forms extensive deposits of partially decayed organic material known as thispeat114
1004347250these compounds keep Sphagnum from decaying readilyphenolic (compounds)115
1004347251lycophytes, ferns, and other seedless vascular plants had well-developed vascular systems by this geologic periodDevonian (period)116
1004347252vascular plants have these derived traits: life cycles with dominant sporophytes, transport in vascular tissues called xylem and phloem, well-developed roots, and leaves with ___sporophylls117
1004347253vascular plants have these derived traits: life cycles with dominant sporophytes, transport in vascular tissues called xylem and phloem, well-developed ___, and leaves with sporophyllsroots118
1004347254vascular plants have these derived traits: life cycles with dominant sporophytes, transport in vascular tissues called ___, well-developed roots, and leaves with sporophyllsxylem and phloem119
1004347255vascular plants have these derived traits: life cycles with dominant ___, transport in vascular tissues called xylem and phloem, well-developed roots, and leaves with sporophyllssporophytes120
1004347256among living vascular plants, this is the larger and more complex plant in the alternation of generationssporophyte121
1004347257on the underside of a vascular plant's sporophyte's reproductive leaves are spots called thesesori122
1004347258each one of these is a cluster of sporangia in a vascular sporophyte plantsorus123
1004347259each sorus in a vascular sporophyte plant is a cluster of thesesporangia124
1004347260the gametophyte in vascular plants is ___ but still reproduces using cross-reproduction most commonlybisexual125
1004347261this conducts most of the water and minerals in a vascular plantxylem126
1004347262the xylem of most vascular plants include these tube-shaped cells that carry water and minerals up the rootstracheids127
1004347263tracheids are found in this tissue, in vascular plantsxylem128
1004347264vascular plants are sometimes referred to as these, based on the cell type that they have that nonvascular plants do not havetracheophytes129
1004347265the water-conducting cells in vascular plants are strengthened by this phenolic polymerlignin130
1004347266lignin is a ___ polymerphenolic131
1004347267lignin strengthens these cellstracheids132
1004347268this tissue has cells arranged into tubes that distribute sugars, amino acids, and other organic productsphloem133
1004347269the first forests formed during this geologic periodDevonian (period)134
1004347270these are organs that absorb water and nutrients from the soilroots135
1004347271these anchor vascular plants, hence allowing the shoot system to grow tallerroots136
1004347272these tissues in living plants closely resemble stem tissues of early vascular plants in fossilsroot(s)137
1004347273these increase the surface area of the plant body and serve as the primary photosynthetic organ of vascular plantsleaves138
1004347274leaves can be classified as one of these two types, based on complexitymicrophylls, megaphylls139
1004347275lycophytes have ___phyllsmicro140
1004347276microphyll leaves are in this type of plantlycophyte(s)141
1004347277most vascular plants have ___phyllsmega142
1004347278leaves originated during this periodDevonian (period)143
1004347279microphylls originated from ___ located on the sides of stemssporangia144
1004347280it is called this when a branch grows above all other branches; this type of growth may have led to megaphyllsovertopping (growth)145
1004347281these are modified leaves that bear sporangiasporophylls146
1004347282sori grow on the underside of a fern's ___sporophylls147
1004347283in lycophytes and gymnosperms, sporophylls form cone-like ___strobili148
1004347284strobili are made up of these, in lycophytes and gymnospermssporophylls149
1004347285most seedless tracheophytes are ___sporoushomo150
1004347286these species have one type of sporangium that produces one type of spore that develops into a bisexual gametophytehomosporous151
1004347287these species have two types of sporangia and produce two types of sporesheterosporous152
1004347288these develop into female gametophytes in seedless vascular heterosporous plantsmegaspores153
1004347289these develop into male gametophytes in seedless vascular heterosporous plantsmicrospores154
1004347290all seed plants and some tracheophytes are ___sporoushetero155
1004347291these are the two phyla that are seedless vascular plantsLycophyta, Pterophyta156
1004347292club mosses, spike mosses, and quillworts are in this phylumLycophyta157
1004347293Lycophyta consists of these three types of plantclub mosses, spike mosses, quillworts158
1004347294Pterophyta consists of these three types of plantferns, horsetails, whisk ferns159
1004347295ferns, horsetails, and whisk ferns are in this phylumPterophyta160
1004347296Pterophyta was formerly these three phylaPterophyta, Sphenophyta, Psilophyta161
1004347297Sphenophyta formerly consisted of these plantshorsetails162
1004347298horsetails were formerly in this phylumSphenophyta163
1004347299Psilophyta formerly consisted of these plantswhisk ferns164
1004347300whisk ferns were formerly in this phylumPsilophyta165
1004347301by this period, there were two main evolutionary lineages of lycophytesCarboniferous (period)166
1004347302giant tree lycophytes went extinct by the end of this periodCarboniferous (period)167
1004347303pterophytes are most diverse in these regions, but do exist in other regions tootropic(al regions)168
1004347304this is the genus of horsetailsEquisetum169
1004347305Equisetum is the genus of these pterophyteshorsetails170
1004347306whisk ferns are in this genusPsilotum171
1004347307Psilotum is the genus of these pterophyteswhisk ferns172
1004347308Psilotum and Tmesipteris are tropical ___epiphytes173
1004347309these two genera are commonly referred to as living fossils, since they resemble ancient relatives of living vascular plantsPsilotum, Tmesipteris174
1004347310these are plants that use other plants as a substrate but are not parasitesepiphytes175
1004347311the sporophytes of ferns typically have horizontal stems that give rise to these large leavesfronds176
1004347312fronds are often divided into theseleaflets177
1004347313one of these grows as its curled tip, a fiddlehead, unfurlsfrond(s)178
1004347314these are the curled tips of fronds, in fernsfiddleheads179
1004347315almost all ferns are ___sporoushomo180
1004347316horsetails have separate stems, called thesefertile, vegetative181
1004347317horsetails are ___sporoushomo182
1004347318horsetails are also called these because their stems have jointsarthrophytes183
1004347319arthrophytes are commonly called thesehorsetails184
1004347320each yellow knob on a whisk fern is composed of three fused ___sporangia185
1004347321whisk ferns are ___sporoushomo186

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